PC Cheats - Doom 3 Guide - IGN (2025)

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Doom 3 for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Locker and Door Keypad Codes

Here are all of the locker and door keypad codes.

  • Maintenance, Mars City- 396 (Bullets)
  • Monorail Access, Recycling 2- 483 (S.Armor, Grenades, Plasma Cells, Clips)
  • EPD Lab, Alpha Labs 1- 752 (LMKs, S.Armor, Grenades, Clip)
  • Alpha Labs Hall, Admin- 586 (S. Armor, Grenades, Shells, Clip)
  • Infirmary, Mars City- 347 (LMK, S.Armour, Shells, Clip)
  • Energy Stabilization, Mars City Underground- 531 (LMK, Armor Shards, Shells)
  • MFS Compressor, Alpha Labs 2- 409 (S.Armor, Grenades, Clip)
  • Coolant Control Junction, Alpha Labs 2- 102 (S.Armor, Clips)
  • Haz-Mat Lift, Alpha Labs 3- 123 (Grenades, Clips)
  • Coolant Monitoring, Alpha Labs 3- 123 (LMK, Plasma Cell, Ammo Belt)
  • EFR Staging Room 1B, Alpha Labs 3- 123 (Armor Shards)
  • Security Office, Cummunications- 246 (S.Armor, Grenades)
  • Site 2 Boarding Platform, Monorail- 142 (S.Armor, Rockets, Grenades)
  • Power Core Access, EnPro Plant- 972 (SMK, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cell)
  • EFR Master Valve, Alpha Labs 4- 651 (Armor Shards, Plasma Cell, Clip)
  • Delta Security ChkPoint, Monorail- 364 (LMKs, Grenades, Clips)
  • Delta Security ChkPoint, Monorail- 364 (LMKs, Grenades, Clips)
  • Maintenance Hall, Delta Labs Level 2B- 259 (LMK, Plasma Cells, Shells)
  • Delta 4 Security, Delta Labs Level 4- 579 (S.Armor, Rockets, Ammo Belt)
  • Records Office, Delta 2A- 538 (Armor Shards, Shotgun, Cells)
  • Poperations Server Room, Delta 2A- 715 (S.Armor, Backpack, Clip)
  • Delta Security, Delta 2A- 972 (LMK, S.Armor, Plasma Gun, BFG Cell)
  • Specimen Research Lab, Delta 2B- 624 (Plasma Cell, Shells, Bullets)
  • Specimen Research Lab, Delta 2B- 624 (S.Armor, Grenades, BFG Cell)
  • Stasis Transfer Control, Delta 2B- 371 (Plasma Cells, Shells, Clip)
  • Storage Room 21-D, Delta 1- 298 (LMK, S.Armor, Rockets, Grenades)
  • Terminal Office Storage, Delta 4- 841 (LMKs, S.Armor, Rockets, Clips, Bullets)
  • T1 Access, Delta 3- 836 (LMKs, Ammo Belt, Clip, Bullets)
  • T1 Access, Delta 3- 836 (LMK, S.Armor, Rocket, Grenades, Clip)
  • Entrance ChkPoint, CPU Complex- 571 (Rocket Launcher, Rockets, Grenades)
  • Analysis Control, Delta 2B- 572 (S.Armor, Enemy (Imp))
  • Lab A Upper Floors, CPU Complex- 468 (S.Armor, Grenades, Plasma Cells)
  • North Hallway, Admin- 0508 (S.Armor,Chaingun, Ammo Belt)
  • Secure Storage, Delta 2B- 0508 (S.Armor, BFG)
  • Marine Command, Mars City 2- 584 (LMK, S.Armor, Shotguns, Machine Guns, Shells, Clips)
  • Maintenance, EnPro Plant - 734 (LMK, SMKs, S.Armor, Armor Shards, Plasma Gun, Plasma Cell)


Old Cheats

Enter IDDQD or IDKFA as a code in the console, and get a nifty message. "Your memory serves you well". And it sure does, these are two cheats from the first doom.

