The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)

12. in 1: 19. 11; 1 1 1 01 00 00 00 00 dollars do is 18 THE TORONTO DAILY STAR, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1916.

SOME SOFT SPOTS IN MARKET HERE Reactions in Cement and Steel of Canada Features of Trading. GENERAL ELEC. UP Rise in Riordan Paper and Lake of Woods Milling Two Bullish Features To-day. The Toronto market was irregular to-day, and brokers express themselves 8.5 disappointed at the comparatively poor demand there is for stocks, despite the country's a evident prosperity. Steel of Canada, for Instance, declined a point this morning to 61 and Cement over two points to on comparatively light selling.

The Steamships lasues were 8:80 easier. despite the declaration of another dividend on the preferred shares. There was some early enquiry for Dominion Steel Corporation shares, but it did not last. No doubt Irrezular tone which a developed York tended to they make local buyers timid. The Canadian markets were not without their strong spota, however.

One was Canadian General Electric, which rose a point to 118. The regulat quarterly dividend on the stock has just been declared, and as earnInca are known to be big. holdere hope that the one per cent. bonus paid for two or three years a while back may this year be resumed. On the local curb Riordan Paper shares sold above 70.

They moved up from 05 to 88 Montreal yesterday on an active demand. When listed in Montreal a month ago it was nearly twelve points lower. An advance in Lake of the Woods Milling was a Montreal feature this morning. these shares climbing from to following Ogilvie Milling': rise of yesterday, when these shares went from 110 to 146. NEW YORK CURB 8.

G. Jackes 53 Yonge street. report the following quotations on the New York Curb: Atlanta. bid 10, aaked Boston and Montana, Buffalo, Canada Copper. Chevrolet, 198, 202; Crown Reserve, 1-16, Cosden oil tie Gas.

Hollinger, International Petroleum, 10, Jer. ome Verde. Kerr Lake, 1.4 Rose, 9.16 11-16. Midvale. Men intes.

59, 61: Nipissing, Bar Silver, American Marconi. 3. Belmont, British American Tobacco, Goldfields 17. S0; Jim Btuler, 86, 88: Jumbo Extension, 41. 12: Mother Lode Copper, 36 Hiker Hegeman, Standard Silver and Lead of B.C., Stewart Mining.

8-169 6-16: Sterling Gum, Submarine, 39. Suecess, Tonopah Extension, Tonopah Mining, 53: United Profit sharing, United Motors, 61, West End 71, White Si: Yukon Gold, 21, 24: Angio American Oil. Vacuum Sapulpa OiL Green 18-16. M'INTYRE HAD AN ADVANCE Strength of This Stock Was Feature el a Quieter Mining Market. Buying of Melntyre and consequent advance in price to 148, featured business on the Standard, where it has been predicted Mcin- tyre would be made the market lead- er, at any rate as far as the Porcu- pine section is concerned.

Reports from the property, both as to earning and development, are IN good. and, in addition, there is taik of 8 new bull pool in the stock. Business in the general list was not unduiy active, sales to noon being less than 50,009 shares, but the market WAS generally firm. Kirkland Lake made a further advance to 38, and Teck- Hughes sold at 43. Some activity in Peterson Lake was the only feature among the' Cobalts.

THE TRETHEWAY MEETING The adjourned Trethewey meeting to aecept or reject the proposed sale of the property to the Northern Custams Concentrators for $125,000 will be held here to-morrow. It will take a two- thirds vote of the shareholders to ratify the sale. The directors, who recommend the deal, announce that operations since their resumption have resulted in profits of about 83.000 June, $9,500 for July, and 86,800 for the first half of August. Tire directors state, however. that these profits are due to the fact that a body of high-grade milling ore wAs opened up at the junction of and stopes, and that such profits cannot be expected to continue.

WHAT IS AN INTERNAL BATH? It you were to ask a dozen people this question probably not one would answer correctly, although half a million AmericAns ate now It with a marked 1m- provement health and strength. The Internal Bath of to-day is no more like the Enema than Vacuum Cleaner la like a whisk broom. Now. by means of the B.L Cascade, simple warm water the Lower in testine the entire length, removes all the poisonous waste matter therein, and keeps as clean a and demands It shall be for perfect health. Tou will your tealinga he the morning after Internal Bath bi meane Cascade You bright confident.

and though working and it Tr. absolutely Constipation And prevents Intoxication. Could satisfied user be more emphatie than the following: Fleming Sark Dr. Chas Collece Street: feeling wonderfully and ewe to the B. Cascade suffered J.

from indigestion, constipation, and general debility, and it had been for the Cascade would have cone insane, thank Dr. Tyrrell Tong live. Erie H. Enzdal EXHIBITION VISITORS are cordially requested to call Terrell's office, 153 College St. to, and the J.

