The Lane Graphic from Lane, Kansas (2024)

About 1,200 plumbers went on NEWS OF THE WEEK. KANSAS STATE NEWS. THE LANE GRAPHIC THE WORK OF CONGRESS. Condensed Proceeding; ef the Senate and Hoom la Extra Session. WHESthe senate met on the 29th Senator strike at Chicago on the 3d and nearly every building in course- of construc WT HcCermlek Changed from Left to tli Right Hand Hinder.

It has been said that the conveniences of one age become the necessities of the next: but no ordinarily sane man will contend that the necessities of one age should be Gleaned By Telegraph and Mall. E500K WHITI50, Publishers. Chandler (ti. IL) gave notice thut he would object to soy business being done, becaune there tion in that city was at a standstill. If an attempt should be made to hire non-union men to fill the places of the strikers a general strike of all unions LANE, KANSAS.

I PERSONAL. AND POLITICAL was an understanding that none should be taken up during the absence of ao many senators In New York to attend the ceremonies of dedicat The state G. A. R. reunion will be held at Leavenworth October 11 to 15.

Iola has a population of 3,145 and is eligible to be a city of the second class. More than a dozen banks, mostly in western Kansas, have reduced capital by charging off all worthless paper. The criminal ease against CoL affiliated with the building trades will Tub Chicago News said that it was common talk in Chicago society circles that Marshall Field was engaged to ing the Grant monument A message from the CURRENT COMMENT. result. Thb treasury figures for April con the widow of the late Gen.

Phil Shert PlAYisa cards for iweet charity's dan and that the wedding- would take firm Chairman Dingley's statement, made a short time ago, that there was take is one ox the latest fads of society Alexander Warner, charged with place in the near future, In atshington. likely to be nearly a year's supply of come the inconveniences ot the next. When binding was done by hand the left hand cut harvester was a necessity. The grain fell on the platform of the harvester and was delivered into the receiver with its heads towards the rear of the machine. The mem stood in the receiver facing the grain.

With, the left hand machine the heads ef tae-grain are at the left hand of the man doing, the binding, so in taking out the bundle with the band around it, whether the man turned to the front table er to the back table he kept his position toward the bundle itself that is, with the heads toward his left hand; hence, in making the tuck he shoved the ends under the band toward the heads. Grain is handled by the shocker by grasping into the heads, as shown in the Tub election of Deboe in Kentucky wrecking the Baxter Springs bank, has been dismissed. foreign goods in the eountry when the makes the total membership of the senate at Washington 88, composed of As enterprising-undertaker in a Mis ouri city has embalmed the corpse of new tariff bill goes into effect, All the unoccupied school lands west The town of Pulaski, and vicin 43 republicans, S3 democrats and 13 of the 98th principal meridian have an Afro-American citizen In order to populists and silver republicans. With been placed on sale again, under the president transmitting the report of the commission to adjust the boundary line between the United States and Mexico, west of the Kio Grande, was read. Several resolutions were introduced, among them being one by Senator Vest (Mo.) directing the committee on commerce to report at the beginning of the next session the causes of the Mississippi floods and means of preventing them.

A resolution was also offered by Senator Morgan (Ala.) asking the president to transmit all correspondence with United State officials In Cuba since the beginning of the war. The senate then adjourned until The house was only in session for seven minutes. Mr. Simpson (Kan.) protested against adjourning (or more than one day without a quorum, but the "regular order" was loudly demanded and br a vote of 74 to 14 the house then adjourned until May Is the senate on the 3d joint resolution for ity was shaken by an earthquake soon afternoon on the 3d. No damage re stand it np in his show window as an example of his high skill in the occult Kyle the republicans would have 44, legislative act of 1895.

sulted, but the people were terribly tie, and with the vice president, ma The pop-jlist central committee of science of mummifying'. frightened. jority of one. It is believed, however. Barton county has asked Senator Arm John Noun, his two little daughters that in case a party vote was imminent Christiana Bounekessel, of Besse strong to explain his vote against the maximum railroad and usury bills, or and another man whose name could not be learned were drowned in the or probable that an election would occur in Florida, leaving the senate mer, died the other day at the ape of 99 years.

