The Miami News from Miami, Florida (2024)

I Satrt1r, Afrll II, 1171 lt-i Tit ItlW ItWt 11-01 CltfM Ill-It lMH(lBlllBBl1tlBl 11-01 iMllttetolMhMIN 11-41 ttl-TtnkMiHril4l Area a) NUVnaj Il-tl Fkm Irtm limit 17-11 lililBtrila IMI 1 Aree at Miami Lelet.Pelnl terkypt Nerth.Ceuntry CM Miami IMI bH, llaUU, MbIbH baaulliijl oner. IMT home on thai Mkei, near Downtown Miami MlaariloM Owner TowMwute-9 bedroom belh, temM 2 bedroom I b.m,Kreene, Cvtor ftM Area Hl-3rw i acrat mtav wuonvu. diiuh" iliikjlWarthpuie al 70 Nf II tl. to.000 Id Bedroom 1 Aalhl MiAMI LakCS Tjiwi; Uilll-L AC Ah properly room, man euros, prim only. lljvannjMi41 rie Knot COMMl HClAL over vlewt, electricity available.

Low down eaiy tarmi, CaH Hr 12 tat tnj II I higl oil Money Mekerl WIN traMtor equity In imek I homel OH Wit NO luenll abuoinlmant Raoml. Steel way vy. outiide city llmiit ULLtLE ASFD Palm krach all- I I or write S'7-rwv rvr. vtrnen, leili uMownnoute ire-jjj rtlh, I mnrlja-- araa area IMI Itto-lmkMtMlmll hi the! noil arowin ornailh Munira Rl. I Biuerldue OA Mil HANftt ISO county Owner flnenclnt, Cal aa liter rN at LluOirhW.tunrlso Associates Has It! 7PM 5U-24I-24I4 MOu'riTXiN C'lbln New! bedrooml linatl fripntj 11lPtr Acrt.

ica 1(1. CASA GRANADA CONDOMINIUMS Ml 111 prima C. Grov borno far mimi I'AvELV LOVEIV 1 UU0 grifl TUB EUTIiBB 1 TTTT a tut a BFAUTIFULI SPAOfXIII i bed- bedroor PLAN ki carpel, stone iireriai litldeiHal icm Hi lormi nil III aero mr Morluul i I I Corner loll ecrot! from wiHr paved road, Tarmi Ac RFi. Irtioar acrt ve anrlT fP Monthly mtwiw ino. I I in.

At down room J'-, belh. lovely decor, carpel- kjrpe, "ult'P' Wl'iH. Ins drepet. fuHv eojuped kitchen lnnn. imnr ftp Ad tlfvte lr PellO Wllh ewnmg i kKI.

Feei-TTiTTT Tiki ittventega of mr Hit unitt it rinafiilcaih Incoma Producing rronff ty William Oanko Raallor nl-nff OWN REALTY INC NOUt-l I eniea eftliloncv. 7 ropmi, 17-21 lalalnikCirillM RFAl TORS 1711 IMI IttfTrnkdiiMlrull menu I7nxiiiq "TTAjwlT farmland on ioTBidi 11-11 IllkhMllillatl inciudn on imeniiwt. Pool, Ciyo houw, ltnni, Open Sun l-l Cn S54-JO30 Aral at Mlramar Aa. bam artfl I. alt AM Qtll MinT BLrei.

New lurniihadi 11-12 llletB larmi, canai. frKoo nam, nnt noi lute, bern, Jake, owner tacrilicej TiTTT WI anaitfUl, a. 1 badroom I lull Mm. Poof, taunt, ret room, avm 4 INI llM COMMI.CIAl CH ONLY LOW SI Red Caroet Realtors (KM) ra JO-l ll-B7 all IE0H0OM 1 oalh, Mroot. iu IKL an or oar Vlurl' lo by owrw Lakalronl mi Mill ACRaT no riiai iA.irrr;i.i.. Li JM II Ul builnota fronlaal. So RFDLArlDilJilTti-W ad wootmi fc id imtnliw niai' TBiKfTti ratlin on pavto roag i- kllN LtketLo och Andrtot I I 000" I fvVOoen daily lOam-tom DarH arlmi arowlli arm. InyMNv iMV pool dooi a Oman luo I Mulpv4 1 uy quipi IT I Br KMITV UK Frertk 0. Wellberi, Inc courii. Ill Carolina, it acre heavily wooded tot with mountain view.

Al uubie land, building me and drive cwared. All 1 at ml 12-11 lllk OpiM Duboy Rr OoS So Ft commercial building I yaaadovl oarh. Partnor't vnar-Aoont wo-ni LOII P1JI vi 1 ntHiqll Mow Broker, bAi. a nL rrarm yyariDora inc Brokor, Nfli Boblnion. toe underground ullllilet ivallebie IMI litt-TiaikMiM-lrMll or(il(rtal II convert IO.FWI Miraei.

ei( irflna aoorOH FREE RENT mmulM lo rWiOPINGTuCTorti tj-RJ Ml, cornor ToOXlOO' Khooii ihopi vTom Yy-rm Ajrrmrjij0411 favea roam, n-N eealal.parrlno West trN IMI lalTmkMMt-ru II Dim mmaNm Araa courtet, tennll, Ikllng, country veerl aid. principal! an-T we-t 11-21 Ili4e inonlht wit I veer Masi. New amol Firmil A. and many other amrmllet. Price; under merkU I III.SuO, -M2-2a2 tra.t in AllarhouriMViMl TtOW MARKET FT MVFR1 1 Lath ASSUMABLE Ural offices good area morriton yi'M7 pyi 1, PuillMl.

Brokw-Aijoe. Caserta Rltv Inc morleegoi low )V or Saa ll40 SLCLUUCO 20 Alio Train A l-tST Kwxal inn V.L.. aooriunil iIjTaIUIFTH.1T Associates Has It! VE IN OUICKLVI Elty main! itv ei aiw par par ecra wiin toodj 170 Aertt. lo voar luancim. iml 1 Lirai cor nor kit bKt to bafit lodroom bom.

room. An! owner flnanclno. 17515 NE 7 Av Rreltor 11-78501 Pakn Ay A od Furn 2 badroom I bath chalef for near Franklin. For detain Vlilalmar 1 ONLY.f Lett I Acre TrieW ill oown paymani, ownor mull 1011 null modorn kllchm loollancit. UUHly iii-retl" evonti I iCAMtANGAMNj rn A Krilly, Brokir quick.

Holiday M'i poroaroo oy uoi rinoi. vii Monaco. Will IctwiW ratHy. By ownar -1 H)f Inoi. MM' Tor.

low ai two down and I year, on Ihej room. ainor oryor. caiio. Woihor dryi can Judie Had way icrei ntncoT 1 la'wf bodroomi wiin ciomii i Vf tti-ln klicnt contolanl location. bMlt iivii rinllljKi.ClilM xr a an.

a Ntwiv carool KW-m yard -m vara. coral yvai 1 U. 1 ine janii Co inc weattori ss-ii3a laoo UtOMt Evanlngi or woaktndi cono, va't---', Glades) em-jfiiO ewm IMivitett, wanlt aftere On 40 ACRE Heavily Wooded Hide-way with runic 2 ilory lodge, rreened porch. Accniibie but tud- Wl5' SW 171 it A 71 AVI ly ilptlllH Wily tOfP WMITOTt oriel I bedroom aaareorn v. v.zzzwins ale ALE pwnar Lin l-Tiia i pain unn.

imiM Center A Irons eonetlon. Call cond buildlna en r-riceo re leu, iioo.oog firm oileiio Real Eilate. Broker concrete fence SUMMER Home fully turn, I lire- rn, 2 rmrwn Auk 4I-004I 6m i n. BU'Ltirs, TiincitJ lived" rood, li "Ji'ly Poloi rlii WO LOW Oal. unoergrouria AH oil ai jiSj" rlomiiioad larmland, II0.XI Vou rwma cri.

Vou tan build a homo a I anion veer. Wrlle hora. tnr.o. Muin Pat fouimus rot uk Wi SI. Sloa by bodraam POINT SOUTH Fron, parhm.

SW SI. Po-Mi- Lu'oerion, evuj I. Beverly Lewis, Assoc jljU 1MB LAMU WEUAk' Hin, wfi iwt, ownar tnaioua I1U COONTf 11-21 leniidi family diipute 12 acrei Wilarfronl choica kxalion. Radocarj or aukk mo Brina In orlor i. Ownar WHV tFUTI A-tramei mounteln.