B. L. Cascade plained. entirely withent obligation to purchase. This method being the eight Owl Drug en con sub ent Torente (the proprietor) -g Advertisem*n RUN WAS VERY LIGHT, CATTLE SOLD SLOWLY Lambs and Calves Were Easier -Choice Butchers Somewhat Stronger.

at the Union Stock Yards to-day were 2 cars, with 155 cattle, 3 Receipts calves. 887 hogs. 326 sheep. The light run of cattle at the Union Stock Yarda to-day was mostly of the grade. taough the few choice poorer brought in sold well up at the beasts choice heavy steers top quotationa.

few Common catselling up a tie 8010 fairly steady, Hoga were decidedly firm, selling $12.10 off cars. lainos were easier, selling Spring down half a cent. Calves were fairly, easy, the poor accounting in part for the quality, quotation. The market was generally alow and though the very small run draggy, was easily cleaned up. With the exof the firm tone in choice ception the weakness in lambs and steers and were much the same.

calves, prices Dunn and Levack sold 5 steers, 6,030 2 calves, 350 8 Imads. 500 7 sheep, 860 13 lambs, 980 82 lambs. 12 steers and heifers, 4,810 11,000 $7.25: 11 steers. 8,870 calves, 600 3 calves, 480 2 312. Rice and Whaley sold 5 heifers, 4,060 2 calves.

400 1 bull. 770 1 calf, 120 1 calf, 290 1 calf, 260 lambs. 380 10c; 5 steers and 5 cows, 5.830 fera, 2 cows. 2.080 $5: 1 bull, 1,329 1 calf, 84; 13 steers. 13,830 4 steers and heifers, 3 cows, $690; 84.15: 1 cow.

730 $3.85: 3.190 calves, 320 $11.50: 1 calf, 210 4 heifers, 3,880 $7.35. McDonald Halligan: 17 steers and 14,300 $6.10: 4 steers heifers, and heifers, 1.950 $5.65: 1 cow. 1.010 $4.40: 5 lambs, 400 6 sheep, 800 $8.10: 1 steer. 980 1 heifer. 700 35.30: steers, 1.710 2 steers, 1,910 1 bull, 1.030 $5.65: 1 bull, 730 $5.25: 2 bulls.

3,320 2 bulls, 1,450 $5.25: 1 cow. 940 2 steers and heifers, 1,630 $5.60: 16 lambs, 3.360 11 9-10c1 1 1.840 $7.25: 1 cow. 1.000 $6.25: 5 steers and heifers, 5,400 1 cow. 1,350 $6.60: 3 steers, 2.580 5 heifers, 4,330 10 lambs, 740 812C: 1 calf, 140 7 lambs, 480 10 calves, 1,620 $12.10: 3 calves, 440 $9: 1 calf, 150 3 calves, 670 calves, 440 $10: 3 calves. 500 $7.25: 2 calves, 460 $5.75: 1 calf.

380 $5: 1 calf. 100 3 calves. 810 $8.75: 2 calves, 650 $5.25: 5 calves, 810 1 calf. 230 $10; 1 calf, 300 $4: calves. 700 1 calf.

320 $8.50: 1 calf. 310 2 calves. 550 2 steers and heifers. 200 $6.40. J.

B. Shields sold 7 steers, 6.900 $6.60. cow. 950 1 cow. 1,010 $6.25: 1 cow.

910 1 steer, 930 1 steer, 790 $6: calf. 80 $7: 11 lambs. 1,000 10c: 1 6c; 3 sheep, 480 3 calves, 470 1bs. $12: calf. 200 811.

9 1,160 1 sheep, calf, 210 $10.50: 3 sheep, 460 37: 28 lambs. 2,310 10c; 9 lambs, 600 Se: 39 lambs. 2,980 9e; 2 cows. 2,310 The 36.20: cows. 1.680 $3.90: 1 bull, 1.100 $5.85: 1 bull, 1.130 2 bulls, 1,760 2 bulls.

910 $5: cow. 760 1 cow. 1,010 $5.50: 2 cows. 1.990 20 lambs. 1.300 54 lambs, 4.220 10 1-10c: 6 steers and heifers.

4,060 lbs. $6.25: 1 steer. 950 $6.50: 15 steers and heifers. 15,750 1 heifer, 920 A. B.