She left a snug little fortune to her 18th husband, who is a resign. river above Gallatin, on the 8d. standing as before Deboe'a election. The sitting of the federal court at The skiff was overturned and the IT was reported at the capital that young man, and who had lived with Fort Scott has been postponed from the first to the fourth Monday in May. father tried to take his children to bis venerable bride only a few months.

the republican senators having charge of the tariff bill have been compelled making immediately available for the purposes of the International posta! congress about to assemble at Washidgton was agreed to. The free homestead bill was then taken un shore but the swift enrrent swept all There was no money on hand to pay Witnesses. four of them under. Amfbican manufacturers, encour to accept an amendment proposed by Senators Wolcott, of Colorado, and The Atlantic Pacific railway was Special Master Clark has begun hear Jones, of Nevada, providing that any 'sold at Gallup, N. on the 8d for ing testimony in the suit to prevent country which shall enter into a bi 813,000,000.

The only bidder was Al aged by the fact that paper railroad rails have been successfully introduced In Germany and Russia, are experimenting along- the same lines. Paper car wheels have given satisfaction for the state from enforcing the Jacquins metallic agreement with the United dace F. Walker, chairman of the board live stock law. The sittings are at States shall be allowed a discount of of directors of the Atchison, Topeka Kansas City. and an agreement reached to take a final vote on It the next day.

The Vest resolution directing the committee on commerce to Investigate and report on the causes of the Mississippi floods was favorably reported from the the house Mr. Simpson (Kan.) made an attack on the speaker, the issue being about the speaker's policy of postponing the appointment of committees. A motion was finally put to appoint the committees Immediately, which was voted down by 124 nays to 62 ayes, the speaker's policy being thus sustained. The senate resolution appropriating $50,000 lor the postal congress was passed and the house 15 per cent of the tariff rates upon the Santa Fe railway. nany years.

Wholesale jobbers of central and products sent by any such nation to It has been given out that the Illustration, and the tuck should therefore be toward the heads, so that it will not put) out. The hand binding harvester with men to do the binding is out of date, and so is the left hand machine, which has been superseded by the McConnick Right Hand Open Elevator, the success of which makes it seem highly probable that there will be ue progressive manufacturer building left band machines in three years. The application of roller Wrinca te troll this country. amount of Cashier II. II.

Espe's defalcation from the Savings bank of Kad- western Kansas are organizing to push a maximum freight rate bill before the next legislature, basing the rate on central Kansas points. Tub queen regent of Spain at a cabi net meeting at Madrid on the 29th cliffe, was about 918,000. Espe signed the decree providing for the has disappeared. The New England Loan Trust application of the agreed upon reforms adjourned until the 6th. John V.

Crum, the famous sprinter, died at Des Moines, on the 3d as ADLER'S SECOND VICTIM. of Boston, which shut down on Kansas business three years ago, has sent instructions to its agents in northeast for the island of Cuba. II er majesty's action was due to the receipt of a cable message from Capt-Gen. Weyler an the result of an operation for The Slayer of Pout Office Inspector McClnra ern Kansas to again solicit loans. Al orders Another Man In Kansas City.

nouncing that the western part of the The Tennessee Centennial exposition Kansas Citt, May 4. As the Further sittings of the bribery inves Thb fox terrier is now officially reg Istered as a transparency, the ray shining' through him like a candle through a Chinese lantern. The experiment was tried on an animal of this species which had swallowed a diamond ring, the trinket appeared in the midst, visible as a goldfish in a glass vase. Thb Paran Stevens estate, through one of the executors, filed plans in the department of buildings for an 18-story iotel to be erected in New York. The cost is estimated at 83,000,000.

The construction will be skeleton steel and fire proof. The height of the proposed building will be 232 feet from the curb to the highest point. island was pacified. result of a quarrel over a ten-cent stake W. J.