All of Voo ci wn i bedroom fcatid ntgnry moilvaird. KLAR US- TyrektwaweSprTnu'i" REALTY INC. MICHAEL CHOUGH 1 ha Craatlva Baai Ealala tti looeiTermiijM -eriDa wim BR rne enrea a Liup KINfi BF ALT INC flvT MIAMI v'f- sion ai erasing, rrinciva'. v.i. avti r.

Pyrm-Suclimin RmI Iilltl Ci. Hflrnn HJMI.THA1 MiraCToR WJHI ERTY-Phil more acreage lvellabl.1 Mlrecle Mlle-Doclors, Liwveri Great tacallon lor InduiTrlal perk In Prlv.t. Bjlld roon Ci Ann Allen Al- "guine BeckRealiyJ i3tJ01 sociaia 434-3120 ITIWP TifflrT old farm 14-M Wa-lailiiH-Iriflim Call Helen yeveiopea 'i exrre nt on pono. VW) Wayn, pity 2H-1447 aTVA-Bddt 091. price ine 1703.

BY owner It acre I Build lummer home or acre W. 14 CI. twltof SSI-WITI tubaivde TlNElalil Baaltori 213-7931 itl JW-JTlJJt Baaltori ln. Ii7-11771 Vtim Allot vet UnCBTT 10-21 NIklM4l net mountain yiewi, iprina A llreemi. ISO.

000. Alio beeulllullv; me jams to inc TVArJTC6 mldohilal on tori Covkm In Country Club el Miami arai. Coniacl Mr Janchoi dayi Good lllumablo mprlgagt hi UCt ilory, 3 oodfoom 2 bold, W. HUH- airilaiti Ini II Miami Ihcii Worm lay VMai Am oecorateo oedroom 2 oatn nouie. ONLY 115,900 TOTAL aulHul rolling land Mar 7 rlvart LALLUIIVLUrn-vL ce'eioe Need only llvlni room lurn lo move! BFAtTQRS S5-IWili.

'toClsi i Gill Realty Inc ra iiw, iwnn-11 SUITES naii-wrlla Hunter Realty. einaiiiw a' ja, uor awnar wmi. mountain 340 degree view in. iop at ESS 'wnar TW-jrr-mj. Newtown Rltv Inc Lakt Placid" Flu Utfl 11 acrei.

Secluded vel minutei io minute: R-lt llttM-lfMl2 Nrirjhopi Winl 7-0M 4900 SO OAVIE RD. MVeiS" town. Macon. Excellent location-7155 SW U. kulldlna wllh tun tervlcat HI- 47-4471: Hftltort wi J.

wEALTORS WI-UTI Aerat, 1140 tontniy. ki monthly. 14-11 Sili-HilMM-Triilait. fua-aae-uuri conect. Rtalty, kroktr ckjdtd-tecriiirlil, ullllilet.

I A W. mii A oaoo. ncMioay BUILDER'S ipeclal 1 bedroom HI CBS, 2 cer gerege, llre-piece, lolar weler netni, fully mighlanuj mnei-17 acrei Jwikl SAIC GOOP-OFF Lot! Rovin) ToanhouM. iwat bol- BEAOV TO BUILD M709 Good Itrrni ipproa. IIJOO caih Bum McNalr, iitoc.

JUIJl. prn UlS Cir vviv Miami COMMERCIAL SITe on, Prop- pur, creek ko. i-oi CALL 2414271 7ontd C-3 Grtal locatl id C-3 Grul local flirrltt-l7ll II NorNi Miami Mack iKy Mb Im EilakM Aral ronv In mailer hadraom. aalln lulated went A ceillngi, elr imu Offers Wanted any Includet houtt A 1,351 ft LAZARUS COMMUNITIES AMM SO FT Llntl luiidln IM cond, KXer reliKtive window! A kiicntn, 7'. morigairt.

No it. 17-42 lilt Tiibiiiib THEKLOCK ctiv mil akl Lake LurciowMny inc oronor It penp ooori iniuiatea troni ooor an fjl2S (ol. Placid yl- wfrwT SI A 19 Avi I44-7147 DOLE Tenn. Beauirhj cwared acreage. Horiel MID laWUV btdrawn condo, nd unit, Ivn nvlni room, Ml-ln kllchn, (lining boiling.

Only Kmdan Baaltori 10 acrri, 1 tprlnoi, iprlnui LAP.6 rl lomlly ri liori plus parkin CIH557-700D MM-TPM Red Carpel, Reanori Village Grnn Really Inc Reellori van Shorn, olveewey at 7 Vaarl now, control 2 toll, ldw bid larmhouiet, VIIH Wl im iitaiii on property, or Put up nign DOrlTTjilu Gablrl Karcilol room oror looking' III loalunCM, JU-il-IJM or Lonol UO i Won't Latl laka. creek, avtnaiilni no Wi ii atar. ltT.joa. By Ul.iva kin imwv. i nil won'i MOD Can bodroomi, 1-Story Buiiaing f.

n. Can; S-4U-H70 CALL m-aDdll AN REALTY hloh Ui'l ntyyioi 72T-441. 72t tvei oniy I33.0W, ovar iq. Main, A.tociail M7-IIH PM 'i. wt wwn, eaj tnteteii noi NEWTOWN REALTY INC REALTORS IjT-i WEALTORS 5T1 hold! 406" OflcM.

Pln0tyJnWaaft ilville will i4m LULoacn iny waanort a7j-yi 3i AeC! i Croil mnrtgatfe IIB-3 tOl CED FOR oulck lale th. TR" 0571 1 bodroom. ippll' Qom A bath tfoAMlna AaiAClAlaa. Inr AK FRONT 7 tM artery, busy Induslrlil HIALI in houtei. acre Hwy tl Cornweii Flamlngo Lakt Call ilngo La' CALM Blrl LTV, ACrOl noma, RdaHart M7-all5 anc, carpott, draoot.

lllru. Wilk lgNMB.CIIv Hall, pool aree, Mem (tMl II0W1I0 CffUMTT 17-71 tali-Oil Oinfry i Uffx Mt Ibcl iwr terrific exposure. CaH Nancy Bui vrirf KlnyVi In THE GABLES CENTRAL Florida. For I laj IT. Wr ALTY INC.

BTOaTfOT In ma lawnteuia watl Mia. luir UI-OlOO. Panoramic Vara I it page brochure ol nomel, I Kan. 1 bodroom balh. canlral air Bavfronl Reeiiy Service Inc, Century BAHAMAS Ewuinere land ben 100'350'.

I24.0O0. Box 7905. Port loi jjcr oiwia HCTru A 1. ai. cc-mmerclat property in Sabring, rtral.

Hrathor-drvor and oa basal I.Hanry Baioi' It Brokar ttl-6731 Reallor. Charlotte, FL 3195? liU'479-4774 room, l-l Bodroom 2-1 Bodroom aki Placid A Avon Park, write enlurv 21. Dave Anderion Realty. i UOTST, watar 120 000 U-41 lltf Ml-CuidMilrHII Aw xi tiudordm FREE MAP-JM-7HJ-NQVV HOvVARn WFRII RllniCFB oupoiai, train compactor. Juki toadtdl May cnfckboukln hind and mako ollor.

Call liry, AiMtialt tacn Ayf nw aJi-iioa cvnirai fir a yaari otg par uan Lornar Wrotlv ALTOK 5-llUJ Reallor, 2924 SW Lakevliw 5200 BUILDING 5200SW8ST CORAL GABLES 11-21 luitlaiit Fripirtf Aim ft VOllR AWM eprino, fi, jjo or call Ui-m) tytj. woanori IJ-JB-III- 14-11 lili-laoliiM-TrinliiM- IWUt-n ACCEFTEO i arra ono cam iRedlendt Vi acre iltet, Pick your to-cation. Ready lo build. Prime area. Near iwlmmlng A lennlt lll.WO par leit then' EKENp hideaway.

iv, erma Acrtt HO.ouo Tei c. OPPORTUNITIES BiisirtsO CITY el Sonriw Kingim bd-i room both tondo eprolrrntaiy 1 1)1 M. family room, utiilryl too hi. waihir-drvar. pool, social "Need Immediately 200 mile! fri let Main Rd Acei 135,000 lermt from Miami.