Quinn sold 2 loads butchers at 86 to $7.25: cows. $3.85 to stockers, 36 to $6.50: hogs, $12.10 off cars; lambs, 10c to Latest cattle quotations: Choice heavy 50 to $8 85 Butcher steers, choice 50 8 10 do good 7 25 8 00 do medium 7.00 20 do common 6 05 6 15 Heifers, good to choice TO 8 00 do medium 7 50 7 75 Butcher cows, choice 6 60 6 76 do medium 5 75 6 25 Butcher bulls. choice 6 85 7 35 do good 6 50 6 60 do medium 6 75 7 Feeders. 990 to 1,000 6 30 7 00 do bulla 5 50 6 00 Stockers, 700 to 800 6 25 6 75 do 650 to 750 6 75 do light, 600 to 650 6.00 00 60 Canners 3 75 25 Cutters 4 25 Sheep, light. clipped 7 25 7 50 do heavy, clipped 5 00 6 50 do light.

unclipped 7 65 8 35 do yearlings 9 50 10.00 Spring lambs, per Ib. 0 0 10 Calves ....10 50 12 00 Hogs, fed and watered .11 75 11 85 do f.o.b.. 11 15 do weighed off cars ...12 00 10 12 BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. East Buffalo, Sept. ceipts, 950: market slow and easy.

Veals-Receipts, 100; market active; $4.50 to $14.76. Hogs--Receipts, market active: heavy, mixed. $11.65 to yorkers, $11.60 to light yorkers, 10.75 to $11.25: pigs. roughs, $9.90 to $10; stags. $7 to $8.50.

Sheep and lambs--Receipts, market active; lambs. 85 to others unchanged. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, Sept. -Cattle.

receipts. 7,000: market, slow: native beef cattie. $6.75 to $11.50: stockers and feeders. $4.75 to 87.85: cows and heifers. $3.85 to $9.60: calves.

$8.75 to $13. Hogs, receipts, 12.000: market. slow light, $10.30 to mixed. 810.10 to $11.50: heavy. $10 to $11.40, rough.

$10 to pigs. $6.50 to $9.50: bulk of sales, $10,50 to $11.25. Sheep. receipts, 17,000: market. weak: wethers, $6.50 to 88: lambs.

native, $6.65 to $10.80. LONDON RANK STATEMENT. London. Sept. weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve decreased £906,00, circulation increased £112.000 bullion decreased other securities increased £3.798.000.

other deposits increased pubtic deposits decreased £143.600 notes rescove decreased £937,000. Government securities unchanged The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week la last week it was 24.91 per cent. Rate of discount 6 per cent. SUGAR- WHOLESALE. Per 100 pounds.

Roval Acadia granulated Lantic granulated Redpath granulated St. Lawrence granulated Dominion granulated St. Lawrence Beaver Lantic Blue Star No. 1 yellow Dark vellow TO.DAY'S SILVER PRICES In London to-day har silver closed lower then veaterday 30 at price was of a cent lower al 67 cents. "NOW THE DAY IS UNTO THEM THAT KNOW" Britain's New Slogan Cry Goes Up From Nation for Better Education.

Special. Cable to The Star by Edward Price Bell. Copyright. London, Sept. evidence of the exceptional mental and moral vigor of this country at present develops almost daily.

Feeling is widespread that the nation and empire narrowly escaped disaster, scientifically, and industrially. Better education is now demanded. There is a call for thorough re-organization of industry on the principle, not of low wages and minimum output but of high wages and maximum output. It is realized that world conditions require that if the British Empire is to be an empire, prosperous and secure, its capital and labor must work together more harmoniously and intelligently than ever was done in the past. realized also that "key industries," such as spelter and dyestuffs industries, must be developed within the empire until sudden war cannot embarrass British peoples as did the outbreak in 1914.

The British Association, for meeting the Advancement Newcastle and of many important addresses are being delivered. Through them all runs cry for more practical education, more trained students, and better results. This is the cry not only of educators bu: of the nation. The new slogan is "Now the day is unto them that know." EDWARD PRICE BELL. SUB WARFARE FAILS The German Chancellor Is Said To Be Admitting It.

Canadian Press Despatch. London, Sept. wireless press message from Berne received yesterday says that disillusionment about submarine warfare is now complete in. official circles in Germany. According to the information received here from Berlin, the Imperial Chancellor has pointed out the failure of submarine warfare, not only at secret sittings of Bundesrath but to a considerable number of political leaders.