Dev Cheat List Part V

s_constantAmplitudes_doorDistanceAdd: reduce sound volume with this distance whengoing through a door s_dotbias2 s_dotbias6 s_drawSounds s_force22kHzs_globalFraction: volume to all speakers when not spatializeds_maxSoundsPerShaders_meterTopTimes_minVolume2s_minVolume6s_noSounds_numberOfSpeakers: number of speakerss_playDefaultSound: play a beep for missing soundss_quadraticFalloffs_realTimeDecodings_reverses_showLevelMeters_showStartSounds_singleEmitter: mute all sounds but this emitters_spatializationDecays_subFraction: volume to subwoofer in 5.1s_useOcclusions_volume_dB: volume in dBsensitivity: mouse view sensitivitysi_fragLimit: frag limitsi_gameType: game type - singleplayer, deathmatch, Tourney, Team DM or Last Mansi_map: map to be played next on serversi_version: engine versionsi_warmup: do pre-game warmupsys_archsys_cpustringsys_langtimescale: scales the timeui_autoReload: auto reload weaponui_autoSwitch: auto switch weaponui_name: player nameui_ready: player is ready to start playingui_showGun: show gunui_skin: player skinui_spectate: play or spectateui_team: player teamwin_allowMultipleInstances: allow multiple instances running concurrentlywin_notaskkeys: disable windows task keyswin_outputDebugStringwin_outputEditStringwin_timerUpdate: allows the game to be updated while draggingthe windowwin_username: windows user namewin_viewlogwin_xpos: horizontal position of windowwin_ypos: vertical position of window<b>Commands for all you marines out there!</b>aasStats: shows AAS statsaddarrow: adds a debug arrowaddChatLine: internal use - core to game chat linesaddline: adds a debug lineaviCmdDemo: writes AVIs for a command demoaviDemo: writes AVIs for a demoaviGame: writes AVIs for the current gamebenchmark: benchmarkbind: binds a command to a keybindRagdoll: binds ragdoll at the current drag positionbindunbindtwo: binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two bindsblinkline: blinks a debug linecenterview: centers the viewcheckNewVersion: check if a new version of the game is availableclear: clears the consoleclearLights: clears all lightsclientDropWeapon: drop current weaponclientMessageMode: ingame gui message modeclientVoiceChat: voice chats: clientVoiceChat clientVoiceChatTeam:team voice chats: clientVoiceChat closeViewNotes: close the view showing any notes for this mapcollisionModelInfo:shows collision model infocombineCubeImages: combines six images for roq compressioncompressDemo: compresses a demo fileconDump: dumps the console text to a fileconnect: connects to a servercrash: causes a crashcvar_restart: restart the cvar systemdamage: apply damage to an entitydebugger: launches the Script DebuggerdeleteSelected: deletes selected entitydemoShot: writes a screenshot for a demodevmap: loads a map in developer modedir: lists a folderdirtree: lists a folder with subfoldersdisasmScript: disassembles scriptdisconnect: disconnects from a gamedmap: compiles a mapecho: prints texteditAFs: launches the in-game Articulated Figure EditoreditDecls: launches the in-game Declaration EditoreditGUIs: launches the GUI EditoreditLights: launches the in-game Light Editoreditor: launches the level editor RadianteditParticles: launches the in-game Particle EditoreditPDAs: launches the in-game PDA EditoreditScripts: launches the in-game Script EditoreditSounds: launches the in-game Sound Editorenvshot: takes an environment shoterror: causes an errorexec: executes a config fileexecMachineSpec: execs the appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpecexit: exits the gameexitCmdDemo: exits a command demoexportmodels: exports modelsfinishBuild: finishes the build processfreeze: freezes the game for a number of secondsgame_memory: displays game class infogameError: causes a game errorgameKick: same as kick, but recognizes player namesgetviewpos: prints the current view positiongfxInfo: show graphics infogive: gives one or more itemsgod: enables god modeheartbeat: send a heartbeat to the the master servershelp: shows helphitch: hitches the gamein_restart: restarts the input systemkeepTestModel: keeps the last test model in the gamekick: kick a client by connection numberkill: kills the playerkillMonsters: removes all monsterskillMoveables: removes all moveableskillRagdolls: removes all ragdollsLANScan: scans LAN for serverslistActiveEntities:lists active game entitieslistAF: lists articulated figureslistAnims: lists all animationslistAudios: lists AudioslistBinds: lists key bindingslistClasses: lists game classeslistCmds: lists commandslistCollisionModels:lists collision modelslistCvars: lists cvarslistDecls: lists all declslistDictKeys: lists all keys used by dictionarieslistDictValues: lists all values used by dictionarieslistEmails: lists EmailslistEntities: lists game entitieslistEntityDefs: lists entity defslistFX: lists FX systemslistGameCmds: lists game commandslistGuis: lists guislistHuffmanFrequencies: lists decl text character frequencieslistImages: lists imageslistLines: lists all debug lineslistMaterials: lists materialslistModelDefs: lists model defslistModels: lists all modelslistModes: lists all video modeslistMonsters: lists monsterslistParticles: lists particle systemslistPDAs: lists PDAslistRenderEntityDefs:lists the entity defslistRendererCmds: lists renderer commandslistRenderLightDefs:lists the light defslistServers: lists scanned serverslistSkins: lists skinslistSoundCmds: lists sound commandslistSoundDecoders: list active sound decoderslistSounds: lists all soundslistSoundShaders: lists sound shaderslistSpawnArgs: list the spawn args of an entitylistSystemCmds: lists system commandslistTables: lists tableslistThreads: lists script threadslistToolCmds: lists tool commandslistTypeInfo: list type infolistVertexCache: lists vertex cachelistVideos: lists VideosloadGame: loads a gamelocalizeGuis: localize guislocalizeMaps: localize mapsmakeAmbientMap: makes an ambient mapMakeMegaTexture: processes giant imagesmap: loads a mapmemoryDump: creates a memory dumpmemoryDumpCompressed:creates a compressed memory dumpmodulateLights: modifies shader parms on all lightsnextAnim: shows next animation on test modelnextFrame: shows next animation frame on test modelnextGUI: teleport the player to the next func_static with a guinextMap: loads the next map on the servernoclip: disables collision detection for the playernotarget: disables the player as a targetparse: prints tokenized stringpath: lists search pathsplayCmdDemo: plays back a command demoplayDemo: plays back a demoplayerModel: sets the given model on the playerpopLight: removes the last created lightprevAnim: shows previous animation on test modelprevFrame: shows previous animation frame on test modelprintAF: prints an articulated figureprintAudio: prints an VideoprintEmail: prints an EmailprintEntityDef: prints an entity defprintFX: prints an FX systemprintMaterial: prints a materialprintModel: prints model infoprintModelDefs: prints a model defprintParticle: prints a particle systemprintPDA: prints an PDAprintSkin: prints a skinprintSoundShader: prints a sound shaderprintTable: prints a tableprintVideo: prints a AudiopromptKey: prompt and sets the CD Keyquit: quits the gamerecordDemo: records a demorecordViewNotes: record the current view position with notesreexportmodels: reexports modelsregenerateWorld: regenerates all interactionsreloadanims: reloads animationsreloadARBprograms: reloads ARB programsreloadCgPrograms: reloads CG programsreloadDecls: reloads declsreloadEngine: reloads the engine down to including the file systemreloadGuis: reloads guisreloadImages: reloads imagesreloadLanguage: reload language dictreloadModels: reloads modelsreloadScript: reloads scriptsreloadSounds: reloads all soundsreloadSurface: reloads the decl and images for selected surfaceremove: removes an entityremoveline: removes a debug linerenderbump: renders a bump maprenderbumpFlat: renders a flat bump mapreportImageDuplication: checks all referenced images for duplicationsreportSurfaceAreas:lists all used materials sorted by surface arearescanSI: internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell gamereset: resets a cvarroq: encodes a roq filerunAAS: compiles