The Tribune from San Luis Obispo, California (2024)

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San Luis Obispo, California

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fT-a PACE TWELVE SAN LUIS OBISPO (CALIFORNIA) A I A I A OCTOBER 2 8 19 3 2 The Busted Bubble By Hill Billy (Hill Hllly'z views in Ids ortlclrs sro tils own They Uo not lieix-aurily eolml'l wllli tliOM Of this ElUTOll) Letters to the Editor loiters from readers wlirbc printed In this column excepting that nothing bearing upon religious political or fuclloiiul mutter will is printed and all personal rcfercni-es of an unpleasant nature will Is eliminated The editor reserves tlie right to condense letters Phi lung' All letter must be signed but names will imi be printed If that request is made Address your roniinuuirnliou to tlie editor lYlcgram-Trlbtine building Kau Luis lihixpn Daily Telegram ImiuihI Every Ariemoon Kxrepl Sundays and Ofbrr IbuI Holiday SCRIPPS-CANFIELD LEAGUE OF NEWSPAPERS ut 1210 Jiorrn St Sun liils Olilsim liy Ti'lcgrum-Trlbuiif Cji (' l(iMluirH prraiilinr mill entered hh nd-i-lu mutter ut lli Mini Luis OIiIkimi fnllf under uct of Mu nil 1HT! Siilisci-lpilini iirito lit? year In ml-vuius Sixty wins a mouili delivered liy curriers Ciliiniii Xlinill lluthiuun Niilloniil Ad vert I sin Suii Fran-clra Health' Cldraito New Yurk Hosiuii lH'lroit Kuxion llruilfonl MunuKin Editor llulph A Nlit-llon Advert Ixinu Muiiuger there couhl have been no depression It Is hurd tu pick a senteuco from tlm Issik tint here Is on you might chew on: own esertluus in a war we would have Imeu much better off to stay out of cost us $28-OOtMJtNMMNi Tin'll In addllluii we hutned out of the United Ktstes treasury mure than glUtNlUOOUWto to our ouu associate After this cuum Hie prlvulo loans all from Individual aud mostly small depositor of half a dozen billion dollars more more Hum a fifth our lutiil national wealth gone from tho country III less Inin 15 years'' Aud IL Is NOT COMING BACK! (jet tlm noiion out of your bead that Ihe bunkers iot this money YOU lost it A lmiikcr never Ids: anything bin Dm oilier fellow's cash I lie result of the oilier self-biicrlflce and hard productive labor Better read Unit Issik It might be worth nmre than $1 liberty through all th land" -Tlie Liberty lk-11 It Is a weird thing for a news-laipcr writer In entertain sense duty indeed sense of projia-Kiiiula That is douhrlos why 1 have laid ihe sort of pay cliis'k I have had but golly tin- fun I've had bitting hemls and slicking plus In imlitk-ul balloons I consider It my Joli tu read tin-uliliig lliut will enable me to understand wlmt it 1 all about aud then to tell ymi inn in 1 1 lpjr 1 iiill uiilv Cin whllt cover or where you ran discover 'for yourself If you ran read plain print or care to bend tlie old Imun Tim most JiiqKirtHiit 1wxk for tin: Auicrlcuu voter to read till day week month year or ever Is "A Bubble Tluit Broke tlie hy Gnret Garrett The fellow kuows wliat Im Is talking about He gives facts anil he writes of all tlm International imBib-hl and money mess so Unit uuyoim ran get the fuudauienlul and eteruul underlying principles of foreign Iiniiin foreign bisals Wall Hlri-ot ernslies fake prossrlty pyramids wheat Ixmrd sluliillxiiiion blah riH-oiislriie-iloii eoriiuratlon Dunkinn reparation bologna When you read Gar-reti's lliile terse hook you any nsro lm fooled liy Dawes Atellon any Morgan pupimt you will sec through the entire scheme Tlie book should ls bad from any bookstore It sells for $1 Had the Issik lieon pntdlSheil and understood by tlm issqde of this lm I toil there would have' lieen no depression as long a I ran recoiled were doves so thine as this season and quail are plentiful In tlie hills a 1 well found our thl doer srasun My friend suggest new law to lx enacted and enforced isuiijn-II-ing every land owner to rid hi premises of squirrels I)o you know what It would cost the emiuly to enforce such a law? cheaper to let tlm county poImoii tlm squirrel A eiuitimiouM warfare iqsiu tlds imst I ihhsIi! by our eoiinly uiirll Air Squirrel Is a