Pan-German attacks and criticisms drove Von Bethmann-Hollweg to this course. Pan -Germans accused him of slackness in abandoning unrestricted submarine frightfulness. The Chancellor was obliged to prove that it was not his wish but failure of submarine operations which inspired his policy in this respect. information concerning magnitude of Germany's losses in submarines now has been communicated to leaders of all parties and groups in the Reichstag. the principal Berlin editors.

and to the Berlin correspondents of some of the leading Provincial papers. Most recipients of this information. including many who were formerly advocates of unlimited submarine fare, rallied to the Chancellor's side and condemn his deractors, it is said. LONDON METAL MARKET. London.

Sept. spot, £100 10s: futures, £106 10s. unchanged; electrolytic. £131. up £1.

Lead. spot, £30. unchanged; futures. £29 5s, off 5s. Spelter, spot, £48 10s.

unchanged: futures, £41 10s, unchanged. BANK OF B.N.A. DIVIDEND. The dividend of 30 shillings per share, less income tax. for halfyear ended May 31st last, recently declared by the directors of the Bank of British North America.

will be paid October 6th. The Very Latest Drink A new triumph for O'Keefe brewing skill and experience--a drink that is refreshing and invigorating--now on sale for the first time at the EXHIBITION Imperial Ale Try it; cool and delicious; at any of the booths named below. You'll enjoy this wholesome brew! On Sale at the Following Booths: Near South Entrance to Dairy Building. Near South Entrance to Manufacturers' Building. Near Eastern Entrance to Process Building.

Three Booths in Rear of Grand Stand. HULL'S CITY SOLICITOR ILL. He Took Too Many Powders to Cure Headache. Canadian Press Despatch. Ottawa, Sept.

W. St. Marie, city solicitor of Hull, is lying in a critical condition at his home 88 the result of taking four patent headache powders to cure a violent headache. Babe Alone in the World. Seventeen-month-old George lies in the Weston Sanitarium 0ghting against the germs of consumption.

His mother, who died in the same institution, was buried this afternoon. His father, George Smith, serving in France with the Veterinary Corps. TO-DAY'S LONDON MARKET ter London, Sept. and discount was rates in were betThe market had a good tone. steady to-day.

a number of investment orders Quite in consols, the war loan, and Indian and other first-class bonds found steadily. Gold mines were well absupplies scarce and prices increased sorbed, especially Modderfonteins, while rubber, and steel shares, bonds were firmer. Amand Japanese securities were cheerful under erican the lead of U. S. Steel.

The closing WA9 steady. An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong with most, thin folks who The trouble weight is that they Insist wish to gain drugging their stomach or stuffing on foods; rubbing on useless it with greasy "flesh or following some foolish culture stunt, while the real creams," thinness untouched. You physical cause of goes cannot get fat until your digestive tract assimilates the food you eat. There is preparation known to reliable druggists almost everywhere which seemingly embodies the elements needed by the digestive organs to help them convert food into rich. fat-laden blood.

This modern treatment is called Sargol, and has been termed the greatest of flesh -bullders. Sargol aims through regenerative, re-constructive powers to the stomach and intestines to litercoax soak up the fattening elements of ally food and pass them into the blood. your where they are carried to the starved. broken-down cells and tissues of your body. You can readily picture what result this amazing transformation should a8 with increased weight the produce cheeks fill out.

hollows about neck. shoulders. and bust disappear and from 10 to 20 pounds of solid, healthy flesh is added to the body. Sargol is absolutely harmless, inexpensive, efficient. all leading druggists of this vicinity have It.

and will refund your money if you are not satisfied. 89 per the guarantee found in every package. If you find a druggist who 1s unable to supply you with Sargol, send $1.00 money order or registered letter to the National Laboratories. 74 St. Antoine street.

Montreal, and A complete ten days treatment will be sent you postpaid, in a plain wrapper. NOTE: Sargol is recommended only as a flesh builder. and while excellent results in cases of nervous indigestion, have been reported. care should be taken about using ft unless a gain of weight in desired. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS.

Advertisem*nts under this head Te a word B. MACDONALD, C. DUNCAN. and cost systems. Traders Bank Building, Toronto.

Main 1833. Visit the Northern Ontario Settler's Home Beside the Grand Stand Exhibit of farm products from Northern Ontario. District representatives in attendance. dtf. PIANO WORKERS WANTED Help of all kinds needed at once, especially Flyfinishers and Rubbers.

Attractive proposition. Try living in a live Ontario town instead of just existing. THE. LTD. WILLIAMS PIANO CO.