"Shadow Located on Sih largeit lake rpli.M IrtB II Am at Norm Miarnt, Bneavna Garoani Lew' iiie. ywner Agent aea-Me ROT Jsmell offk-M ttirllna month. All tervicet Included, I0.MB Broker ITFOWT IM-7VII 30.000 to M.000 to. ft. wtehousi lorldi ibi home on noma on ri mooiii I needed Easy access eisv accest to i-v, pn -ten on Associates Has It! 137,000 netnet to ownar.

No Isenli ilj-ll tq. fl. completely equipped Medical Facility. Ideal lor group of Dactort 71 Montniy. 17.

WO Total. I i liL I MUM h) Gerdens road siding, north of Miami olraie Call 144-5214 TRiPLtx Bargain too riniAN vl-uion cut IHbie tor tl land, lul land. Napiet. ttt-07i nyw tree Drive. Alto, vacant INVERRARY out-patient clinic, un 4 BtTDftOM turn mobile home on OWNER SAYS SELLI Corner lot iciote to Xway.

ichoolt. inooolng. werahouse, neer 1-95 with RR tiding verett Evert T0WNM0USC0N0O Bodroom 2 balh urnli pkit lirat icre lot. pool, many extrat. carport CaH Aumen ttreel.

caw all-mi parking. For Inlormatlon cjil rrtT Alloc It 371-351 Kayi M.n.uemenl Reollort. Finl floor kiichan. Oyini room, Viiarllcioncy. STEAL ISOi AAimiHronl vkny ol God Court! 177 OGo larmi hv owner Beity Jean, Reellor-Aisoc.

eves. aHurrw htereil free note Myil tell Rrallori invorrirv. Pluih 2 badroom l.balh A balcony, iKony 2nd boor I wrooiSUMMIT A ROSE Inc Till oi '5 Hocieiei wity corp weanori i Tf SfTiOnT LOT ticVi-" OIMNE 175 SI to reiie copuei. Of Otlici building, air cond. In hurt of! Lake Placid.

iJO lermt 3 bedroom 2 beih Immeculila homej a i nun rammi Inlirnl tli.XX Cal rStOOyiTCUTIVE BUILDINC mott desirable 3600 lo ran) Really Inc. 421-0664 Realtor! urredt mirkei value jUMOCASrlToAjJUMl balh cornar condo. Many aitrat ln-troom. bam cioda Iliad loyar, oat-m klicnm wiihlynowwath.r MOdk) fan, roll up thultort, M5-r Dim 1 LiBbLLtwity weatior 4'-J5M im: slorv build-1 A TTORNEY Wenls 1 Wants 1 a-Tirtrrritam BEDR Pieete can 5J-x OAHLts Lin pranada Ing, ipprox 3500 lo 5000 so II.

emple, INDUSTRl Acres loom ifio oot) d-fi Rmoow iroaimonn a mucn mora 7 rr kod low laO'i. Call today Judyil-tl tllB-TlWBBIIWClrtB 2 1 IL iroai morlgag. Curc'o Inc gr0rM14 Railroad nearb' ownar TililSTirrrST parxini blvd I I P. rocanon: tronnrw. pmatm li St to 141 SI Mr Auerbech laMia tpf Lrertt Qui Or Lfc il'JIU niman Alloc.

42-S20S Ivtti Am al Coral GabM netr lake, garage, low sws. SEND FOR NEVV PICTURE BROCHURES -The Cavander Realtor! Box 1063. Lake Placid, FL 33152 miles north ot lower on 2 QPF SUNDAYS 9AM-5PM u.l ntWIF MUVY So. Dade near Inlerchanof, priced lo COMMIICIAl BiAl IStAII IAU 754-111 II. WIH tiff -am Lunsiuer iv Eitete F.tale I'ATAL'i 1 lann haar lha airoart 9i OPr-ILt or store air vyi-t, ii m- 'lNTHOUSE PLMHOUE UNITED FARM AGENCY of Florl- he Keyes Co-53rd Yr meditie occupancy 14-M lid-Halnii-TrialiiM.

flirplaiaa lf Am if Miami Shorn, Biicavna Part, El Portal n. vim or eeiy term. FRANK 0 WALLBERS INC Broker I4-7I35 NEIL ASSOC. Real Estate Reglitered (1-10 lititlitilttllitilt Iroker. 101 1000 11-11 llll.lllll HOLLYWOOD ntoroom earn, veiling viaw mumori.

RcuJ Orla Auoc Ivn Lamorira "vm-m 'Sg fl. tivd Baattor oncede Leon pivd, Gaoiei.yia. UIM. Pot EI-12 lalayitta iniie to, corn i oral After houri I4S-7S4 Blf. BAKGAThnTuuODowrllTs I BEAUTIFULLY (urn 2 badroom, 'ill I 444-4101.

444-4101. WACRE on 110" on Blicevne Bay, taka, dock, nt a' baach A all Mortgage 4, 1 bedroom iplt. River Ion baaulilul Exc.llenl frontage, Hoilvwiwcl BtvtJ. Iblock from l-9i 1600 tq H. Ill ffoaf.

paca, tak LASi.f DUPLf, X. (antra, ma. tua SUoANNCE oar m.l.rfi. ara. i-r ,1 I A Arcniitci runt io 164-5434, 932-0433 Owner I 77-Ot? 11-24 till Tivikiiiti Aim 24 virgin wooos.

nign oiuni tcuoi dtv irot pr pwnrr tjt wi aej-axto FOR SALE 4.2 ACRES large perking lot. Immediate 770 SW Miarr 750-073I si KXtl on property uiid. 1714) ificREsIa ta mererii 10 000 all cash Call owner 111. canoeing. CaH eolwet PLEX hyV I Ave I UNlTS-cenlrally located I block pancy.

Win remooai. uaoa yemeee. from Sun thine Rinchet, WntMiMititrkMiiai OadolarHJ ir 3 reari fiei 1171000. mortitaai 71. Ownar 10 ACRES near Quail Raoil A Ten rowaro iamiEnt.

Inc 445-14571 Flrtl 12-44 lAlfraBtl-CMlBfiiBwIBII' tm44 Am if Hatandak), Hl-Vl I oed. a AS.DUU. Ca warren WESTLAND HIALEAH Frontage U.S. 77 Hlaleah Garden! 11-40 MirllB rmie Road. pennli, OWNED I veart lull lost manager Aivoc.

235-3131 after hourt Alloc. 235 Sound commercial i. cal lit ownar, faouiqui lownhouM. lEncanaiil locilion, 1 badroom V.i 14-11 lilfloploiH-Tiiihiiai- Aourn uaoa Haaiiu. SOI 264-P90! wih ten an or i Ing partner In Atpan Keany 'to.

lYunitl.lft.CT LIKE NEN 3TJdrowrTaiTn lent. Many extras. 117-5124 ZJ2-06JY. ERA, THE AnOHlCAhli Rrallori. Reeltoi many antral, Mr.

Conley S21-T394 bam, him patio, pool, Noauanli ia-U71 nryliiH VBB II Am If Nannoail Miami rnagnlfi' IITUI flaiarail FOR owner acrei with ItTa? VT5O0 oar acre beautl- Poieniltl WMSI cimlhomei 3 bedroom 2' FftTrlSFOF ftAlFi 1 oem noma tan nr cono, is rroniege pwurcaaiwneii. iua yyyv I protl yeerlv doctor. Tiwyer. 50 14 II. 444-44S4, 'IslCourl, 34l SW BlA42-64)B Rd) Can Mr.

i A VICTORIA C. ADAIR HIOISC Ave. 4 turn, I Bodroom apt. lew malnic-i nanyMutl Ml. ISS-lSlS ar horte barn with feed room A ol HALF AN ACRE nice.

bUV Ihit duDiai nlu Aaai lor hau Townhout noar but, thon Diltlnctfvo 3 riadraama 741 SW t7 Ave Reeltor lel-1171 la Tamna A Oltnev VVnrlrl lui a Bedroom 4 bein formal ommg room, tireplaci, approa 4100 tq If muds room A btth plus 3 bedroom balh A 3 bedroom manager houses, Call lor flelall Broker. 757-73 eg mm 1725.000 40 min s.wo. 1-33 nee oudte I LARGE loll exceiwm location. AOiommg 10 acrat available Bewnikru rr Buiipri ui-Vt Shorai Shore! Rity inc i ISLANDS badroom 2 balh l-llj-Mt-mi ,30.000 each Bu der'i Tarmi i i rtioHi. doiow marvar 1 312-224-243 or Prima locilion Homeiieid ilead a cm uupi li-H Nyy si, ixife yvilliams.