thing of the pud uud a few more good years of squir-iel cradlealiou will pul litm there Yours for less squirrels und mure game WILL ERICKSON POLITICAL WRECKAGE The theory of democracy as set forth by thinkers of the eighteenth century was based on a conception of rule for the benefit bf those The 1 932 theory of democracy as advanced by enlightened members of congress and other big-time politicians is based on the quantity of vote to be delivered this second theory the country best mind Acting on (H IJ 1IKAVB THAT FILL 71m world's m-ord fur throwing it laiKclmll Is lu-ld by Klieldou lm-June He threw tlie lutll more than 4M feet while playing with J'vanv ville ind in ItHU DISCOUNT UNTIL OCT 31 ON they are aometimes jokingly called have decided that the Span ish-American war' pensions must go A strong movement on foot in the corridors of Washington points toward that end-r" Not' because the pension system is to be abandoned out because economies must be made and the ranks of Spanish American war veterans have dwindled to the point where they do not represent a large block of votes That is a bald statement to make and it may come as a dash of cold water to those few of us who still cherish illusions about government for the people by the etc There can be no other explanation Soon after the Spanish American war when veterans and their families were a strong political factor there was a frantic rush to care for coun perhaps for sentimental reasons The same thing happens after every wars It is happening now in relation to veterans of the World War But when time takes its toll of votes and the survivors face reel need because cf advanced age economic conditions and other factors the old soldiers muster enough votes to protect their last years frem the sufferings of want Those men who have rushed eagerly to battle for their coun try will die with a bitter taste in their mouths if they are cut adrift when their strength has waned Overwhelming sentiment the number of communities af fected plus the strong A and allied organizations saved Civil Way veterans and their widows from a similar fate What will save the Spanish -American war veterans whose heroic blood was spilled in those Quixotic adventures on San Juan hill and the jungles of Mindanao whose bodies were wasted by malarial fevers of the Cuban lowlands) Howdy folks! Dr- 8liaw New York imiversHy professor asks: Americans besoming like insects?" Well we know several ro- fesson wlio arc half bug ran learn the art labor" says Dr Khnw "but It is the rare mind tliht can learn tho are of What a rare mind our office boy must have o' APPROVEH WJUIREIj WORK EDITOR DAILY TELEGRAM In yesterday's jsis-r MHKared idler deploring the use of fOUiO addllliHinl funds to continue flm marly victorious squirrel drive Now in my estlniatioii this iierson must I mve never hud any flm: grain oi iiliiiond crops destroyed by eqtijr-reis or they wouldn't object to the squirrel committee's honest endeavor to rid our county of thin terrible pest If this aildiilonul $dno0 Is honestly mid well HjMnt It would prove of great value to the fu raters No doiilit the Mpilmd committee ln-ttiuled to use more gas tlidu IMiIsmi this yeur and iHrhais that wax the reusou for addlllonul fund us the former is far more expensive Now agree with our that thallium Is terrible und deadly form of slson to urn blit that is just why it has bran so wonderfully effective It makes me laugli to heur a person talk of ridding squirrels with strich nine poison Why that's what ohr forefathers for tlie lust 40 years were trying to do and the squirrel population was growing by leni ard lmnnds till tlie -sure thallium poison cume along Our old squirrels out here at ('reslon hud got so' tuff from rating strlehnlne iiolsuii tliat lliey called a convention and proclaimed a feast every time the funner carne hronnd to feed them Now Its too bad that a person would condemn a whole project nst lava use a careless county squirrel jsiisom-r idled up ixdsoii so horse would eat Jt He said broadcast hut I'm sure lie made a mistake because if It were