OSHAWA ONTARIO WANTED GENERAL PACKING HOUSE LABORERS, BEEF BONERS, AND GIRLS FOR TRIMMING Apply Swift Canadian Limited Union Stock Yards, Toronto 3-4-6 MECHANICS WANTED For Machine Shop We want lathe handy boring mill hands, and fitters. Also a few handy men. For Wood Shop We want a few active men for Wood Pulley factory, Steady employment. Good pay. DODGE MANUFACTURING LOITED, West Teronto.

D. Sept. 11 ADVERTISING. The rate for c.aasitted advertisem*nts one cent word per with minimum of ten words Advertisem*nts marked "Till Forbidden are accepted with the understanding that they A will published received. until written notice to stop them is Hand your Ada to your druggist, who is our agent, or to any Star Branch Office.

aDO they will receive prompt attention. Telepaone Adelaide 2200. BRITISH MAILS. The next British and foreign, mail, matter only. will at the carrying parcel and newspaper General Post-Office at 6 p.m.

Friday, the 8th; supplementary 6 a.m., Saturday the 9th. A letter mail will close at 6 a.m. Friday and a supplementary at 6 p.m. Friday. BIRTHS.

Announcements under this head fifty cents per insertion. On Wednesday. Sept. 6th. to Mr.

and Mrs. Gilbert Charlesworth (nee Marion Anderson), 1387 Avenue road, son. KEELE- On Sent. 6th. to Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. C. Keele, 123 Pacific avenue, daughter. MARRIAGES.

Announcements under this head fifty centa per Insertion. BECKMAN- SNIDER- -On Sept. 6th. AL Kitchener. by C.

A. Sykes, Leonora Mae, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Snider, Conestogo.

to Fred. son of Mrs. ChrisBeckman, of Toronto, Beckman and the late Mr. John Beckman, On Thursday, September Old St. LATINER Andrew's D.D..

Mary Agnes Latimer, daughter Presbyterian Church, dis Prof. Robert Law, of Mra. David Allen. Hilliardton, 10. James Barclay, eldest son of Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Erskine, Montreal, P.Q. Montreal papers please copy. DEATHS. Announcements under this.

head up to fifty words, fifty cents; over fifty words, one dollar per insertion. BUIK- -Killed in action in France, 01 22, 1916, Sergt. J. Rodger Bulk, Auguet 23rd year, eidest son of Mrs. C.E.F..

in his James Bulk and the late James Bulk. BOOTH- Killed in action, August 26th, in Clarence J. Booth, beloved 500 of Mr. George Booth, 882 Ossington avenue. COLES--AL Emily street, on day, Sept.

7. 1916, Charles Coles, church officer of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, in the 52nd year of his age. Funeral notice later. COWIE At the Hospital for Sick Children, Sept.

6th, Cecil Rowell, youngest son of James and Annie Cowie, aged 15 months. Funeral from his father's residence, 107 Hogarth avenue. DIBBLE -On Wednesday, Sept. 6. at her home, Centre Rose Madeline Wise, aged 42 years, beloved wife of James Dibble.

Funeral at 4.30. Friday, from her sis. ter's residence, 223 Woodbine avenue, LO St. John's Cemetery, Norway. LOOSE.

-Passed peacefully away Wednesday, at her 585 Huron street. on September 6. Mary Jane. beloved wife of Joseph M. Looee.

Funeral from above address a at 3 p.m.. Friday. SMITH--On Tuesaay. September 5, 1916, at Toronto. Ollie Auer, beloved wife of George Smith.

now at the front fighting for his King and country, in her 23rd year. Service to-day (Thursday), at 2 p.m.. at A. W. Miles' funeral chapel.

396 College street, Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. TURNER On her Thursday, Sept. 7, Mrs. 1916, at residence of daughter, G. Bridgman, 101 Dupont street, Toronto, Mary, widow of the late William D.

Turner, in her 70th year. 2. Interment in Mount Pleasant Service at above address on Saturday at Cemetery, TAYLOR- On Wednesday, September 1916. at Toronto, Mary Anderson, beloved wife of Robert J. Taylor, in her 61st year.

Service on Friday, at 10.30 a.m., at W. Miles' funeral chapel, 396 College street. Interment in Prospect Cemetery. Glasgow. Scotland, papers- please copy.

IN MEMORIAM. Insertions under this head 50c per insertion: where verges are published an extra charge of 50c for each stanza of four lines will be charged. HILL- In loving memory of Louisa Large. beloved wife of William Henry Hill, departed this life September 7th, 1909. Oh, this parting.

snapped asunder. Why she's gone It makes me wonder. Some day God will make it plain, And I shall meet my Loo again. fifty words. fifty cents; over fitty words.

one dollar per insertion. EVANS-Mr. and Mrs. Evans ahd family, of 1978 Dundas, wish to thank all kind friends for the sympathy extended to them in their recent sad bereavement. SUTTON-Mrs.