Realtor 754 MS U.S. 27 HIALEAH CAR' DENS tlniuvf Cammarrial Many tit rat low iWt, 454-03n tl-Zt Slll-IlWlklilM-ArU II i Btdroom-2 Bain-central Air years Broward Cduntv 400 tl. Irom MS II 575 OOO Davie Blvd. 15 mmulM -om Mlemi. I20 A 1400 to.

fl. ava-iabH. 1450 monthly A up. Ctl Don old, GM. 6 57.

tew price I 'ice 32 LOTS linaie or duolei FHA ap ES by ownar ona or i Wailchattar Oadatand au Ljnttn-aiiar nawt mi 1 5 CR ESV VE A RM. uno ii cooperate ntm-tu U27 MOBILE DOMES AtPM Really Co. 244-WM 3 proved in Dede eu-osvo I7ENITH Realty Inc Realtor Wmi FlafJarSwaotwaiar Am rom. oatn custom out i HARDSHIP a cauntrv Club iplt, Conyartl boar aim 3 bath. Soma fun Cauntrv Cj Mr.

conwy I71-T39I OVERSEAS Ownar tat Mil a n. Anorl lolonial brick home IU5fl ea ftl. Mutl ten Ihii 5 unlit I bedroom lb ii ti Out Vale Move-Seie ordered Creak Mr. prlcet, Deltoni Lakefront Eitate Itate Pool, cabana, A lennit court.

3 em-i 2 i ns am. pr rM in iirr. Cnnar hiiu Improved. Townnouia, cormr, aitrai. IM'I, C'unW A'tmi Rnaitor Brwo fnorrall.11 Mikill III Lift medical building.

Rtasombll. Fill meoicai ully ployee homes, 10 Hill barn, spring ern McNamiri, weaitor iis-M'O wp aganti, py owner, UNITsl3i 13 CASH FLOW ''r. tea ponq. poaro tenemg. una ot me: latl real plantations Hit.

Turn-key FOR Saw. North Florida. Double Coral Gables Site Exceptional location; 750X100 On i DixjneiUniversily BEDROOM I balh funr SNAHPkR craok 14-11 lalB-laBHIlM-Trialliai. NEW OFFICE. Soaci pyeilebW.

piut mtittion arotaciion 11-11 ff Pit RHUlltiil neprty 500 AvallabW now. Can 4S4- room 2 bath IM.OM operenon. priced io sen. SI aBfBllIM Afll II xcenent toLeijon. building, near Coral Ga- wide Mobile, permenenl set-upi 100x100 lot Little furnilure, tlt.SoT, cell llj-tMQ By aopi Brawn A Kessier Reaitori Hoc 1 vVHiATaTJNiTshlghamoritialion A nal return 171-40)1 OWl.

South. TKtort. sut Ibiet. Southeast Ma buy homai Irnm rinar. wmmrn Am if NarlhwMl kntaml SNAPPER VT FARMS ACREAGE Of ill lies Call lor details.

Reeity Group Corp. 4rtl lit SI Rd. Craig Reetty Inc Realtor 253-1000 NEW )7t FURN 14.40' mobile careen nome-vero 191,000 SO FT Virgin land lo Realtor Jim to UNITt-HIAI AH tail I bodroom tenyartibltjbatn Dan Roman tub ALLCAiHTOP PRICE 940-7711 CjbeLa Crur, Aisoc. TRIPLEX teuuO income i ork no down 371-1112 home on waterfront for taw bv owner 121.K0 In retort aree Lake! XT REALTY CO. i ciose nw if Ave fl rsw any araa fir rnnrl IMWI 7 Bedroom, I bedroom ipll, only lp.

pmw CONT 300! ICTESoace So Mieml, 330B rVNHOUSE uw-er ren ft ln rr- if 1 rsr-run. College Rd. Bantilclal Rlty Inc Broker eM-7041 i tarmi. DON PASS THIS UP waiet, rt iii-i'i-i-j) i. i.a so n.

Perking lor is-70 cers, aviii- ram. FL. 32470 vn waivr, I tiuu f. a t-rMMe oc Hi I' cacf.r'Ai I litTT -MWAwr-a. I lw abie In July 661-5273.

jtS-OQIT 11-00 IpirtaiiBf lilil evet 694-26 bath. NooualitviMi Morto.uaT-.-. Lerge 1 bedroom iptt. only vein. WE pay too cash-fail doiu), lop EI-17 eklll Far til MEDICAL Or Proleislonel otfkp 41500 dov.

TiYwtviririyT ecre ranch, im- old, only overhana for rm. peyewe Ipproa 1260 per month i- runAi i ibt Circ llor rent In Geblet Partially turn A I rw 111, I 1 1 price tree tnipocrion-cail now OOLITE Really Realtor e51-5757 -ITE Really Realtor e51-5757 Mtar auoc TSxeOMoTiTHorrTTinTTentral Located in Kendall Laket on 131 BAUER REALTY Realtor nvu wi iwiivvu. va new cuttom brick 1 bedroom 3 balh; JALMARK REALTY INC eppilence. dreoarietr bnndi iihlSJIfff if extrat For mw by original owr-er orw Wfo aoen.t tpptl C.KPrt ttf ilP Ave. inn prominent sua contains xtrot air A heat 2 shedt on concrete llab waiber A dryer lenced locking CAROL CITY-OPA LOCKA NORTHSIDE-NW AREAS will buy your home for cash, OFFltfci lor

PUsi Inquire weeiior noma, many axirat. mi es toutn lOctla, Fl. front 1-75. 04-245-21l4 17133 NW i Hwyd Brvd St STr-llr over 6 ecret. Plant are available lor 125 units garden apt proiecl.

Priced Owner Liquidating Waterfronl unlit, eicelwnl con gaiei. lbii xi-04iy We '-I75J Brwd 81-71111 weekendt, eu-6-i2j Mon-inuri free na rln.lnn rn.l it 4650,000. Exclusive with Bane' 12515 NF 7 Ave Realtor W1-70S0 4700BISCAYNE 150 I siLVfcR Uome-Utlilty shed-awning patio turn IlioO. NW 27 Ave Lli atier qpm ttot.s'jg De'nifi ROOM 2 both condo. cm jomam wity inc weanori eay-itiz version, needi en ooorator Ocean Inc Reellori, 174-0600 Miami comolelalv develoDed peww oevetopari prici 30 ACRE taw tit noon need-oid-lunke 4 95 Weierfront unlti NMB 111.000 par occuppnev 7i prestigious horse term wllh beeuliluli eri-or 744-551? CUSTOM doubw wide 00 to.

fl. suite eveiewe. CaO $. Miltler. 51-1100.

Owner unitt-even condemned" room LIVE-WORK-PL AY u.u. a. unit, ownar enxiout, Mia. 111,000 par unit bath kenden 231-1974 22: 077 Contemporary new 4 badroom i'l cu.iuni a prgigvfn noma, new I'O'Hir, I 1. block bern with apt.

stall Pole VJflSS flS' Cash For Homei A Aol Buiidingt aRalSTrVfiJS Aif'Sd'o Aree oTnw ii ySTTeVi bath home Prlveti tennn courft A 24X 57 Honev Hill 3 beor. room 2 bath riroerr a. nernenoei, weeiior 1700,000 cam 60 Units, N. Mia. priced below mir kal 114 MO oar unit "it" irhod.

Ownar datirit a 1450 Coral Ptls Ok Unl urn txtrsi 420-4221 rai way aM-J4. Wa SA-4345 edv AfclyOCt. U-4t tif4ti-ltl4ililiBTt. ItmM i Am if HaUvwaad fall PARTY IteMlenBHiMBW PRIVAfT NX TYPI TOY ITION. GuardU Really Inc E.

ANY 10-41 litliB Only Minutes Away DeLi 1757 5W A a The Keyes Co53rd Yr ARTHUR PRESENT, INC. 20175 Elite Blvd Reeltor 932-01001 POINT EAST PROFESSIONAL BUILDING rree' 11-10 Oaliiitl Friperty IROW- ERE IN DAD OCEAN Dr. Aol by owner. 2 100 But. Blvd Realtor! 1MMEOIATELY I aPTS ipnedcdmmerclil, neer ARB.

