The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

Notif was sI mar the for 1a50. 1 dat parents for with PAGE SIXTEEN THE PADUCAH SUN-DEMOCRAT May 18, 1944 Milk-Fed Lambs Get More Money On Mart Than Lambsedivey WASHINGTON, May 18 (P) The little lambs that don't eat ivy had their inning before the House banking committee yesterday. The question arose as to whether a super-super lamb should have a price above a double-A class lamb -this extraordinary animal being milk fed coming mostly from Kentucky and Tennessee. Chairman Spence of the banking committee told Chester Bowles, OPA chief, that "spring lamb" growers in those two states are demanding a differential in price over the "fed lamb" ceiling, which are being fixed at the dressed meat level. Bowles' aides conceded that historically these lambs had commanded a slightly higher price, but for the purposes of price control it was feared such a differential would bring about a price increase for all lamb, since it is difficult to trace choicer meat all the way to the consumer.

Spence called upon Bowles to restudy the situation. Incidentally, it was brought out that a large portion of the Tennessee and Kentucky lambs are sold in Buffalo, N. and Bowles said OPA is allowing the Buffalo market 25 cents a hundredweight increase in the ceiling for lambs. Women of the Marine Corps are performing 125 different kinds of work at 52 Marine shore-posts and stations throughout the country. PEE wearers to all of FALSE TEETH pkg.

Dent's CLEANPLATE COUPON New, denture objectionable Improved, cleanser. stains, Faster, Safely denture odors. Brushless removes REMINDER 1 This pkg. milder, It's FREE alkaline Dent's when powder you HOLDPLATE buy gives new feeling of security. Holds false At your Druggists- Hurryl ions teeth gums.

more snugly. Checks plate Soothes, odors. cush- N04003 CLIP THIS REMINDER COUPON Prosecute Man W'ho Stunted Tree Growth SHRUB OAK, N. May 18 -A tavern owner and a chauffeur were free under $200 bail today accused of injecting saltpeter into trees on land to halt the growth leaves which obscure state the roadhouse from passing motorists. State police said Frank Dietrick.

owner of the tavern off eastern parkway, hired Elmer Losee $10 to make the Injections in two large maples and an elm. PHONE 660 COLD FUR STORAGE Paducah Laundry Cleaners "NO MORE TROUBLE WITH CONSTIPATION!" Says Long-Time Sufferer Who Tried Laxative Cereal! If you, too. are disappointed with pills and purgatives. be sure to read this unsolicited letter! "For several sears I afflicted with common ation. but only remedies, Lot months 2 ea' Ing Several tel KELLOGGS ALL BRAN each morning.

drinking water freely through the day. have since never had the zhtest trouble with constipation. Mv gratitude to KELLOGG'S ALL- BRAN." Mr. H. M.

Riley, 11 E. Division Street. 111. Scientists say KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN can really "get at" a common cause of constipationlack of sufficient "cellulosic" elements in the diet because it is one of Nature's efective sources of these elements! They work by helping the friendly colonic flora fluff up and prepare the colonic wastes for casy. natural elimination.

KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN is not a purgative. Doesn't "sweep you It's a gentle-acting, "regulating" food. If you have constipation of this type. cat KELLOGG'S ALLBRAN or several muffins regularly. Drink plenty ALL water.

See if you. too, don't cheer its welcome relief! Insist on genwine BRAN, made only by Kellogg's in Battle Creek. In The Service NOTE: Because of Office of Censorship regulations we cannot print the full address of men in overseas service. Such service notes cannot include organization numbers or names or the names of ships. Miss Litha English, daughter of Mr and Mrs.

Herman English of Ledbetter, Livingston county, has joined the WACS. She has been assigned to a southern camp. She has taught in Livingston county schools Pic Bruce Noles. Camp Maxie, 1s visiting his mother, Georgia Noles. Calvert City.