Sutton and family, 54 Summerhill: Gardens. wish to thank all those who have 80 kindly sympathized with them during their recent sad bereavement. -Husband. BEREAVEMENTS. Announcements under this head up to BEN.

D. HUMPHREY UNDERTAKER 1058 YONGE (Opposite c. Crescent Road) MOTOR FUNERAL IF DESIRED. 2-4-6-tr PERSONALS. Advertisem*nts under this head le a word MILES.

ALICE WANTED, INFORMA. concerning above. Brother Charles enquires. Communicate P.0. Box 55.

Hamilton. Ont. DANCING. Advertisem*nts head Ic a word RE OPENING PRESLEY'S A ABSEM-Saturday. Sept.

9th. Parkdale Assembly Hall. Lansdowne and Every Wednesday and Saturday evening. dancing from 8.30 till 12. RIVERVIEW.

AT THE HUMBER, WED. cents. 8. Saturdays, Couple, fifty T. Smith, dancing boulevard.

Gerrard 3587. master, Fairview forming. Classes DTF LEGAL Advertisem*nts unuer this head Ic a word MALONE AND LONG. BARristers, solicitors for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Dominion Securities Corporation, the Central Canada Loan and Savings and the Life Assurance of Canada. 85 Imperial Bay street, Toronto CHIROPRACTIC.

head DOCTOR street, DOXSEE, AYRIE BUILDING, corner Shuter; Palmer graduate; only chiropractor beving X-ray for locating cause of your trouble; electric treatments given when advisable, private rest rooms, lady attendant: tele. phone appointment; consultation free. DTF CHIROPODI. Advertisem*nts under this head le a word FOOT AILMENTS SKILFULLY TREAT. ed.

Chiropody parlors. Owl Shoe Store. 123 Yonge street. DTF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Advertisem*nts under this head Le a word pROCTOR'S 262 TONGE STREET: evening Engagement rings, trarriage licenses.

rings. ROOFING. under this head te a word A1 Adelaide ROOFING 1098. DONE Wm. Saulter.

TELEPHONE 152-154 Bay. COMPUTING SCALES. Advertisem*nts under this head le a word DUY TOUR GOODS WHERE TOLEDO scales are used. You are aure of honest weight 4TE ARTICLES FOR SALE Advertisem*nts under this bead les Long's Used Piano and Organ List $410-KARN 88-note, PLAYER-PIANO, including LOUTS of muste. 15 rolls fine PIANO, WALNUT CASE $85-SQUARE tone, $75 -SQUARE PIANO.

GOOD FOR $65-SOLARE PIANO, rosewood GOOD case. -GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO. $150-PIPE oak ORGAN, case, COMPENSAT. reeds, organ, suitabie atops, 9 sets of $45-KARN 11 ORGAN, fer HIGH church. -BACK stope, seta of teeda, $40-STANDARD ORGAN, IN VERT ORGAN, CHAPEL WE $20.

HAVE OTHER ORGANS AT and up. $18, est. Piano ONE House. -PRICE. 406-408 NO-INTERW.

LONG'S First stop south of College Tonga Main 3619. st. Telephone DEATH HAS CLAIMED BOTH ITS OCCUPANTS. The Star photographed the summer camp on the Credit River. balf a mile above Lake Shore Bridge, occupied by the late E.

A. Victor date and his wife. Victor was killed by a G.T.R. train at the subway as he walked from his camp to the Port Credit station. His wife shortly thereafter took their canoe paddled out into WHEAT MARKET LOWER Bearish War News Trading in Depresses Chicago.

Sept. that Greece had joined the Anglo- French allies put wheat under selling pressure to-day and caused a weakening of prices. In this connection the bears gave emphasis to announcements that there was sufficient tonnage at present in the Black Sea to move 20.000.000 bushels. and that the available surplus which could move if the Dardanelles were open would aggregate 400.000.000 bushels. Opening quotations here, which ranged from cent to cents lower with December at 153 and May at to 154.

were followed by a substantial further decline. VIPOND MADE A PROFIT Homer L. Gibson and Company in their fortnightly letter announce that operations at the Vipond mine for August resulted in a profit, the following being the figures for the month: Tonnage. production, slightly over operating expenses, profit. about $9.000.