Calhoun, the lawyer of Dan tigating committee have been postponed until May 13, pending a decision in a crap game last evening, BillAdler, ville, 111., who has been selected by was formally opened at Nashville on the 1st There was a parade through the city to the grounds, where, after a prayer by Bishop Gailor and speeches of the supreme court as to the right of the notorious north end thug who. cutting machinery was made by G. Perry in 1869, and his patent, No. 86,584, fcr am improved reaper, showed and described various ways of using roller and ball bearings in harvesters. In view of these facts it is somewhat amusing to read the claims of a certain reaper maker of the present day, who says he was the first to introducat roher bearings in harvesting machinery.

A a matter of fact this manufacturer is comparatively a beginner in the art reaper building and has originated nothing. Unquestionably the most practical and satisfactory application of roller bearings to binders and mowers has been made by th McCormick Harvesting Machine Company. The Particular form used by them was patented in 1882 and is now to be found in all McCormick machines. The especially valuable) President McKinley to represent the United States at the Spanish investi the committee to compel witnesses to only two years ago last Karnival nieht. testify.

killed Postmaster Inspector Jesse Me- gation of Dr. Ruiz's death, has accepted the appointment conditional upon the And now State Printer-elect Parks dure, shot and almost instantly killed is In danger of being investigated. M. I vuuam Jonnson. ine victim was a health of his wife.

colored man. The shooting was the O. Albright, of Kingman, says Parks' The Greek ministry, headed by M. by President Thomas and Gov. Taylor, at a given signal President McKinley, at Washington, touched an electric button, and as the band played "Hail Columbia" the machinery began to move and the exposition was opened to the world.

The report of the director of the mint shows that during April the total climax of a small not, which followed Delyannis, which was blamed for the Adler's refusal to cash a bet Johnson election was the result of a fraudulent deal between Parks and W. L. Brown, of Kingman. recent disasters to the Greek arms in had made in a crap game a select party Thessaly, was dismissed by King had started in the rear of Nolan's sa Mrs. Ada Campbell, a good-looking Ueorge, and M.

Ralli, called the Gam- Though the tomb of Gen. Grant is Xtow practically completed there yet remains some work of ornamentation to be done. It is intended to place up loon at Sixth and May streets. John and well-educated white woman, the betta of Greeee, summoned by the mother of three children, was arrested king to form a new ministry. This coinage at the United States mints was 810,410,580.

Of this amount son died two minutes after the shooting. Adler himself was shot by James somewhat quieted the people in Ath near Kansas City charged with being the leader of a gang of chicken thieves 400 was in gold, 81,535,000 in silver and on the cap of the pyramid ical top of the monument a colossal statue of Peace. Gen. Porter says that provi ens. uordon, colored, and was captured still bleeding, two hours afterward in Kan 874,680 in minor coins.

Of the silver A great battle was fought at Veles- coinage 81,400,000 was in standard dol sas City, kan. He is now in jail there. lars. tmo between the Turks and Greeks on the 80th and the Turks were repulsed sion has been made for the erection of this statue and that work upon it will soon begin. refusing to come to Missouri without Wholesale arrests have beenjnade with enormous loss, feature of the McCormick roller bearinor la a requisition.

Occupation Taxes Illegal. Nothing of importance was discussed seen in the form or cage as it is called l. iu il. ii a of persons at Anderson, for illegally dynamiting fish in White river Leavenworth, May 4. The appellate court has decided the case of and other eastern Indiana streams.

at the cabinet meeting at Washington on the 30th. Host of the time was spent in talking about the Grant mon wiiiuji uuiuh me roijers irom running logo her, and if for any cause the cage is takem from the shaft the rollers will not fall out ind get lost. In order to avoid the McCormick patent the other harvesting machina- Speculators were pouring into An- the city of Leavenworth versus the that were operating in Johnson county. It is said there will be endless litigation over the law passed by the last legislature authorizing county clerks to extend all 'taxable property not listed by assessors. The charge is made that the law was not legally passed.