COUNTY From Westland Mall. Miami Airport, when you buy '7 Skyline A live al Hiph pioor. Miami rigid trantll union, 7019-29 OCEAN RETREAT NO DtAL SNAPPER Village 5 Bedreom 2 bam, -WiTiriVo-ITlt 'iiMu-n l.t.m 274-57f FlirBllWI ATM 12 leuiewev Exposure-10 1 NE 9 SI CBS-2oned C-4 Mulll-purposi SW Ave 647-704 MALL. NO I 00 BIG OR TOO COMMISSIONS. NO MR.

FilCH- tilth lakevlew Romen tub 5 Jb Adult Pi Dr. Dealer Medl Rlvei ft 61 central air-Perking-Tarmt EES. BUY DIRECT. )IREtT. Wests Owner 2 adiacent ASSUMtl MOTG0 NarwtwMf County NerNitia) ZENITH Realty Inc Renltnr 4 Furnished Ants A buil WccKcNO retreat directly on unspoiled oceen beech only 2 hours iwey.

Bi-level 1 bedroom condo with ce-thedrat ceilinos. beams. AKUS MS IS4I iiidlngt. blocks 9 rental units, BUILOII LOlNde )PEN 1-4 FLUSH OFFICE ICE J10SW IblAve. JrcOleaeiRei A STEP ABOVE from oceen.

Shown bv TOP prlce-pll ceih tor your horm pot only, call ONVENIENTTOpAOF Rrlmi nntu erea. Two I badraomi, 11-11 liyittaiit Frtptrti 1305-296-5745 be'ore 2 31 I Any eree or conoinon BROWARD COUNT beih, pool, pelio A tennis. Mid iWs. lit DUPLEX BUYS idroomt. 1 both.

i pern, i wo oerjri Two decorator track ngniina A OCEANVIFW iff from baarhaots iBedri YMAN NE i bam eocrt tide 4- OVER -Newly painted ina flrtl clltl con- Tin 71 oHicat-Hoiivwoud in bargain al lurmsnio. A ovn. 449ee Jl tide vi anl-nvavi No AoaniiiPiui nome tirepiece, owner y.7-yt3 parage, award 170-1734 No. S21 I250.000-t401p00 down. 14,500.

a6l-)l5 4-VtM awa wl weaitor IV MURRAY CASH for eoulty CBS homes in QUALITY HjbW wldM A 14 Some used horm QUALITY doubW wldM A 14 Some used hornet New widet tor MW. ilso. 1 Redraam 1 hath ilria.f 18 MODERN AFTS" REALTORS OPEN 2-4 2 5 IJl SW 101 AVE m-7 REALTIES Broward or Dede l-5io CORAL CABLE-SOUTH Bedroom I both other-like new ADt49-aOAO 1 11STO bedroom aiiume sea.lOO lwo WE BUY houses in WtALIUKS 66764.1 of repair. a-va I err sa Termt HabM Eioanot ttl morlgage FHA-VA Intal HOLLYBROOK newly decorated, ain Mr va del 771- VILLA Del Sol Townnouie Hulrn- Retro Pros Inr faallnr U1.UM warron many core tally con 357-1400, Officii designed lo your need Lerge A smell tulMt aveileblt Newly redecor.led Janitorial A utlllllM included 1771 Bisrayne Blvd No. 14 935-1109 OTe-ruiiy rf iiifp-gyoa rerurn- Original atknt 2 bedroom 2 balh.

SELL For profit! All Cash! Free tlUI Itbl LIE AL IN TOWN! Nl HoHvwood Blvd corner, privale parking, 1104,000 required. Ittoc Ted Naumen 652-4311 "VxTrLjvTTiTANsF err ed Union Island 2 bedroom i balk ewner 534-7327 0 CARPET REALTORS iUpLEX-Mv CM ISUKt valuation! Call 145-1203 veluatlor loeclion A Dadelend MebiW Home Park Space) Available lor Rent 13900 SW 157 SI. Cell 233-4312 Jerry A. Hitdebrendl Inc RF Broker 747-4700 or 164-4744 Beqny Rye' Estate Realtor RED mi QUI HLANU KEALTOWS EI-42 Hiaru Fla.Kiyt Down-FHA 221 AWUS i Beautiful 1 badroom I bam. hroh peoroomt, circular iiatrway, nn beemed ceiling, luceted on corner overlooking poit courie neat lo pool tennlt.

Call Rick Chlldrnt, ittoc. Tasy i iuinTT 10-21 Firtw IriTit Unif I 7 UNITS, excellent locution, income 1120,000, 1170.W0 DIXIE WILLIAMS Realtor 7M-I51 163 ST STORES PLANTATION KEY Bv (Wnar eea-aerv eve hear. tOOi-A Bargain with all trw, 197 Modelt from 1795 Many perks lo rJsojta frami Large 2 Bedroom-New cknet -LC, Prooerlkn Nit 'I Ine 14 WO to malar tenant 1250,000 cub, amenltiH. Brenda Yur' rtlnentel uu atiA ace.iM. 754-14M wee t. THEKLOCK CO. wner iiouidalino 24501 Dixw Hwy 245-2772 ill-ll Wiii Iptt, Retell, Netali Great Opportunity SW Dade next to Mineral Springs man Aitar eJa-S'l, Dell Mann TWO, dittinctlvi cuttom I hMnc AaMiiti, DlantstlAM Alu I locilion 1145.000 pown Piymeni Dug so prime m-aoaO AUOC Realtor 552-WO 14-11 talo-tnialllM-TriPIIIH cash, ownar anxious lo se I MOOeRN bearh moiei. pool, no 330 BISCAYNE MAGNIFICENT BAY VIEW! FULL FLOOR AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY (LakeCheklka Stale Park) across the street Irom Bey. Park 21 000 so on US1 wiin meior tenants, SNAPPER CRETIT fiBTBldin Aral II Smalt down. ground Wasi, prlncipan only, call U4-JI49 acrM lor it.ous.

acrM lor Keyes Co-53rdYr "1 H7 St. '45-7411 tola price S900 nun Beech Ramp. NEW bedroom 3 balh. NEAR NEW 2 bedroom 2 Mth 7 BEDROOM 2 bath, dm, convarll Easy e. est insurance aoamsl i lermi km.

Ci terms berlroam Atoan avtarwlart ne out Sunday lo our out Sunday lo WANTED 101 buldinut 10 10 too million. Come Over 1100.000 each. ED KING ARTHUR PRESENT, INC. 20175 Blsc Blvd "Realtor 932-Q1W1 Miami Lakes Pakn Sprinat Nenti Ceurrtry CM Of Miami Am we jr model. Agenl Cormr lot.

152.000, Owner Id or! Ira )lti( Birr 21I4S THF ALLI Richmond Dr.lSW EN MILLLWtSI tl7 lAonmry pavt all ctwaei In. lot St. A )H Ave) 473-M3I PLANTATIONKET unitt rtortn mumi 10 siuort, win pay cash. Please call us 1-145-2004 or write 57 E. Blue Heron Blvd, RlvWri WEALTOWS Attention Investors AM 171 ciuejtna tacietrecreeiienai.

3 5 ACRFS oaved IrJin lit A FrMINTAINFRI FAII PAav I bed- cam ror anraciivety rum. 1 04 HERE'S a naw horna lull mlnula. 11-11 II 1133,000 good lermi. BU Cnadweck XI good lermt. Country Club with melor hotel piut 3 Bedroom 21 bath with beautiful! eves 271-4712 renm Yi both.

Immediately aveil' laway from tavtrnitr Cratk. Water assoc. imrwo Slerllni Slerllni MIAMI LAKES EAGLE NEST ,250 ecret reedv lor development. 360. (1.4a loft.

Befall, ktatak PW; Cell Tundev, way ror quick ocaaivDav ov Realty 333-7171 Doug Stewart leketrent, cemeorai ceiling, weiher, dryer. 145,000. Win consider renting Area at Miami Lalet.Palm Sprinat NerthXounfry Ckrb Of Miami unit apt complex 12,000.000 down ooai. Miial OiKk Iding MVS month lo month. Eric ROLIMOAKS OOUDU rouM.

i. 40' dock. WIH be pieoted to 'piia Ja RaM Ijlc you th, line properlvl We 52- ooc targe eeoroom, Dams vou thift firva orooarlvl uei, Alloc evet 723-1442 Mirj'own Rlty Inc Realtor 253-SeOO OCEAN UNITS 1240,000 srvow New DupkwM. 3 bedroom 3 bathe. 7 bedroom 2 baths.