In the quarter which ended June 30 Vipond operated at a loss: in July the mine barely cleared expenses. A STEAMSHIPS DIVIDEND. Montreal, Sept. The directors of the Canada Steamship Lines met here this afternoon and declared another dividend of per cent. on account of accumulated back dividends on the preferred stock.

Payment will be made November 1 to shareholders of record October 1. The action of the board was in line with expectations, and is in continuance of the policy decided on last winter. Six months ago the company paid a quarterly per cent. on back account, and the same policy was followed three months ago. By doing this the position is held steady, a back dividend being paid off as a new one accrues.

leaving the arrears at if the dividends now accruing are counted in. BONDS PAID OFF. Montreal, Sept. of the Woods Milling Company has just paid off the $750,000 six per cent. bonds of Keewatin Flour Mills Company which it guaranteed under the terms of the agreement by which the Keewatin Company was absorbed into the Lake of the Woods organization.

The bonds matured September 1 and were paid off at par and interest. LOCAL BANK CLEARINGS. Clearings of Toronto banks for the week ended to-day, with comparisons, were: This week $39,867.004 Last week 43,438.469 Year ago 27,350.943 Two years 880 28.989.895 GERMAN MARKS. GERMAN MARKS. The rate of exchange for Berlin marks in New York was for demand and for cables.

It was as low as for demand and for cables vesterdav. The par of exchange is 95.2. $375 PLATER- PIANO. REGULAR PRICE See Our Large Stock of Pianos ST 241 TONGE. RAIN AND WIND STORM STRUCK CAMP BORDEN Gale and Wet Weather To-day -New Registration Not to Affect Toronto.

Special to The StAr. Camp Borden, Sept. 7. by Lieut. Col.

Bickford and Lieut. Col. Osborne, left for Ottawa to-day to meet the Militia Council and discuss the problem of housing the troops during the winter months. General Logie has written both the Exhibition authorities and the Board of Education, asking permission to use certain buildings during the winter, so that he may present to the Council this means of accommodation. A trek to Toronto when the troops break camp is already being talked of, but Col.

Mewburn believes that it is hardly probable the trek will be carried out. Oliver Hezzelwood, of No. 2 District. recruiting staff, had his first visit to camp to-day and conferred with Lieut. -Col.

Williams on recruiting in Toronto. The heaviest storm which has ever been experienced. struck camp a at 12.30 to-day, Three battalions were entrained at the station and some of the men were thoroughly soaked, while in camp the tents were given a severe test due to the wind. NOON-DAY CASUALTY LIST. Names of Members of the Canadian Forces Who Saffered.

Ottawa, Sept. casualty list received at noon to-day was as follows: Infantry. Killed in action: 477129 Pte. Edward Burden, England. Died of wounds: Lieut.

G. Gertram. Jamaica, B. W.I.: 477349 Pte. F.

W. Godwin, England; 100546 Pte. Hedley Palmer, England. Killed in action: 106502 Pte. John Curran.

Scotland. Wounded: Sergt. R. G. Baker, England: 410704 Pte.

William Childs. Englands, 148399 Pte. John Elgar, EngPioneer H. G. Hackett, Ireland: 401821 Pte.

Clarence Oxley, England. Medical Services. Died: 24 Pte. W. Everett, England.

Engineers. Wounded: 182 Sapper Harry Russell, England. OPEN EVENINGS some SELL player, Louis IMMEDIATELY, HAND. this time. design.

Cash talks $215 About PAYABLE half-price. handsome SIX MONTHLY. inet grand, perfect Stanley. walnut cab. every way.

$475 PAYABLE EIGHT MONTHLY. week only. new hundred. See this player, STANLEY PLAYERS AND better value UPRIGHTS easy; business good: genuine nOw: terma than 241 Yonge. Open evenings.

good values Mulholland-Newcombe Limited BARGAINS FOR EXHIBITION. (small). 11 CHURCH ORGAN ONE DOMINION Regularly sold sets of reeds. for $250. 16 stops.

BLACHFORD Special PIANO-CASE at $85. OR. ONE gan. trade on beautiful Instrument taken a new piano. In Special at 560.

Regularly $150. the lustrument SQUARE PIANO, WHITNEY DETROIT $75. for a large (SABLE AND NEW FORK. WE HAVE MANY toned instrument. for beautiful gains in OTHER GOOD small goods, and invite and all pianos, grafonolas, visit out our customers representative at the 10 DOMINION the PIANO co.