so uo horse could ever have eaten it No matter wliere you go you will always find people who are urehsiH nud have no respect for Iieople's livestock when It conies to liolsmiing and It belusives our county meh In charge of such a program to idek out honest and trusted liien for such work Kuch good results have lieeu hud ere with tlie squirrel drive fliut the farmer look forward to the county potspners' return each spring a it saves them many hundrcyls of doliara in time and worry -Of mirse ever so often Is a farmer who sees the good results of the drive but is too stubborn to admit i( And one three years ago men went and poisoned bis whole ranch a (lay ahead of the county non so he could spoil tlm kill for the thallium poison result that man still has lricnty squirrels Tlie question was asked you know what your bind is worth after llie thallium polstuiers visit your farm?" Sure! One hundred percent more than it was liefore if the ranch was liudly Infested ith squirrels as now you can plant a rop and hope to harvest it -Now as to the effect of thallium upon guine life of our county 1 wish to disagree witti the author of the letter Our game is inereiising a a result of the poisoning Never BATTERIES SPARK PLUGS DRAKE LINING ANTI-FREEZE and Other Winter Auto Necessities A BEAl'TY PAIMOK OFFERS BIG 1MRGAINS tage of this fiscal year closing sale Now ia the time to prepare your car for winter driving Drive in todayl Never before baa Firestone made i possible for us to offer such wonderful values at such low prices Buy note and take advan NATURELAND ODDITY It's a Queer World i Si'- i Try Jladame BEAUTY SPINACH Only 20 rents a gallon Putty up your wrinkles with our special I PUTTY If youri cars flop back and forth in a breese ictus show you how to reef thrm in the heaviest wind Only tlw highest class mud is used in the manufacture of our Reality (lay Ilame for an appointment today Ami time are said to be so lmrd in Chicago that some of tlie racketeer are reducing expenaes liy taking their victims for a ride on roller skates SPOILED SUSIE I will not rlwrr or shout For1 sassy Sue MrDaa lYInn she gets mad at her dear pa She makes a fare and hollers I1LAA1IH! One of the largest shirt nutnu-fsi-turer in the east is renisming Lis plant he is convinced that this country is going to keep Its shirt on sex lloy This In an site of rackets Almost everything utmost everyone does Is labeled "racket" but at least there IS ingenuity to the latest ou rv-ported the racket of dog ears and seems to have originated In ITairisliurK Pa where a bounty of $2 Is paid for each unlicensed -it dog Allied when found running at largeby a police officer The officer pt the -provided It is a 'common Idea (hat by cutting a worm in halves one ran two worm each of the linives growing a respective head or tall While not literally true this ia almost so The earthworm has only oue head anil one tail hut it is endowed with 10 hearts situated throughout the length of its laxly The smaller pointed end is the head 1 If the worm is cut in two near Its middle the front half usually will grow a new lull The hfnd half will n-mully produce a second tail too lmt us tlds half as no mouth and is incapable of digesting food it will soon die When only a few of the front segments of I lie worm are cut off for instance les limn five the remaining part of the worm ran repair the iujnry by producing a new head Much a worm will go on living us if nothing had happened FREE SPARK PLUG TEOT The Firestone Sark Plug Factory is modern and most efficient! is equipped with latest precision machinery for testing all materials every spark plug must pass high standards Firestone Spark Plugs are manufactured in all type and sizes for every make and niodd of automobile truck tractor bus motor boat airplane lighting plantandstationary engine Old plugs mean waste of loss of slow starting Equip your car today for winter service! Save time money and trouble! Firestone giye you the greatest spark plug values and most dependaF able efficiency ever offered BLACK AND WHITE But Read All Over that' they