Models open Mon-Sun 10-5 M. Rep. Real Eileie I1-M lBtB4H-CMf)aajiMa. km (I Am if Pemareke Pknet Acres A acrat of beautiful roHlna 135 000 Down-Balance 1 Mori; The Price Is Right! NO LOT RENT TO FAY IMkDOWN 25 YEAR-Amortlied Residenllal Loan IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY VISIT OUR MODEL MALL AMERICANA VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM 19100 SWIM AVE MIA 251-2720 land loaded with large oek trees. Samuelt WALDEN POND Bernard W.

Sendet Bkr 537-4714 Bkr proyr I- I i jo Juti miw west ot Gilchrist county Reo Real steie Bi re Bldo B( stele Bid; Broker Boca Raton line on sw n. Good rnirtcnant. Inlerslalt Plate mi) Area of Kendiw LikM Beginners-Retired 14-11 talB-toalMavTriBlMaf. ON ma IJin Fairway of Pemoroki Laket Country Club. 3 bedroom 21 iasv terms or cash.

12 APARTMENTS NEAR (305! 31-6116 Beautifully decorated, nice well all Fri. Sal or Sun 04-473-33r3 AR list STRE 150MDOWN 4 1st STREET Bern niarut Tree iop model villa. HERE'S 1 bedroom, 3 balls new 11-20 condition. In the 140't Ramon Awian- uajjog. OWNER HOLDS MORTGAGE FlBTBillH lfB II Miami lor met yiraMi Gareant Area Kendall Dr.

Ext. Area go. Easy biking it WelOorl Shopping i-story ai Key Ltr Irom here In the DRY 11 oro, Attoc m- ituu tves can Paul, Assoc ea -2430 672-1 Center or Poll Dftlce. Fully caroetei 0233 Fi ALWObENt-tLD Realtor SW I ST. NFAR 4)nrl AVF ERA 552-9070 wal to wall, all electric modern kitchen, air cond.

Only S3T.000. We Strip Store CBS construction. 110,440 HOTEL ol 44 Pulmanetlt II Gross 199,000 Price 1325,000, DUPLEX $58,000 Wnl of Rapidly Deveiooino Kendall ALLS ACRES Only tla.OOO ONLY 1300 Down Il75 Month "TIMEf PRICE IS RIGHT" Rlcnerd Luck. Broker- 447-0754 Realty Service Realtors oom bath.

gross yetrry. Aiding i WW, netp erring nnencaia tor you. See li tooiv. un ssu.uiai. Twio fla Commercial realty OPE 3 New 1 badranm 9 balk A harl- wa-ioti "JKL PERRINF OFFICES ROYAL SINGAPORE UXETOWXHOXES Bl2 Ideally located spacious 4 bedroom townhonoi Models opeo daily 9atn 5pm.

7425 BAY HILL DR. COUNTRY CLUB OF MIAMI 556-0731 fiYATEiai; ptlalio room I bam, I ImerMt, seuOO Lou Bush, Broker 271-1432 20 ACRES. Iracll it-4A. I-14-3T 1164 So. ramai im n.n t-.

mm CBS building, built in 9yn'T mm morigaoe. By uwner 17 UNITS Groual avar 11 OQQ HAS complelt Country Club laclHiwt and i lakes. New A used mooiw TWO CANAL LOTS' 195, idioins new Perrine shopping house 3 bedroom fbeth, fHAVA! toned AU, broker co-op. 241-4500 l.f Price xGrott. Murray nibura terms, price iJi.eag wamofi Aieun- nomas tor taw.

own your inl A center s.e,'e grots yearly, owner will help finance, asking 1240,000. OlMEGQELL Realtor 531 1551 Dixit, Mia Fl 13322 dro, Attoc em jit-it J) i 14-21 tilo-Halnit-Triplim- noma, upon lo a oany, ciose sun idly Tie At MIAMI ittfl all Mary Ann Becker, Reallor WE DO THE WORK Veu have alt the fun, Hvinp In i tove-ly 1 bedroom 11 bath over' Ci 552-90701 ERA NTUWY 71 4a! 150 Merldian-70 units 117 000 unit 465-1111 FINE loll ready lo build on now! Oockt A water metert elreedy In-tteiied at beeutHul Plantation Key. Only 516,900 eech. Low kileritt, it-tumabil morlgega. 175 Down.

175 month. Roads, atec rot st na wa x-t. Lauaarnaw FiarBtiiHArBa21 Cerei Gabiet Am BECKER STARR Realty, Inc Brwd 941-9500 Dade 425-6131 Lonins units s.itrxj unit trlclty avalWbkt, build. Hoiidey Mtg Realtors RHtfjrSjrvireCr, 7t MODELS. 12'.

14' weatiy. Broker eas torn yvir All' wide, leaking fort courie, iwlmmlng pool, tcracnad balcony, loveiv rac buiid- 12-44 ALLeiri ready to live-In. turn, tlnancing Owner Will Finance 11-21 tBla-TimkiHH-Aru2l uaj, small peti. In the MO Evm cell, IveTlable Sat 9-5, Sun 1-5 231 -204 1 Bavfront-kev Larco -rkMBSV 12-44 Sali-liti-CoBlBBiiatiaiK Iria44 Am ef Naaandakt, Fembreke Park Moo isi weaitorAiioc SevTAwnt Dede County Araa miw fronlaoe on Stale Rd. 74 4 4601 -3 3 Terr OPEN 7-S 17X10- I BtrOHOUM 10X19 FM.

om, A 1 condition 431-0097 Area if Halandele, Pembroke Part irthe Realty Inc Realtor miwt worn Leoar Aev: iionea com-mercial-rMidanlial. Graal aooorlu- i aeoream i earn, i oeoroom i oatn Only 151,100 MIKE MtSHAFL RFAL TV nliy. Sam Skxn Attoc Open vh III fPM aTW Tift V- rwd 1 043-2300 Realtor ei5Rert RserJ 147-01401 LEAST expensive beytront home In ell ot the Keys. Look over ihit 2 bedroom, 2 balh tlllt home near Adamt Walerwey. A snug haven for the whole lomlly wllh migniflcent view of thl out itlend.

Only 195,000. Excellent ossumeoio morlgege. OPEN 14 SPANISH VILLAS 4501 KFNOAL LAKES Dff P7TI rk rLALt LONUO The Keyes Co-53rdYr Buy used double wldet it 14' wide prices. These unltt are 11-21 Sala-TiRakiina-H-sa 21 I WellcheiterOaoeland West Fleeter '5 werrweter Am 14-24 Ibmj print TrittiMB 109 Bll Realtort 37I-35W NIC TldNAL Saacleui beautiful 2 bedroom, eat-In eltcnen, carpet, ewner must tell Realty World 940-1770 AssumiBia mortgage, deluxe 2 bed clean, lata model mobile hornet You are buvtno a buiineti FAR Seven Kevt Realty Inr Realtor r.irpi.iM via 24 Wait Mutmi SevfH miami Dadelend ttartlnn al 117. elivery up room 31 both, carport, element appliances.

Call Barbara Abranem. wllh It! i nr.ian wvjin aai to 2Stnlkn. 151-220 wr Mlaml 24I-I0M Kevt 152-3252 Or24l-H4 luamorada 6o4-24 rive. 10 acrM. 2 barm.

37 sunset uri' Assoc. Eves 274-yAH sun Stele A-wgarTy inc. rTpanors itaea. ira nina rina. utoarati weaity inc.

tea-jn UrULC OPtN SUN 10 io a gulFSTre am prest PARK paddockt. many other butlneii am "KINGS CREEK" piout adult park In Browan rd county I 1 BEDROOM Balh June ocru- imenlties. CaH Aim Ahen Associate Ci 1374 KENDALE LAKES Waterfront Condo i pen OA Asking ty.ysu ancv Privet. lil.tOO 411-4021 2 bedroom-aeraae-m tefi-caraal- aea-jeur YOUR'E own boat ilio. fresh weler LAKEFRONT VIEW lorapei-tennti-pooi-nanooaa MTREESWilT itie 'Pa-'v Hln Inc RenHor swimming pool A I bedroom I balh 447-4111 Step on lo the large balcony A ea REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST SELLING OUT REMAINING UNITS ASHltIGH HOUSI CONDOMINIUMS 3113 S.