Insurance Commissioner McNall has ruled that no company can insure property in Kansas except against fire unless it is chartered under the Kansas laws. This ruling will practically bar outside companies from writing tornado insurance in the state. derson, on the 80th and leasing ument success. agent for the Pacific Express in farms in the vicinity on account of the volving the validity of the occupation Rev. Edward Fairfax Bekkelt, the oldest Episcopal minister in the Mis oil boom in that neighborhood.

tax ordinance, against the city. The company claims to be the originator of roller bearings in harvesters has cut out th metal in the ring at the ends of the rollers. If the cage is taken out the rollers slip out. and become filled with grit, or worse, get lost. Gin Pono, a Chinaman, was hanged effect of the decision will be to pre After the adjournment of the coming postal congress in Washington it is proposed to take the foreign delegates on a special train and show them the United States.

This, it is said, will be the most representative body of men ever assembled, for upwards of 100 countries will be represented by 150 delegates. It is likely the trip will take in the country between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and the special train which will be chartered for the occasion will be equipped in a manner for which this country is justly famous? souri diocese, died at St. Louis on the 3d. He was 84 years of age, 40 of which at Spokane, on the 80th for the vent the city from collecting license or occupation tax from three express murder of another Chinaman. he had passed in the ministry.

The methods of the McCormick Comnanv Albert G. Porter, ex-crovernor of companies, two telegraph companies A trip through every section of the Indiana and minister to Italy under flooded district at Guthrie, on the and probably all of the insurance com result in an annual saving of many thousands! of dollars to the farming public. New devices are not embodied in their machine until long and oft-repeated trials have tne Harrison administration, died at 29th showed over 100 houses entirelv panies and will apply to other cities of the state where similar ordinances gone, three times as many wrecked or his home at Indianapolis, on the 3d of paresis, aged 74 years. He had been confined to his room, almost con have been passed. To Replace Carlisle Bills.

damaged, a dozen business houses wrecked and twice as many stocks of The following officers of the Kansas Academy of Language and Literature were chosen at the recent annual meeting at Manhattan: President, L. H. Perkins, Lawrence; vice president, Mrs. C. F.

Wilber, Manhattan; secretary, Miss Hamilton, Winfied. The district court of Greeley eonntv shown them to be practical. It has been the same with the roller bearings as with everything else McCormick experimenting ist done at McCormick expense, and not at the expense of the farmers, who arn ton affan, stantly for two years. goods mixed. The loss was fully Washington, May 8.

Secretary of Thb admirals commanding- the fleets 000. Five hundred people are home' the Treasury Gage issued an order Sat less and twice as many have lost their Miss Maud Lancaster is said to be exciting Great Britain by her seemingly marvelous powers of telepathy. She relates that in London a lady sent for her. statin? that she thouerht some of urday that as soon as the 81, 82 and 85 duped by manufacturers who rush into print for notoriety and bull the market witb impractical forms. of tne foreign powers in Cretan waters had a conference with the insurgent household goods and personal effects.

leaders. The Cretans were promised The deaths will probably not exceed 20 bills recently issued by the treasury, and known as the Carlisle certificates, come in they are to be destroyed. They lier servants had stolen her jewels. complete autonomy, but the Cretans or 25, as many of those previously re- has declared invalid $42,900 of that county's bonds now held by the state. The debt for which the bonds were issued was for county warrants, and the court held that county commis Not Fanny to Her.

You would not suppose there was They were passed in review before lne discussion snort ana reiterated ported drowned were afterwards found will be replaced by bills of a new de Miss Luncaster. but she was convinced tnat their motto remained "annexa in trees or in houses lodged down sign. The bills now in circulation stream. tion to ureece or death." that the thief was not among them, have proved far from satisfactory. much fun in a bear, but people who live where these animals abound declare that they play tricks with folk William Epps, a colored jockey at sioners could not issue bonds to cover county warrants.

The objections urged against them are MISCELLANEOUS. Leadville, flogged his ten-year- numerous. The most serious is that The president of Colorado college at The question as to who is the pioneer now and then. There is a Pennsylvania woman who can testify to thist the 81 and 85 bills are so much alike that it is difficult at a glance to tell old nephew so severely that he may die. Epps caught the little fellow stealing 50 cents, and taking him to Doing into another room she saw the lady's husband and she was immediately convinced that he was the thief.