hand iu an affidavit and tho Him of Hie oars bf the dog There's where the racket comes in: C'UMtables and spwint officials are 'becoming most adept at the racket Wlicn one enterprising oon-a' stable' found that ihe hide could lie cut into piece resembling fi the ear tips' others soon caught on These protectors of humanity were getting as high as $10 out of each Bureau officials lava me suspicion 0y when the tommy juiynu-nt suddenly Jumped to unprecedented heights They- have warned constables that tricksters will be prosecuted the Have your battery tested on Firestone scientific testing equipment This will give you accurately the condition of your battery Vi will inspect and dean cables terminals and rase Firestone Battery Factories are the most efficient plants in the world Firestone Batteries have big full-deed plates and are guaranteed from 12 to 21 months by Firestone and ourselves be without dependable battery service when you can buy a Firestone Battery at these low prices 20 Discount with Year Old Battery ca Firestone Seven Complete Lines of Batteries Until Oct 31 PROHIBITION RULL-KTIN I At Colon Canal Zone the rainfall In the wet mi son averages 110 Inches a heavy fine a heavy jail sentence- limit of the Ami that means or Mh I- rA Come in today and let us test your spark Our test will show you actual dug conditions free ee Biblical Question HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzsle irJ' seej ms ym wm Tims (Sign In a Night Club) are forbidden to bring any inloxi- rating lbuor on 1 tin premises Please do not embarrass the man- Li'I Gee Gee tried to set 'a (lance marathon record last summer Imt the trial had to be called off as she wore out the floor THE INCONSISTENT HURRY With his comparisons 1 fear lie's playing fast and loose One day he calls liis wife a deer Next day says sin's a goose U'l Gee Gee says her fare Is her fortune Poor dear site doesn't reullxe that she is on tlm verge of bankruptcy lire dollars and rosls One of the most sensitive parts of the human body Is tlie tip of the tongue A newly-devised revolutionary auto engine bus 24 cyllndera und requires no gear shifting Although Holland has listed inure than 589080 radio listeners tlie number should he much larger or cording to papulation Walter Bcott the real "IX-ath Valley was horn in Coving ton Ky By using ranipresaed air and a varuuin dentist in Budapest has devised a safe said to bo Minoralty moonstones are known us feldspars They are transparent or translucent stone with the luster of pearl or opaline In 1793 four years after becoming president George Washington was made an honorary citizen of France Scientists at Yale university are seeking to find the forms of germ travel Unable to produce realistic screams ninny movie stars hire substitutes for lids sole purpose One pound of cork is sufficient to keep man afloat tess K't lToxL 4 dais er- roneously ift Lew vulgar fellow IS Your and my3 One of the most prosper- ous of tbs -Latin American republics 15 Era 14 Verbal 18 Dysstulf 10 To entics' Hie ments did Moses bring the Jews? 10 Warm drink 11 To concur 12 Actions 17 Lawful 19 Cuplike spoon 21 Shelters 23 Piece of bird's plumage 23 Genuine 27 Genus of turtles 29 Company (abbrl 31 To sanction 33 Cry of a crow 34 puss* 35 Having a seal loped margin 37 Young fish 33 To become mature 41 The Devil 42 Spectral imagt 44 Organ of hearing 46 To emit 48 Energy 50 Lacerated 61 Examination 54 Curae 65 Ocean Firestone lias been ou the winning car in this hazardous mountain race where a skid or tire failure meant death For thirteen consecutive years Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have been on the winning cars in the annual 500-mile Indianapolis Race Just recently Ah Jenkins set another record on Firestone Tires by driving liis Pierce-Arrow 112 miles per hour for 2 iconsecu live hours covering 2710 miles on the hot salt sanda of Salduro Utah without tire trouble W'hy buy any other tire when Firestone Gum-Dipped Non-Skid Tires cost no more and are first choice of men who know Drive in today Trade your old tires for the