OCEAN DftlVf, HALIANDALI 1 1 2 BEDROOMS from No land or recreation loos Immediate occupancy located directly on Intracooitol acrott thl street Irom the ocean MODI. OFIN DAILY WIIKINDS DADE: 144-3425 IXOWARDi 454-3 1 13 DO MOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! RESERVE YOURS TODAY! at the leke. Gill Realty Inc itYjsvi nAwfc an inn i bedroom be unit. Air cono. low matntenence teet.

Only U9.000 Owner wW hold tl-Cl tiriierieelaeaiiiiat Iratll Am at Oavw.Ptarrt.hen extrat. Don 14-21 lall-aSiiiaiat-Trlalaia Townhouie hal many wail Call Witme Gri Surround your new '7 Skyline when you Nve al isle Gold A dull Moot Home Park, JmoI Federal Hwy, Naren inor leave. FuralilM Bill 21 5I1-M31 Realtort 147-447 i-o2j tves J- ACRF RadlaiwM' Traf Ii. raal WMtchetter Tl Deaeland Am BjNA VENTURE I bedroum iNAv The Janis Co Inc Income Canal Home forpiantlng. 44151a earn aoppad (New) by With purchase of any new mobile home.

4024' 3 bedroom. 3 belh, awner ENJOY Fla Kevt llvlno In this I bed REALTORS 3437-31 SW Mth AVE 575-1134 ACRE-REDLANDS family room, furn. air cond. dish- Duplex, greet Income area. Oftert! wr-EH PInanc'inc.

room 1 bath CBS horna with large! living-dlning-kltchen A tcreened porcn. Heve I nice Income from the washer, garbagt disposal. Reedv lo t-tn uk Patlatl Encioud balcony) badroom Acre horrwslie reduced-Owner mult sal. 12-M lara-teti-CeideajiitiBM- BTfMM Am It PernMiw Baach Terry Puilen Really Inc occupy. 111,500.

Meny modelt, iHi 21 bain, Dig family room. Lovely bis Realtor 252-1 top ipt downtieirt. Fully turn. Bivtide; Acres lonod EUM v. acri high deveioptTienl.

I sues, eooo prices. s-aouna pprms Mobile Horn. Park. in Marketing by Ceeida Relates Ireker i pieniaiion Key. lys.ouu etsumeme ABIN AND ELEANOi 14-27 iBECAGOM, 2 ba Maurno, aisoc.

evM EDROOM. 10.44. t3U0 aniv morigege. 233-0555 oath, dan. ASSOCIATES RE ALTOR 2M-113 Merv.

Lew melntenance. Neeri LUXURY townhouse on Hidden aeacti. Lavaly area. Only jSI Wo aojveiWy aod course. Specious roomt, cwnvna casts.

Sal 321 11 Ave iperege, tennis, pool. 2 Bedroom 21 e2-70 essumebW mortaaoe. No ''MI "-'lesceiatlon. Call 27f-777 or 11000 down, IH5 month. 496-0911 EXCELLENT price, on new i are-owned hornet in modern adult Park located NW taclian.

Finarvf. FiirplaiH Ifii 27 Kendal. Perrme Culler Ridoe Area ERA Doug Stewirt Realty 233-7171 ACRE 17-53-40 Neer NW 51 St' A 107 Ave. Houter Rlty SSI-112 A ERA PERSONAL REALTY INC REALTORS El-00 tali-TiaakMiiiAraaOl Aree ef Penrkoreke Peset 11-00 IfHi-TiDikiitiilrialO Area at Pernor eke Pmet I 9 I j' 1 GuPLFXtS 2 hadronm I bAlh Mlemi 245-1014 Ttvemler 152-374 Daily -3 SundavtlO-5 MUBiLt Home Fie, room An earn siqe sq- a-i NO MONEY DISCOVER LUXURY YOU CAN AFFORD 213 BR. -23 BATH LUXURY lOWNHOMEJfroa fill Rccxuneiii FACILITIES IXClUDilfli Ixptiaflaiorts ITemtHrU (ililhttO BItra Motten ClobLam Stfimmini Pool Scsttett stairisitilCjiiiwiitf zcettet raatcitf IvaSsbla KENDALL TOWN TOWNHOMES BY 4 BUILDERS MODEL OPEN 10-6 DAIIT PHONE 2797304 sf.iomm.isi.nti SIIT(litMNl.

leWal If.ltMiel Ir.) (tl-71 him um coumr cono. pooi stores niixj tie-tans 12-27 tbta-TiaBkitM-iria 21 Tz baths. eOROOMT PINE CHANNEL ESTATE OCALA araa. wootttni xtfTBE jitt only, 424 45X1; Adults mil 3 tlOWARO COUNTY Area at Kendel-Perrtne-Culler Ridoe FREE Tmonlhi lot rani vlth a 12-71 tfrri-ipii-CiidiBiiiuai- The Future Is Now purchase of new mobile home In modern edull perk. 425-1272 (Tl beau i trUL canaitront lof in big Pine Key.

Direct ac-cetl to ocean. Eleven! surrounding hornet. One of the lest parcels of prime land. 17,700. CORAL CABLES-SOUTH 1 Ufh, waitr, dryer.

dihi.h-iV4l tll-luiUlM-(tilIti- Am at Baca Raten NEW A ore-owned home, nira In Homestead Fearpleiet Ini 42 perk, pool, tennis, rec hell, dulls A Fart Lauaardele Aree uRAND OPENING cyrenisecrr-7ni CtNTuRY Village. 2 Bedroom Li bam. Deluxe A upgrarjed. Mar cuaency. 5l.5uO.

4fl-122f Boca, be- 57 Actm toned for 15 tingle family WEALTORS 667-1411 iota ooroerino Avaceoo a Kedlends, 1 14 000 per acre 7600 SO FT sailboat canal home in 11-11 MebililiaiLiHFar till frjytrnjearrj. Good LARCE 2 bearoorn 2 by carpeting, appliances, I7I.W flnenclng A excelwnt income. eeV Ttn Hegant Co Reeltor 341-W10 prestigious Fl Lergo. 125' concrete duck, devil, ramp mill marker 6 Herfleg Souan Townhousw 7, 3 A 4 Bedrooms. Recreation erai, pool, lennit Priced Irom H3 tvO Mooert Open I0AM-SPM pally 1400 SW 176 ST lii-Mn READY TO BUILD D'IE WltLIAMS, Rultpr 754-H Bur Larue kill Sc Fr, 2 Unltt nomesTeao' rater sewer V.55 orocnure Lexe Louise f0 Boa ika I a 12500.

a unit. Ella farafa Attoc (IS TOWNHOUSES fM Silt A didc coumr Miami Beach 164-2691 HOMES ON CANAL! evM 341-141 OWNER GONE Point Rovel 3 bed room 111 belh family room 115,001 14-44 lalB-liBliiM-lrlaiiiat. FaarpltiM Irn 44 aki rietew. Pernor ek. Part Am WHY rani lahan vou ran nutn vntir 3-22 Jjf or ft't-r sr-n The Keyes Ct53rd Yr I) PLANTATION Key Colony-: bedroom 2 bath olut aueit aot aa own 1 A ecre rinchetli.

Paved iroadt, iwlmmlng, hunting. Vicinity 434 Crar.don Reeltor 361- 11-21 ttll-TltrikiatM-Arilll Area af WMt loll on deep canal. Only Ml, 900. 2) LONG Key (MM 44) on deei INCOME PROPERTY NURSERY SITE or Lexe uaeecnooea your raireet for 1595 Eesy lermt. Cell lor kiioec-tlun.

Really Advltori Inc Brokar 70 AcrM across from Homestettd (Ml liNr-Tetnaeiiai-arai 01 Am if Surtstae.Aey Marker, at Creek VJIeaa cenel, 2 bedroom uptlairi, I bedroom apt down. Neer the new See! World Teurltl Attraction oniyj 7 Ouptein 4 units pYee-rkilty new High essumebW mortal ues Excel i-o mooov or 122 Ave it.yoo Pines! BercHona beautiful 2 bedroom acre wnt rentel erea. Can Mnt Gordon oatn townvltia and un Averinert FUTRELL CO Realtor! 733-4444 IMI ebilileaiTriilef Pirti Hj.ytxj toison Arcner weallor aisoc esa-iew svaoe yen- gj i petiot 144 erxT. Open Set-Sun 1-S. xe-aevj, ttiemoreoa at4-76Ji KROMF AVF A I 7 ROOM.