an AAS file for a maprunAASDir: compiles AAS files for all maps in a folderrunReach: calculates reachability for an AAS files_restart: restarts the sound systemsaveGame: saves a gamesaveLights: saves all lights to the .map filesaveMoveables: save all moveables to the .map filesaveParticles: saves all lights to the .map filesaveRagdolls: save all ragdoll poses to the .map filesaveSelected: saves the selected entity to the .map filesay: text chatsayTeam: team text chatscreenshot: takes a screenshotscript: executes a line of scriptserverForceReady: force all players readyserverInfo: shows server infoserverMapRestart: restart the current gameserverNextMap: change to the next mapset: sets a cvarseta: sets a cvar and flags it as archivesetMachineSpec: detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate valuesets: sets a cvar and flags it as server infosett: sets a cvar and flags it as toolsetu: sets a cvar and flags it as user infosetviewpos: sets the current view positionshowDictMemory: shows memory used by dictionariesshowInteractionMemory: shows memory used by interactionsshowStringMemory: shows memory used by stringsshowTriSurfMemory: shows memory used by triangle surfacesshowViewNotes: show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will cycle to the next notesizeDown: makes the rendered view smallersizeUp: makes the rendered view largerspawn: spawns a game entityspawnServer: spawns a serverstartBuild: prepares to make a buildstopRecording: stops demo recordingtakeViewNotes: take notes about the current map from the current viewtakeViewNotes2: extended take view notesteleport: teleports the player to an entity locationtestAnim: tests an animationtestBlend: tests animation blendingtestBoneFx: tests an FX system bound to a jointtestDamage: tests a damage deftestDeath: tests deathtestFx: tests an FX systemtestGUI: tests a guitestImage: displays the given image centered on screentestLight: tests a lighttestmap: tests a maptestModel: tests a modeltestParticleStopTime:tests particle stop time on a test modeltestPointLight: tests a point lighttestSave: writes out a test savegametestSaveGame: test a save game for a leveltestShaderParm: sets a shaderParm on an existing testModeltestSIMD: test SIMD codetestSkin: tests a skin on an existing testModeltestSound: tests a soundtestVideo: displays the given cinematictimeCmdDemo: times a command demotimeDemo: times a demotimeDemoQuit: times a demo and quitstoggle: toggles a cvartouch: touches a decltouchFile: touches a filetouchFileList: touches a list of filestouchGui: touches a guitouchModel: touches a modeltrigger: triggers an entityunbind: unbinds any command from a keyunbindall: unbinds any commands from all keysunbindRagdoll: unbinds the selected ragdollupdateUI: internal - cause a sync down of game-modified userinfovid_restart: restarts renderSystemvstr: inserts the current value of a cvar as command textwait: delays remaining buffered commands one or more framesweaponSplat: projects a blood splat on the player weaponwhere: prints the current view positionwriteCmdDemo: writes a command demowriteConfig: writes a config filewriteGameState: write game statewritePrecache: writes precache <pre>===Dev Cheat List Part IV=== <br /> r_brightness: Changes gamma tables<br /> r_cgFragmentProfile: arbfp1, fp30<br /> r_cgVertexProfile: arbvp1, vp20, vp30<br /> r_checkBounds: Compare all surface bounds <br /> with precalculated ones<br /> r_clear: Force screen clear every<br /> frame, 1 = purple, 2 = <br /> black, 'r g b' = custom<br /> r_customHeight: Custom screen height<br /> r_customWidth: Custom screen width<br /> r_debugArrowStep: Step size of arrow cone line <br /> rotation in degrees<br /> r_debugLineDepthTest: Perform depth test on debug <br /> lines<br /> r_debugLineWidth: Width of debug lines<br /> r_debugPolygonFilled: Draw a filled polygon<br /> r_demonstrateBug: Used during development to <br /> show IHV's their problems<br /> r_displayRefresh: optional display refresh <br /> rate option for vid mode<br /> r_finish: force a call to glFinish() <br /> every frame<br /> r_flareSize: scale the flare deforms from <br /> the material def<br /> r_forceLoadImages: draw all images to screen <br /> after registration<br /> r_frontBuffer: draw to front buffer for <br /> debugging<br /> r_fullscreen: 0 = windowed, 1 = full screen<br /> r_gamma: changes gamma tables<br /> r_glDriver: "opengl32", etc.