safest tires in the world We will make a liberal Cash Allowance for your old tires to apply on new safe Firestone High Spocd Tires tako unnecessary chances on thin worn tires this winter when you can have the Extra Safety of Firestone at lowest baste prices ever known Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires hold all records on road and track for speed safety mileage and endur-ance The tough thick Firestone Tread is designed to grip the road eliminating hazardous skids on slippery pavements Ride with the safety only Firestone Tires can give you Glen Schultz recently set a new record iu climbing Peak His car was equipped with Firestone Non-Skid making six consecutive years if- 'r- 90 Labyrinths gr2S Ts pises out Mg 23 Orsw weak 24 frustrates 28 Instruments for sewing 28 Homs of Union MUK THOMAS CorreionilimL SCIENCE NEWS beasL fcrf: 41 Masculine title lions of courtesy 62 Myself 43 Handled 43 Humid 47 To elude 49 Meal 01 Sea demigod 62 Above 63 Fat 64 Eviie 57 Wine (from tlie Fienchi 5S Contests of speed 69 Almond 60 Half an 'rtn 61 Having tooth-like projec- VERTICAL 1 Valley 2 Pertaining the ear 3 Which largest iu South America? 5 Kroien 4 Boots 7 Fiat plute 8 Foreigner 'SHow to Is the stats water circular many Command- The Firestone Tread is designed with angles end projections toglve the maximum traction and non-skid Tho brakes can slop the wheels but the tires musts tap the car 80 Man a whits blood corpuscle? 80 Estimated perfect score In golf 80 Meadow 40 Tree having totigh wood We still have ex a few lines of discontinued Purchase yours now 1'nless you've had a very recent talk with Coach Lloyd Russ director of idiysicul education at Ktale-ville prison Joliet 111 you have no idea whnt pessimism is The ivmch is so gloomy over piit and forthcoming at tlie iuslitu-tlon that lie's about ready to give up tlie idea of develiqiing fuotlmll team Not that there's a dearth of material Couch Ross has some 250 men who have asisratkms on tlm gridiron but as the Instructor so deftly puls it have displayed considerable more optimism than gridiron Of course at new prison there are no cross-couutry teams and athletes are for the most part made-imt born till the team wa begin nlng to show signs of value when along cume the parole board and siNiiled everything Coach Ross is far from eluted about 25( men trying ouL of those he said me they used to be college stars Imt they lmven't shown anything tlm look like college foot Be I lutt ns it may-' Ktateville which is a new Institution has slated a "home and home" series with the old Joliet prison 'squad that promises to be a snorter Belgium's newest article of warfare is the destroyer" It is a small tank run by a continuous drive which pulls powerful field gun behind UNION Ori llazel Ernst lt-rt for Kuuthern t'alirornii where she will visit for two week Mrs Boeder and Mr aud Mrs Clyde Philiiw left Wednesday fur their home In Gleudule Mrs ltisnler Is Mrs 1 Weaver's mother aud Mrs Philips is a sister Air and Mrs AYillhiiu Osliiii of i kliili Suluriluy ufteriusm with Mr mid Mrs Edgur Slayton Mr and Airs Frank Ernst and family culled on Air and Airs Wallace Air uud Air John Ernl Airs' Amelia Ernst Sunday afternoon Mrs John Nuefeld Airs 11 Duncan Mrs Slayton and John Duneun attended the officers train lug school at Templeton Saturday Mr and Mr l)eboo of (ileiulora siH'iit Friday night with Mr llow-urd Thonius and ehildn-n lliey had Iweu to see Mr Thomas ut the Kan Fernando hospital the Sunday before Air ml Airs Harold Ernst and ElNworih Ernst were Sunday din ner guests of ihe Flclg olxtcr In Puso Rubles Mr and Mrs John Xcnfehl were Sunday dinner guests of Rev liege of Pami Robles Mrs George Iversou upil Ruluinl und Viviuu and Mr llowurtl Tine iiiiik and Alin- and Elizabeth were among the guests ut a birthday par ty given by Airs George Ilarlsoo Friday for ber daughter Mildred Mr and Mrs Frank Ernst ate Wilmarwimd Eugene railed ou Air aud Air Madseu Friduy evening1 vv SERVICE CO KIMBALL 283 Higuera St San Luis Obispo V'f.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.