3 balh. almost new con ija an i Lane eaj-wJ The Keyes Co53rd Yr CN "60 AT 1-4 Townhomes-Surfside cnNOiriSl ArF 765 AcrM 2 milei paved frontage 400 Acrei I mile Krome frontage Bell Prlre In Araa ereli stilt. Furn mother-in-law ilu-dio apt down. AH aooilancet 3 Bedroom 3 bath, brand new, ready! M22eReltrirse40-7Jl) H-42 Hearei Fil ler weiher A dryer. Near ocean, boat ST A NO COLLINS AVE SERENE, view selling.

Banal Rlty Reellori 441-4541 rolling, beautiful lake-New adult perk neer mni ffeMible-wlrlet. mini unique 1 bedroom, i 'l Beth, 2 story LOVE LY Bedroom Trjnhau 1 peoro remp acteit. low tg ill sound Dr. Fey largo MMT04 Sebrlng. New "DISNEY WMD" FT1I-.

AnBTr-l a s--Tei cross rrom oceen a Patio Priced lo sell 29-4123 FtlM IEICH COUNTY 3 greetett veiue Low lot ram, Bre- rs Brand NEW! Park in reer Cal 'arml TaBAL Cnase'At 3 Bedroun nura tvier-ii 16-' ti ll Il.tlCil N. Holland 145-2041. MS-4424 town nome Till SL.Weit of University Drive. Phone: BrowarrJ 431-0200. Dade 620-0348 ONLY 10 MILES AWAY ret.

total twice 114 000. perns remiiy room pest location At- 5 Acres, 1300 surnc t--. xy-irje ry-it M. Kotler Realtor HfOWF PfriJr(f an tlS.1 in t( 14-71 Sli-liliiM-TriiliiM oown, siw par monm. m.

no Infer Ml. TefTai Iiait ipaiit itki none. S1UJ Wlim Dtnko. Realtor yar-rvs rwrct.9nf parn ot ove4oprrtnt. units -O garaua wararuHiM.

Prai- FurpliiM wia71 I ttukuuM ri bain tow 2472 ACRFC.r'.Nl til tnl 1 with aereoe A lerege A many extras. eniiv ffoiiino IbVXpO pr ytir, en tot am ee Baca waien SW 112 Av. 274-e2t4, no egents D-47 Sata-TiaikaaiM-lria 17 Palm Bch County, Peved roods, brioel paths, canett end dead ra- rr'rrtJVfn r) laj I IMI AlMkia UUALiRAfLEX, exceuent location, strtctnni. mmv traaa ri REDUCED ttarat Miami leach sKy lAkt tve Sstetn Area roit ito.wo property net no mori 10.000 Pi SECUL6ED KjjtLr an oroxer i-m mi vel WOuOtd 11-21 lale-Tinikimt-trti 21 ll-JO 21 iae. or information cell or write: 00! Of STATE SUES 1 acrat rnmu'ts irom oairottvtii.

Sable Chau wride.C condominium Enterrxrse vavrv eowwwosT oaao Caurxry Aree MIAMI f.iiW I badroom 2 oatn, cathedral F-ia 2300 loft of uHa-contamporarv! MUST SELL badroom 3 betnt. I Inc, o.w. Motnson, corporate VTW wnn iuw oi orft ah iha morlaaaaiS' line im. jax. i- a a tven a I even a car garage, assumeote DorohSv Jonnson Eves u)i Zt tn'li taitrornii CluO araa.

eJI-M! or 415-5444 "rvTSrVOOb tflWNHlluif? nin tiotuiatii imtki 17-01 tall Calllinii 14-0211 11 aoi.tarafl aiaai BuT le-Sa KROME AVE-TAMIAMITRAH. 104 Acret-1320' road trontege. ALSO A TRIMARCO A AiVtT tk't grplar VH J-IWT Tar-ner unit. 2 bedroom 2 1 bams, HAVSHED Basin. 1040 acrei.

hor REALTOR 44M' 19B Arraa.tW lif Aa.atwt.rf Cue nil OIWiNflfiTril a a-. A condominiums lOR SALE-FLORIDA KLYS Key Largo Baytklo- mi. toutn of Deoa-Morsrot nm I hr trorti Miami. PandiM. Moon Bay Condominium.

22urtturrtittitct.2 tovvnriouw 2 7 apirtrrsarft turnisntd and beautifully equipped Tennlt court, 7 poort boating, cmjcV tiousB witti large roof tJecR to aun or weleri tha larrtestic Keyt tuntert. CaH Ptiyiln Hecrrt for eiiuoirrtment Mortroe-4S1-Ob7, Darta-J4S77. BrovyrrJ--t6-5210. dert, Meedocine Nat'l Forest, most SI. Price 17000 oar acre Tarrm 74s.

II-BI Br ay aid ly fenced, barn, meadows woods, am, cimeorai cemng. ERA 8914440 rre OTHfl SIUJ ij (WCIUOW. BOIItt NOMttlV mitii'u IMS ItONiig COUNTY cam, pa lance over reari ii ait. inter etl. OCEANFRONT s.

Meibourrw teach 1 faarlrnnm Kalh lamiiwi Cl-r Inc eii-r; llClf4t REALTOR Os- Uhn IMI lial IrtiH tikMf luift prl- vara Dcacn. Frnxipati only NEW 11-41 SilfTiaikiitM-arM 41 are, kanridua nnrtn ri Land Investment n-tl II 01 Am at Nartk Msarni, Btscayne Gerae-ts I SELL or trade 10 acres 2 (xocksl imyg. I oen-rKiTi nam anr-vfte Aral af Fan Leieavjraele wvaattondi Low at 1375 in acre fa 11,500 an south ot Stirling wa eest ot 164 Ave ediecent Green Meadowt Subdivision. 171-7717. 9U-1300 17-10 til bad, Arwn 7 ,1 Buy Now for Less Than Rent! LET US PROVE IT TO 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Townhoma Villas from 140,990 Full Cerpehne, All Electric Kitcheni.

Central AitHiit -Fl US-SWIMMING ITeanti A Oelf A.ediMe an MaataatPta, I. 15 miles from Nepiet Jesse Jamea Hard Raalre i i bath townhouse Family community, pooi'tennlt. sjt.eoo, aviiWbU June I. 7 A I Bedroom 2 bath pool A tennlt it 5u0 piut ecret lixXi leke. acre, eo will trade lovely home in nice lo- 441-7191 442-1J35 10-07 Ikarlitta cuoinc.

Prlva'a Araa proa SO ecre creek ana serine fad litre oci cation tectien for tote model home river trontege, 6 miles from town or airplane. General wv 11" Slate Rd 14 Fl LauA Braid 424-1174 Dade CFwFl CPFB rtnu at Southern NEW OFFERING Gl. 912-226-263 or fjUj li bath Si, aaitjII-44 tlo-Tallaf ih-oV 44 04-7l3-t; 5 icre rtncnjnes-ak approved Neer at tcamt. w.tjq. rM-uag Am at Heaindiw.

ood arka-poad fermt. rr. myers, Mvart. 7't ACr'fS With spring miles Woorled I ecre bukdine titet Hi peved roedt el Cryttel Him. In Pambrele Pert Oil Miami 754 -3 5 24 Exchange Expert Milton Hihn.

R.artor 441-4062 envo-netsLike itata iHH fcYaCASKY.INC.) CEGAPWOOLS 2 11-14 tata-Tevibaati illai 14 Caret Cm) Myrta Grave Am Punta Gorda Isles Ltkt 150-1 M-t4l6l 147 ree Jutt off US41. Eesity af-irdebW termt. CaH 445-1591 WWl -iHa PeaRora Loti reedy bund. Aiturr mort- TAa mt aver 7.S ay CONTEXT DEVELOPMENT CO CALL CLASSIFIIO 150-3333 5AI aurum I St Tftird Ave Miorf 1 Jilt lIJ4-000 CALL CLASSfFlfO 354-1221 CALL CLASMFW 3M1373 bam fawnftousa Nice IXi CAW ye ocrAreency May I grit Wiy Miami Fl 33 141 ade. Assoc 231-0734 Eve 726-2771 670-03 Real Estate.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.