The news was broken quietly to the wife, and the man afterwards confessed that he had taken the missing' perns. Colorado Springs, has announced the receipt of an anonymous gift of 10,000 to be used in the erection of a them apart Pension Orders Revoked. his bed room he tied him to the bed. Kansas editor seems to be still in doubt. Among the "oldest," however, may be mentioned Marsh Murdock, W.

T. McElroy, W. T. Yoe, John S. Gilmore, T.

B. Murdock and J. D. Sampson, each of whom has been in building for young women. fact.

She went to visit a neighbor a mile distant, the path leading through, the woods. On her way home after traveling a quarter-mile, a bear suddenly rose up on its hind feet in thei gagged him and beat him until he be Fbank Williams, an 18-year-old Washington, May 8. Commissioner of Pensions Evans has revoked orders came unconscious, The United States, with a popula- newsboy, met his death by drowning at St Louis. He attempted to board a the harness about SO years. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES.

middle of the road ahead of her-With great presence of mind, she dodged into a by-path. She hadi 206 and 229 issued by Commissioner Murphy. The first order restricted congressional calls for information of 02,022,250, maintains 853,810 tele- min 0D lhe. trestlework Perky Kaufman, William Davis and The board of pardons has recom John Drabcnstott stole some alcohol 193 of i uaua ui mc auu jusb Alls rouuug phone stations, or one to every ana leu into tne river below. about pensions to cases within the from Yoos' drug store at Huntington.

mended clemency In the case of William Sells, convicted in Neosho county in 1886 of murdering his father, mother, Pbksident McKinley on the 3d sent senator's state or congressman's dis 111., and a short time after swallowing the drug they all became violently ill to congress a messacre concerning the brother and sister, but the Neosho trict and provided that data as to the status of a pension case shall be lynching of three Italians at Hahn- not gone another quarter-mile before a bear rose up in front off her and pranced around. "Thar woods seem to be full of bears," she remarked to herself, as she made a bee-line through the woods to the main-road. To her dismay, before she hadl ana Kaufman and Davis died and Dra ville, on the night of August 8, benscott was said to be at the point of county people made vigorous protest against any such action, and it was said Gov. Leedy would not pardon furnished more than once in 90 days. The pension office now proposes to an 1890.

He recommended an appropri death. The stuff was found to be the population. The combined population of Europe, according to the census of 1890, is 854,957,776, and they maintain 330,037 telephone stations, or one to every 970 of the population. The conversations over the telephone in the United States amount to 757,000,000 per year; in Europe they amount to II is generally admitted that the telephone service of this country Is better than anywhere else in the world. swer all calls for information, but to ation of for the heirs of the per pyroxylic alcohol, a deadly poison, him.

sons, without admitting the liability MA J. CLARKson, commander-in-chief gone 100 yards on the road, there was-a big bear prancing like the other two. Notwithstanding the fact that the do so in printed circulars. Dunlop Most Serve His Sentence. or the United btates in the premises.

of the G. A. left Omaha, on the 4th for a two weeks' trip to visit August Norman stopped at the house At this sight her courage gave way Washington, May. 1. The presi tne different departments of his com dent has decided not to interfere in and she yelled, and the bear almosto.

fell over itself running through the brush. The woman ran home, and in. of Knute Hillstead, a farmer near Lar-imore, N. while Hillstead was absent, and during the night lie attempt recent G. A.

R. encampment at Cha-nute voted to hold the annual reunion at Leavenworth this fall, Topeka an-; nounces that a state soldiers' reunion will be held there also. The committee says the Topeka reunion wil be for "the thousands of old soldiers who do the case of Joseph R. Dunlop, proprietor of the Chicago Dispatch, who was Whitecaps went to the house of ed to break into Mrs. Hillstead's room sentenced to two years' imprisonment to assault her, but she barricaded the Walter Price, a negro, in Greenville county, S.

and forcibly dragged him out and Mary Rochester, a white wo door, and because she would not ad a lew minutes her husband and tn hired man were out hunting the threes bears. In an hour they came back, and-the husband roared out: "Bless Mandy, there was just one bear, andt. for sending obscene matter through the mails. A Btrong effort was made to secure his pardon on the ground not belong to the G. A.