<br /> r_hdr_bloomFraction: fraction to smear across <br /> neighbors<br /> r_hdr_exposure: Maximum light scale<br /> r_hdr_gamma: Monitor gamma power<br /> r_hdr_monitorDither: Random dither in monitor <br /> space<br /> r_hdr_useFloats: Use a floating point <br /> rendering buffer<br /> r_ignore: Used for random debugging <br /> without defining new vars<br /> r_ignore2: Used for random debugging <br /> without defining new vars<br /> r_ignoreGLErrors: Ignore GL errors<br /> r_inhibitFragmentProgram:Ignore the fragment program <br /> extension<br /> r_jitter: randomly subpixel jitter the <br /> projection matrix<br /> r_jointNameOffset: offset of joint names when <br /> r_showskel is set to 1<br /> r_jointNameScale: size of joint names when <br /> r_showskel is set to 1<br /> r_lightAllBackFaces: light all the back faces, <br /> even when they would be <br /> shadowed<br /> r_lightScale: all light intensities are <br /> multiplied by this<br /> r_lightSourceRadius: for soft-shadow sampling<br /> r_lockSurfaces: allow moving the view point <br /> without changing the <br /> composition of the scene, <br /> including culling<br /> r_logFile: number of frames to emit GL <br /> logs<br /> r_materialOverride: overrides all materials<br /> r_megaTextureLevel: draw only a specific level<br /> r_mergeModelSurfaces: combine model surfaces with <br /> the same material<br /> r_mode: video mode number<br /> r_multiSamples: number of antialiasing <br /> samples<br /> r_offsetfactor: polygon offset parameter<br /> r_offsetunits: polygon offset parameter<br /> r_orderIndexes: perform index reorganization <br /> to optimize vertex use<br /> r_renderer: hardware specific renderer <br /> path to use<br /> r_sb_biasScale: scale factor for jitter bias<br /> r_sb_frustomFOV: oversize FOV for point light <br /> side matching<br /> r_sb_jitterScale: scale factor for jitter <br /> offset<br /> r_sb_lightResolution: Pixel dimensions for each <br /> shadow buffer, 64 - 2048<br /> r_sb_linearFilter: Use GL_LINEAR instead of <br /> GL_NEAREST on shadow maps<br /> r_sb_noShadows: don't draw any occluders<br /> r_sb_occluderFacing: 0 = front faces, 1 = back <br /> faces, 2 = midway between<br /> r_sb_polyOfsFactor: polygonOffset factor for <br /> drawing shadow buffer<br /> r_sb_polyOfsUnits: polygonOffset units for <br /> drawing shadow buffer<br /> r_sb_randomize: randomly offset jitter <br /> texture each draw<br /> r_sb_samples: 0, 1, 4, or 16<br /> r_sb_screenSpaceShadow: build shadows in screen <br /> space instead of on surfaces<br /> r_sb_showFrustumPixels: color the pixels contained <br /> in the frustum<br /> r_sb_singleSide: only draw a single side (0-<br /> 5) of points lights<br /> r_sb_useCulling: cull geometry to individual <br /> side frustums<br /> r_sb_usePbuffer: draw offscreen<br /> r_sb_viewResolution: Width of screen space shadow <br /> sampling screenFraction for <br /> testing fill rate, the <br /> resolution of the entire <br /> screen can be changed<br /> r_shadowPolygonFactor: scale value for stencil <br /> shadow drawing<br /> r_shadowPolygonOffset: bias value added to depth <br /> test for stencil shadow <br /> drawing<br /> r_shadows: enable shadows<br /> r_showAlloc: report alloc/free counts<br /> r_showCull: report sphere and box <br /> culling stats<br /> r_showDefs: report the number of <br /> modeDefs and lightDefs in <br /> view<br /> r_showDemo: report reads and writes to <br /> the demo file<br /> r_showDepth: display the contents of the <br /> depth buffer and the depth <br /> range<br /> r_showDominantTri: draw lines from vertexes to <br /> center of dominant triangles<br /> r_showDynamic: report stats on dynamic <br /> surface generation<br /> r_showEdges: draw the sil edges<br /> r_showEntityScissors: show entity scissor <br /> rectangles<br /> r_showImages: 1 = show all images instead <br /> of rendering, 2 = show in <br /> proportional size<br /> r_showIntensity: draw the screen colors based <br /> on intensity, red = 0, green <br /> = 128, blue = 255<br /> r_showInteractionFrustums:1 <br /> = show a frustum for each <br /> interaction, 2 = also draw <br /> lines to light origin, 3 = <br /> also draw entity bbox<br /> r_showInteractions: report interaction <br /> generation activity<br /> r_showInteractionScissors: 1 = show screen rectangle <br /> which contains the <br /> interaction frustum, 2 = <br /> also draw construction lines<br /> r_showLightCount: 1 = colors surfaces based on <br /> light count, 2 = also count <br /> everything through walls, 3 <br /> = also print overdraw<br /> r_showLights: 1 = just print volumes <br /> numbers, highlighting ones <br /> covering the view, 2 = also <br /> draw planes of each volume, <br /> 3 = also draw edges of each <br /> volume<br /> r_showLightScale: report the scale factor <br /> applied to drawing: for<br /> overbrights<br /> r_showLightScissors: show light scissor rectangles<br /> r_showMegaTexture: display all the level images<br /> r_showMegaTextureLabels: draw colored blocks in each <br /> tile<br /> r_showMemory: print frame memory <br /> utilization<br /> r_showNormals: draws wireframe normals<br /> r_showOverDraw: 1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = <br /> light interaction overdraw, <br /> 3 = geometry and light <br /> interaction overdraw<br /> r_showPortals: draw portal outlines in <br /> color based on passed / not <br /> passed<br /> r_showPrimitives: report drawsurf/index/vertex <br /> counts<br /> r_showShadowCount: colors screen based on <br /> shadow volume depth <br /> complexity, >= 2 = print <br /> overdraw count based on <br /> stencil index values, 3 = <br /> only show turboshadows, 4 = <br /> only show static shadows<br /> r_showShadows: 1 = visualize the stencil <br /> shadow volumes, 2 = draw <br /> filled in<br /> r_showSilhouette: highlight edges that are <br /> casting shadow planes<br /> r_showSkel: draw the skeleton when model <br /> animates, 1 = draw model <br /> with skeleton, 2 = draw <br /> skeleton only<br /> r_showSmp: show which end (front or <br /> back) is blocking<br /> r_showSurfaceInfo: show surface material name <br /> under crosshair<br /> r_showSurfaces: report surface/light/shadow <br /> counts<br /> r_showTangentSpace: shade triangles by tangent <br /> space, 1 = use 1st tangent <br /> vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent<br /> vector, 3 = use normal vector<br /> r_showTexturePolarity: shade triangles by texture <br /> area polarity<br /> r_showTextureVectors: if > 0 draw each triangles <br /> texture (tangent) vectors<br /> r_showTrace: show the intersection of an <br /> eye trace with the world<br /> r_showTris: enables wireframe rendering <br /> of the world, 1 = only draw <br /> visible ones, 2 = draw all <br /> front facing, 3 = draw all<br /> r_showUnsmoothedTangents:if 1, put all nvidia <br /> register combiner <br /> programming in display lists<br /> r_showUpdates: report entity and light <br /> updates and ref counts<br /> r_showVertexCache<br /> r_showVertexColor: draws all triangles with the <br /> solid vertex color<br /> r_showViewEntitys: 1 = displays the bounding <br /> boxes of all view models, 2 <br /> = print index numbers<br /> r_singleArea: only draw the portal area <br /> the view is actually in<br /> r_singleEntity: suppress all but one entity<br /> r_singleLight: suppress all but one light<br /> r_singleSurface: suppress all but one surface <br /> on each entity<br /> r_singleTriangle: only draw a single triangle <br /> per primitive<br /> r_skipAmbient: bypasses all non-interaction <br /> drawing<br /> r_skipBackEnd: don't draw anything<br /> r_skipBlendLights: skip all blend lights<br /> r_skipBump: uses a flat surface instead <br /> of the bump map<br /> r_skipCopyTexture: do all rendering, but don't <br /> actually copyTexSubImage2D<br /> r_skipDeforms: leave all deform materials <br /> in their original state<br /> r_skipDiffuse: use black for diffuse<br /> r_skipDynamicTextures: don't dynamically create <br /> textures<br /> r_skipFogLights: skip all fog lights<br /> r_skipFrontEnd: bypasses all front end work, <br /> but 2D gui rendering still <br /> draws<br /> r_skipGuiShaders: 1 = skip all gui elements on <br /> surfaces, 2 = skip drawing <br /> but still handle events, 3 =<br /> draw but skip events<br /> r_skipInteractions: skip all light/surface <br /> interaction drawing<br /> r_skipLightScale: don't do any post- <br /> interaction light scaling,<br /> makes things dim on low- <br /> dynamic range cards<br /> r_skipMegaTexture: only use the lowest level <br /> image<br /> r_skipNewAmbient: bypasses all vertex/fragment <br /> program ambient drawing<br /> r_skipOverlays: skip overlay surfaces<br /> r_skipParticles: 1 = skip all particle systems<br /> r_skipPostProcess: skip all post-process <br /> renderings<br /> r_skipRender: skip 3D rendering, but pass <br /> 2D<br /> r_skipRenderContext: NULL the rendering context <br /> during backend 3D rendering<br /> r_skipROQ: skip ROQ decoding<br /> r_skipSpecular: use black for specular1<br /> r_skipSubviews: 1 = don't render any gui <br /> elements on surfaces<br /> r_skipSuppress: ignore the per-view <br /> suppressions<br /> r_skipTranslucent: skip the translucent <br /> interaction rendering<br /> r_skipUpdates: 1 = don't accept any entity <br /> or light updates making <br /> everything static<br /> r_slopNormal: merge normals that dot less <br /> than this<br /> r_slopTexCoord: merge texture coordinates <br /> this far apart<br /> r_slopVertex: merge xyz coordinates this <br /> far apart<br /> r_subviewOnly: 1 = don't render main view, <br /> allowing subviews to be <br /> debugged<br /> r_swapInterval: changes wglSwapIntarval<br /> r_terrainScale: vertically scale USGS data<br /> r_testARBProgram: experiment with <br /> vertex/fragment programs<br /> r_testGamma: if > 0 draw a grid pattern <br /> to test gamma levels<br /> r_testGammaBias: if > 0 draw a grid pattern <br /> to test gamma levels<br /> r_testStepGamma: if > 0 draw a grid pattern <br /> to test gamma levels<br /> r_useCachedDynamicModels:cache snapshots of dynamic <br /> models<br /> r_useClippedLightScissors: 0 = full screen when near <br /> clipped, 1 = exact when near <br /> clipped, 2 = exact always<br /> r_useCombinerDisplayLists: put all nvidia register <br /> combiner programming in <br /> display lists<br /> r_useConstantMaterials: use pre-calculated material <br /> registers if possible<br /> r_useCulling: 0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = <br /> sphere + box<br /> r_useDeferredTangents: defer tangents calculations <br /> after deform<br /> r_useDepthBoundsTest: use depth bounds test to <br /> reduce shadow fill<br /> r_useEntityCallbacks: if 0, issue the callback <br /> immediately at update time, <br /> rather than defering<br /> r_useEntityCulling: 0 = none, 1 = box<br /> r_useEntityScissors: 1 = use custom scissor <br /> rectangle for each entity<br /> r_useExternalShadows: 1 = skip drawing caps when <br /> outside the light volume, 2 <br /> = force to no caps for <br /> testing<br /> r_useFrustumFarDistance: if!= 0 force the view <br /> frustum far distance to this <br /> distance<br /> r_useIndexBuffers: use ARB_vertex_buffer_object <br /> for indexes<br /> r_useInfiniteFarZ: Use the no-far-clip-plane <br /> trick<br /> r_useInteractionCulling: 1 = cull interactions<br /> r_useInteractionScissors:1 = use a custom scissor <br /> rectangle for each shadow <br /> interaction, 2 = also crop <br /> using portal scissors<br /> r_useInteractionTable: create a full entityDefs * <br /> lightDefs table to make <br /> finding interactions faster<br /> r_useLightCulling: 0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact <br /> clip of polyhedron faces, 3 <br /> = also areas<br /> r_useLightPortalFlow: use a more precise area <br /> reference determination<br /> r_useLightScissors: 1 = use custom scissor <br /> rectangle