Ishmael S. Reed, S. 1 c. son of Mr and Mrs. Clint Reed of Murrav Route 1.

serves on a merchant ship based at San Francisco, Calif. His wife and daughter live on BenRoute 5 ton Put Leroy H. King, en route from Camp Barkeley. to Camp Reynolds Pa. where he Is to be statoned arrived Sunday to visit his wife.

Mrs. Goldie King 808 North Twenty-fifth street. Richard E. Davis. S.

2 c. completed boot training at Great Lakes, Ill and was transferred to Norfolk. Va atter a visit with his wife. Mrs. Lo1: Jean Davis in Calvert City.

Pic John B. Bolte will leave FriNew Orleans. La. after a his wife. children and Mr.

and Mrs. Ben Bolte. Paducah Route 1. Clifton Johnson, 25. husband of Mrs Charleen Johnson.

Paducah Route 1. 1s taking boot training at Great Lakes. Ill Sgt. D. D.

Walker and wife left Wednesday for California after a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clemons and Mr. and Mrs. M.

E. Lyon in Kevil. Cpl. William V. Acker has been with the armed forces in England for eight months.

Cpl. James M. Green, husband of Mrs Catherine Green. 2223 Monroe, has been promoted sergeant in the 15th Army Air Force in Italy. Set.

Green. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Green. Paducah Route 5. is a tail gunner on a B-24 heavy bomber. Edison Peeler, petty officer 2 husband of Mrs. Irene Mayberry Peeler.

1124 North Thirteenth. has been transferred to Quaddy Village, Me. from Camp Peary. where he woh an expert marksmanship badge. He was given honorable mention in "Beelines." the camp newspaper, for the neatest, bestkept barracks.

Sgt. James Tankersley, son of Mrs. J. W. Tankersley, Paducah Sears CROSS COUNTRY TIRE REPAIRS Keep 'Em Rolling At Savings! CROSS COUNTRY TUBE CROSS COUNTRY REPAIR KIT Made Repa is Any of TUBE, of Rubber REPAIR KIT SEARS ROE BUG Repairs Made of TUBE SEARS ROE REPAIR KIT Mate of INNER TUBE Patching Inches REPAIR KITS Material Be prepared! Carry one of these handy tire repair kits in vour car at all times.

It contains all you need for a patching job. Tube Repair Kit- Tube Repair Kitcontains 99 inches contains 18 sq. in. of materials 69c of materials 10c Patch Kit Hot Patches 59c 00.0 35c 00000 Contains one 000 patches. Vulcanizing Stanuniversal dard size.

clamp. butfer Package of 10 10 rubber assorted round patches with and oblong heating ele- patches with heating elements. ments. Tire Casing Repair Needs At Savings! TIRE BOOT TIRE PRESERVATIVE 10c-59c Made from se 39c-98c lected used 4 ply tires. add Retards oxidamileage 10 old tion that causes casings.

Rein- rubber to deforces tires with teriorate. Easily breaks. cuts or applied. Lengthbruises. ens life of tires Valve Cores, box of 5 20c Truck Hot Patches, 5 for 49c Valve Caps 3c each Rubber Cement, 4 oz.

19c Valve Fishing Tool each Top Sealer, 5 oz. 25c Tire Reliners Sears Is An Official All Sizes Tire Inspection Station 2.89 Sears. Roebuck and Co. 129 N. 3rd St.

Farm Store tioned in Italy. Pvt. Sullenger has seen service in Africa. James Pryor, S. Navy, a resident of Arlington, returned recently from Africa and arrived in Mayfield Monday night to visit his mother, Mrs.

Viera Pryor, and sister, Miss Inda Lou Pryor. Curtis Covington, SK U. S. Navy, son of the late C. Covington, is in service on a patrol craft plying between Anzio and Naples off the coast of Italy.

Lt. Euclid Covington, brother of Mrs. T. Lewin Miller, Charleston apartments, and son of the late C. C.

Covington, has been promoted to lieutenant commander. He is stationed on a receiving ship, based in San Francisco, Calif. He and his wife and baby reside in Berkeley, Calif. Pfc. Freeland E.

Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith, Sheehan Bridge road, Paducah Route 3, is with an division in the southwest Pacific area.