EXHIBIT. trance of side main band "Fair," and inspect the at the Manufacturers Bullding, enminion new stock Pianos there. of Doed, 313 NEWCOMBE LIMIT. Yonge 75 GOLDEN STEPS TO 11 FROM TONGE ST. BLOOR EAST." "SAVE A DOLLAR A R.

F. CO. PIANO AND ORGAN SNAPS FEW slightly used Instruments by wellknown makers, such as Haines Bros. F. Wilks Mendelssohn, R.

Heintaman, Nordheimer, and Marshall Wendell. few organs made Also by Esty, Bell, Doherty. Prices from $25 up. Call in when in Toronto alid inspect our stock. No obligation to buy.

A five LOT OF USED GRAMOPHONES. up. Hurling's Record Exchange. 65 Arthur. 3 A CLOSED, TOP GAS RANGE BURNS Westwood Bros.

gas. 635 Stoves exchanged. Queen west. Demonstations daily. 24031 BILLIARD slightly AND used POOL TABLES.

NEW styles, with complete outfits; special cut rate war time prices; easy terras, The Canadian Billiard Table Company. 163 King street west, DTF BABY'S BEAUTIFUL LONG CLOTHES finest embroidery robes, everthing required, $6. Maternity skirts, from, 53. Mrs. Woolfson, 37 Henry st.

PIANOS AND PLAYER- PLANOR direct factory, saving you $75 to $150. Also 250 used uprights grands. and player-planos, from $125 cp. Grand and players, six dollars monthly. upstairs salesrooms save you money." Harry E.

Wimperley, 4th floor, new Ryris Yonge and Shuter sis. 6 AND 8-ROOM outfits, fourteen, eightteen, twenty and thirty-five dollars, installed free. We electric wiring. 48 Queen east. 24618 FOR Smythe's.

SALE -CASH 370 College. REGISTER, CHEAP. FOR machines, SALE- all make, HAND from $5 up. SEWING including band-sewing machines. Apply New Williams 78 Queen west.

DIY TREE DEMONSTRATION, BURROWES dustproof rocker ash sifters, under Grand Stand. D89 VICTROLAS. few pearly new. ones that have been left here by soldiers, etc, to be cold to quick cash buyers. Apply 841 Dundee street.

HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT GERMARD just like new, $265, payments $7 per month. Gourlay, Winter and Leeming. 188 Yonge EXCELLENT CONDITION chit- ONE "Kindel." davenport, table, and tonier, fumed oak. Apply 498 West Mar. ion street.

DIANO, HEINTZMAN AND 575, OR near offer. 588 Yonge. CLOVER HONEY, IN 60-POUND cans, 11 cents the pound. Kenner Route 2. Milton, Ont.

DS21 AQUARE PIANO. IN GOOD ORDER FOR practice, monthly will buy it. Price $75. Gourlay, Winter and 188 Yonge next door to Eaton's. NYPEWRITERS- FACTORY REBUILT Underwoods, fifty-five and sixty dollars: others, $10 up.

Dominion Typewriter 68 Victoria st. DS11 WHITE 3-TON Motor Truck For Sale $2,500 FOR CASH. THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED BI MAKERS. APPLY Canada Lumber Ltd. WESTON, ONT.

2-4-1 PLAYER-PIANO, LOOKS 88-NOTE and sounds just like Dew, $425.35, cash $10 monthly. Gourlay, Wister and Leeming, 188 Yongs eL, Dext door 10 Eaton's. OSTEOPATHY. Advertisem*nts under this head le a ward B. DUTTON, PRESI.

DIE dent BENJAMIN Canadian Association of Osteopathy (registered); Past Director the Toronto Osteopathic Association (chattered and incorporated), has returned to his office in Toronto from his cottage Muskoke, and will make appointments suit patients. Above are the only charter. ed and registered associations in Ontario. Office, 39 Bloor east. Toronto, and Duttonwood, Lake Rossead.

Ont 246516 MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. soder this head REEVE. NERVE SPECIALIST. Years of experience enables me to treat difficult cases successfully. 18 Carlton Toronto.

R. ELLIOTT, SPECIALIST, GENITOurinary and blood diseases. Pay when cured. Consultation free. 81 Queen east.

Church. DYE corner DR. urinary, WARNER. SPECIALIST. diseases.

Sank of Toronto Building, Yonge-Opposite Paton a MONEY To LUSN. Seder this ad word AND SECOND MORTGAGE FIRST bought. The R. 1 Mortgages Christia Company. Confederation Life Balding.

DTF PER CENT. FUNDE, FIRST 6 mor gage. Sinclair and Sinclair. 15 Victoria at. DIF.

The Toronto Star from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.