mit him he threatened to kill all her family and did cut the throats of four Charles Bliss, of Galena, and Gertie man, and gave them an unmerciful whipping. that his life would be placed in jeop of her children, two of whom will die. he was having fun with you The fight for the 126-pound cham ardy by his imprisonment, but the Younger, daughter of a wealthy Columbus citizen, were lovers and longed to be married, but the young lady's He afterwards assaulted the woman pionship at Birmingham, be president decided that Dunlop must and escaped. tween Larry Burns, of New York, and father would not listen to it. When Self Assurance, "That delightful Capt.

Casterbridg serve out his term. Chicago Bankers Indicted. PiTTSBUiMJH, was visited by a big fire on the morning of the 8d, which Bliss applied for a marriage license it paid you a great compliment at dinner- Harry Greenfield, the Englishman, was won by Greenfield, who floored Burns in the eighth, round by a blow on the jaw. Chicago, May 8. The grand jury has started in Jenkins' wholesale grocery last evening." returned indictments against five men A gold medal, commemorating the completion of the Grant monument, has been presented to Gen.

Horace Porter by the American Numismatic and ArchtBological society in New York. It is 1)4 inches in diameter, and has a raised likeness of Gen. Grant en one side and a reproduction of the monument on the other. Fac similes have been struck off in silver and will lie presented to Mrs. Grant, President McKinley, Mayor Strong, Li Hung Chang, Queen Victoria, President Faure of France, Pope Leo XIIL and the emperors of Germany, Kussia and Japan.

At a church in South River, N. recently the pastor allowed a phonograph to go through the service. The phonograph started in with a violin solo, then a psalm was recited. Next came the words "Let ns pray" and a and reduced three large blocks to ashes. connected with the management of "What was that?" "He took you for my sister." Tit- Loss, estimated between $2,000,000 and At Chicago on the 4th Joe Patchen.

was refused on account of Mr. Young-eis objections. Young Bliss was baffled, but the girl was not. Securing proof that she was of age, she went to Carthage, procured a license, met her lover at Joplin and the ceremony was performed. Then they returned the defunct Globe savings bank.

The the famous pacing stallion, was sold Bits. men indicted are Charles W. Spalding, 83,000,000. A sensation has been caused at Stillwater, by the indictment of H. E.

to J. W. Marks, of Chicago, for 815,000. president of the bank, and ex-treasurer inE annual convention of the Na of the state university of Illinois: A. Hand, John McLain and J.

C. Fisher, three of the wealthiest citizens of the Painful Eruptions D. Averill, vice president of the bank; to receive the parental blessing. tional Association of Railway Surgeons began at Chicago on the 4th. An address was delivered by the president, Dr.

Lutz, of St. Louis. Charles E. Churchill, cashier; B. Bank Commissioner Breldenthal savs Ervin, assistant cashier, and Allison "My sister was afflicted with eruptian.

that only in the emergency of heavy county, for perjury in making false returns of their property for taxation. Twenty-six more anarchists, in ad W. Harlan, one of the directors. arouud her cars which kept getting worse Mayor Strong has stored awav in and spreading until they became very dition to those already sentenced, were painful. We made up our minds we must condemned to death on the 1st for con- the basem*nt of the city hall at New York 1,000 bricks from the old tomb of Gen.

Grant which he thinks Grand Army posts will want as souvenirs. do something for her and we procures plicity in the bomb outrage at Barce lona, Spain, by which a dozen persons hearty prayer was turned out by the instrument, but the congregation smiled for they recognized the voice of their pastor. Then the sermon was withdrawals of deposits will he consent to bankers borrowing money, and in no case will he permit the use of collateral to secure such loans. Under the old law banks were given to borrowing money and putting up double negotiable paper or other collateral, thus depriving depositors of available assets in case of a bank's failure. Mr.

Breidenthal says that a bank ought to bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She continued taking ituntilshowasentirely were killed and 50 others injured. Ex-Senator Iniritll Disqualified. Fayette, May 4. The literary societies of Central college several months ago invited ex-Senator John J.