He has received a certificate awarding him the Bronze Star. He has been in service since Jan. 26, 1943 and overseas since August, 1943. Lt. W.

B. Richardson, who arrived Tuesday with his wife to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.

Coryell, 422 Adams, reutrned today to Fort Leonard Wood. Mrs. Richardson remained for a longer visit. Pvt. Charles Morgan, husband of Mrs.

Lottie Mae King Morgan, of Arlington, is stationed at Camp Wolters, Texas. Cpl. J. W. King, son of Mrs.

Milton T. Hedrick of Arlington, is stationed in the Aleutian Islands. Lt. Alvin P. Rose, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Alvin P. Rose, Arlington Route 2, is in training at Douglas Army Air Field, Douglas, Ariz. Graduation exercises will be held there June 27. Prior entering this school, he was a bombardier instructor.

Sgt. Hazle Jackson, husband of Mrs. Martha Rachael Jackson, of Arlington, is stationed at Spookston, Illinois. Pvt. Herschel Stephens, husband of Mrs.

Kathleen Spraggs Stephens, of Arlington, is stationed in the Hawaiian Islands. Pvt. Melvin Spraggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Spraggs, of Arlington, is a patient in Moores General Hospital in Swannanoa, N.

C. Marion Webb Allen, Great Lakes, was called home Wednesday by the death of his mother, Mrs. Addie Webb Allen, Arlington Route 2. Cpl. Billie Hastings Bone, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ruby T. Bone, of Arlington, is stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. C.

American-Chinese Relations Tighten WASHINGTON. May 18 (AP)-A double drive to tighten AmericanChinese relationships got under way today with arrival of a Chinese military mission and a farewell party by Vice President Wallace, about to leave for Chungking. The mission, headed by General Shang Chen, is the first from Chungking since General Hsiung Shih-Hui left here a year ago amid reports of extreme tension with American officials. OSTEOPATH DR. J.

W. LAWRENCE 612 Citizens Bank Bldg. Paducah, Ky. EASY EASY the eyes on feet the on FAMOUS "Vita-Treds" NURSES OXFORDS PUT Spring IN YOUR STEP You soar, from your first step, in "Vita-Treds." They're supple, soft, but cleverly styled. And they'll Not only made of superior lecthers, sary.

flexible. And No how "breakina smart in" they neces- are. $4.45 wear! "Sears Have Posted or Marked Ceiling Prices in Compliance With Government Regulations" Sears, Ror buck and Co. Dewey Campaign Song Written For Convention NEW YORK, May 18- -The New York County Republican Committee will introduce its Dewey campaign song tonight at a meeting in Central commercial high school. Sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy, it is: "Oh, Tom E.

Dew-ey came to town! "A rid-in' on a pony! "He, busted gangs and jailed the mobs! "And cleared out every (Chorus) "Oh, Tom E. Dewey- it up, "You're singin' sharp and handy! "The White House is your home next "Our Yankee Dew-ey dan-dy!" TODAY CRITICAL APPETITES DEMAND DELICIOUS FLAVOR Rationed food needs flavor brought out to the utmost. That's where purely vegetable HumKo can help you. Now Point Free HUMKO 15 HUMKO UNEXCELLED FOR FRYING HUMKo THE Dainty COOKING FAT "Its Wonderful!" 'LOST' NYLONS AUCTIONED CHICAGO, May 18. (U.P) After Ernest J.

Kruetgen, Chicago postmaster, said that ceiling prices would not obtain in the lost and unclaimed package auction, Otto Schmidt, St. Louis jeweler paid $62 for 12 pairs of nylon hose. PUBLIC HEALTH COST CHICAGO, May 18- The International City Managers Assn reports that approximately one dollar per person was spent by the nation's cities and towns on public health service for their residents during the last year. Route 6, is stationed at an airdrome in the south Pacific. He has been in that sector since June, 1943.

Pvt. Maurice F. Tankersley, son of Mrs. J. W.