Ingalls, of Kansas, to deliver the annual commencement address and the distinguished gentleman accepted, but since he took so prominent a part in the Corbett-Fitzsirnmons prize fight The engine of a C. A. freight train Nadia Dunning, Concord, Wisconsin. given by the phonograph, followed by blew up at Kansas City, on the 4th and Engineer Roberts was killed and Fireman Pardoner fatally injured. A dispatch from Jamaica said that news had been received there of a series of earthquakes throughout the Leeward islands that caused the loss of Hood's Sarsaparilla an orchestral rendition of a chorus from the "Messiah," and, at the con Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier.

at a crowded charitable bazar in be able to borrow money on its own the board of curators and faculty of clusion of this novel service, it was the phonograph and not the pastor that hundreds of lives and the collapse of Paris, France, presided over by lead credit, and if it cannot it ought to go Central college have entered a protest Hood's many buildings. ing society women, an alarm of Are crave the benediction. into liquidation and pay its creditors. Foub wagons loaded with barrels of was given and there was a wild rush Rev. George Merideth, a Methodist S75 ao for the exit3 and the weaker persons were borne down and trampled upon.

The roof soon fell in, burying numbers preacher at Augusta, was recently horsewhipped by half a dozen women RfDZA whose husbands had been arrested for Bicrcii disturbing Rev. Merideth's meetings. of those unable to get out of the building. Over 100 charred corpses were taken out of the ruins and it was Judge JN. V.

McFarland, who was against tne nansas statesman. Nebraska Bills Tampered With. Lincoln, May 8. Representative Shelton, of Dawes, county, who was employed to compile the laws passed by the legislature, says the bills had been tampered with since they had left the chairmen of committees. The most notable instance is that of the salary appropriation bill, which, by the changes made, increases the salary of the superintendents of the three Nebraska asylums for the insane.

"Western "Wheel "Works United States commissioner under thought that 100 more bodies were still Presidents Garfield end Arthur, died buried in the debris. CfiCAGO itl'IVOS CATyLGVE FREE in Topeka recently. He was a pioneer dynamite were recently driven through the streets of San Salvador in South America when an explosion took place and two blocks of build in gs were destroyed and many lives lost. ATkrre Haute, dispatch stated that there was no truth in the report that the Debs co-operative commonwealth idea is to be put into praotical test by starting a marching army to Utah this year. It is true that Debs desires to establish a co-operative commonwealth in some one of the western states and that he looks favorably on Utah, but it is not the purpose to get men there by a Coxey sort, of a Tub tariff bill was reported to the A jiembeb of the Buffalo bar estimates that there are 80,000 lawyers in the United States; while in New York atate, with a tenth of the country's population, there abide at least a sixth of this entire body of lawyers.

In every city enst of the Mississippi there are more lawyers than there are legitimate cases in court for them to take care of. In the smaller cities one can count on the fingers of both hands the lawyers who earn a good living Income, but one cannot count the other lawyers who are forced to eke out a precarious income by playing second fiddle to the more prosperous. citizen of Kansas, and left quite a large senate on the 4th and Mr. Aldrich an CI flRlflA For Information In reformer I L.UI1IUH to Kloridm aiply lor hmiiib hikI Mho. rupta mupfclo VUMUlA UOHI.BllUlltO., nounced that he would call it up on the 18th.

The free homestead bill was passed and the civil appropriation bill taken up, the item appropriating estate. Charles Barker, a Florence hanker, was recently caught for $5,000 by the failure of a Topeka bucket shop, and he didn't do a thing but have ths sec YUCATAN. KING OF GUMS, M. R. Fisher, aged 00, was run down by a cable car at Fifteenth street and Troost avenue in Kansas City and fatally injured.

Send for "800 InrentloiU, GET RICH 833,838 for continuing the improvement of the Mississippi river being made immediately available. retary i the concern put in jail ou the Sharge of fraud..

The Lane Graphic from Lane, Kansas (2024)
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Article information

Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 5696

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.