Tankersley, Paducah Route 6, is in training at Camp Blanding, Fla. Nolan Edward Burch, 1829 Guthrie avenue, has been commissioned a first lieutenant, according to an announcement made by the War Department. Pfc. Henry Odell Cage, member of the Army Air Force, Lincoln, has arrived to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

H. E. Cage, Thomas Jefferson Place. Pfc. Conley J.

Carmon, who entered the service in June, 1942, is with a detachment of artillery in Italy. From a hill in the front lines, he witnessed the battle of Cassino after participating in the north African campaign and the invasion of Sicily. He writes that he "climbed a hill and had good as view of the battle in which the men fought rock to rock and house to house." He could see, also, the vapor streaks, from the big bombers overhead. Sgt. William Burnett James, of Camp Stewart, is visiting his mother.

Mrs. Don James, of 315 North Fourth street. John D. Bean, S. 2 is stationed in New Guinea.

In a letter to his wife, Mrs. Allene Bean, Paducah Route 4, he mentions having met one of his classmates, Curtis son of Mrs. Willie Mae Holmes, Paducah Route 4. Pvt. Sterling L.

Allen, son of Louis Allen, Arlington Route 2, is with the Marines at San Diego, Calif. Raymond Samples, S. husband of Mrs. Madge Stephens Samples of Arlington, has been transferred from Great Lakes to New York. N.

Y. L. B. Halsell, Ph. M.

husband of Mrs. Dathal Calendar Halsell of Arlington, is stationed at Great Lakes. James Harley Noles, F. returned to Great Lakes after a visit with his wife, Mrs. Elva Noles, 320 Clements.

He been transferred to Everglades Rm. 725, Miami, Fla. Sgt. Paul Bazzell, Camp Rucker, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Mattie Bazzell in Clinton.

Pvt. James Burgess of Arlington is stationed in Camp Robinson. Cpl. Ramer B. Jewell, Fort Benjamin Harrison.

is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Jewell in Clinton.

Powell Clark of Great Lakes, is visiting relatives in Hickman. Cpl. Walter Eugene Bragg has returned to the southwest Pacific area after a visit with his mother, Mrs. W. N.

Bragg. Moscow. Ky. Pfc. William S.

Nall has returned Camp Haan, after a visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Samuels, of Columbus.

Pvt. Waymond Cooper of Hickman county, is stationed at Fort Belvoir, Va. Noah Clark has returned to Great Lakes, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, in Fulgham.

Pvt. M. G. Elliott has returned to Jackson, after visiting his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin Elliott, Fulgham. Joe Dunn, son of Mrs. J. E.

Dunn, of Arlington, is with the armed forces in England. Pvt. L. B. Sullenger, son of Mrs.

Lillie Sullenger, of Arlington, is sta- ALL BEEF- -PLUS A SAVORY SAUCE Van amps Chili (on Delicious, delightful Chili Con Carne with that honest-to-goodness "south of the border" flavor the new product of Van Camp's. The Chili is a tang-y, tasty sauce with a zip the Carne is carefully selected, high quality beef. Combined, Van Camp's Chill Con Came makes a meal everyone loves! Try it with Van Camp's Tenderoni or with rice for a real treat. What a time saver, too just heat and eat! fine foods for 83 years. Van Camp's famous for Van Camps CHILI CON CARNE You're invited to "LUNCHEON WITH LOPEZ" MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS: WGN 12:30 P.

M. ep washable! wonderful! Budget Priced atic od4.98 Advance Styles! Pretty Details ted 7th, Crisp, Spic- Cottons 444 Cool Colors, Plaids And Stripes Sep west 1c cre at The fresh, charming dresses you're going to. need by the armful. Frilly young styles with nea full skirts! Two-piece frocks for day-long serbar vice! Charming, dressier types! They're lovel: to look at-easy to wear. Choose from chamishe brays, seersuckers, novelty cottons, print hou ami plaids, checks and stripes.

Sizes for everyon included in this exciting budget- priced $79-1 DED SEARS. ROEBUCK AND (0). (Incorporated) READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR.

The Paducah Sun from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.