for each light<br /> r_useNodeCommonChildren: stop pushing reference <br /> bounds early when possible<br /> r_useNV20MonoLights: use pass optimization for <br /> mono lights<br /> r_useOptimizedShadows: use the dmap generated <br /> static shadow volumes<br /> r_usePortals: 1 = use portals to perform <br /> area culling, otherwise draw <br /> everything <br /> r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions: 1 = do winding<br /> clipping to determine if each<br /> ambiguous tri should be lit<br /> r_useScissor: scissor clip as portals and <br /> lights are processed<br /> r_useShadowCulling: try to cull shadows from <br /> partially visible lights<br /> r_useShadowProjectedCull:discard triangles outside <br /> light volume before shadowing<br /> r_useShadowSurfaceScissor: scissor shadows by the <br /> scissor rect of the <br /> interaction surfaces<br /> r_useShadowVertexProgram:do the shadow projection in <br /> the vertex program on <br /> capable cards<br /> r_useSilRemap: consider verts with the same <br /> XYZ, but different ST the <br /> same for shadows<br /> r_useStateCaching: avoid redundant state <br /> changes in GL_*() calls<br /> r_useTripleTextureARB: cards with 3+ texture units <br /> do a two pass instead of <br /> three pass<br /> r_useTurboShadow: use the infinite projection <br /> with W technique for dynamic <br /> shadows<br /> r_useTwoSidedStencil: do stencil shadows in one <br /> pass with different ops on <br /> each side<br /> r_useVertexBuffers: use ARB_vertex_buffer_object <br /> for vertexes<br /> r_vertexBufferMegs<br /> r_near: near Z clip plane distance<br /> radiant_ALTEdgeDrag<br /> radiant_AngleSpeed<br /> radiant_Autosave<br /> radiant_AutosaveMinutes<br /> radiant_camerawindow<br /> radiant_CamXYUpdate<br /> radiant_ChaseMouse<br /> radiant_CubicClipping<br /> radiant_CubicScale<br /> radiant_entityMode<br /> radiant_EntityShow<br /> radiant_HiColorTextures<br /> radiant_InspectorDockedDialogs<br /> radiant_InspectorsWindow<br /> radiant_LastMap<br /> radiant_LastProject<br /> radiant_LoadLast<br /> radiant_LoadLastMap<br /> radiant_LoadShaders<br /> radiant_MainWindowPlace<br /> radiant_ModelPath<br /> radiant_MoveSpeed<br /> radiant_NewFaceGrab<br /> radiant_NewLightStyle<br /> radiant_NewMapFormat<br /> radiant_NewRightClick<br /> radiant_NewTextureWindowStuff<br /> radiant_NewVertex<br /> radiant_NoClamp<br /> radiant_NoStipple<br /> radiant_QE4Paint<br /> radiant_QE4StyleWindows<br /> radiant_RadiantMapPath<br /> radiant_RotateLock<br /> radiant_Rotation<br /> radiant_RunBefore<br /> radiant_SavedInfo<br /> radiant_SelectWholeEntitiesKey<br /> radiant_SizePainting<br /> radiant_Snapshots<br /> radiant_SnapT<br /> radiant_StatusPointSize<br /> radiant_SwitchClipKey<br /> radiant_TextureLock<br /> radiant_TextureQuality<br /> radiant_TextureScale<br /> radiant_TextureScrollbar<br /> radiant_texwindow<br /> radiant_UndoLevels<br /> radiant_UseDisplayLists<br /> radiant_UseGLLighting<br /> radiant_UseTextureBar<br /> radiant_WideToolBar<br /> radiant_xywindow<br /> radiant_XZVIS<br /> radiant_xzwindow<br /> radiant_YZVIS<br /> radiant_yzwindow<br /> radiant_ZClipBottom<br /> radiant_ZClipEnabled<br /> radiant_ZClipTop<br /> radiant_ZVIS<br /> radiant_zwindow<br /> rb_showActive: show rigid bodies that are not at rest<br /> rb_showBodies: show rigid bodies<br /> rb_showInertia: show the inertia tensor of <br /> each rigid body<br /> rb_showMass: show the mass of each rigid <br /> body<br /> rb_showTimings: show rigid body cpu usage<br /> rb_showVelocity: show the velocity of each <br /> rigid body<br /> ===Dev Cheat List Part III=== <pre>g_useDynamicProtection: scale damage and armor dynamically to keep the player alive more often g_vehicleForce g_vehicleVelocity g_viewNodalX g_viewNodalZgui_configServerRategui_debuggui_editgui_filter_gameType Gametype filtergui_filter_password Password filtergui_filter_players Players filtergui_mediumFontLimitgui_smallFontLimitik_debug show IK debug linesik_enable enable IKimage_anisotropy set the maximum texture anisotropy ifavailableimage_cacheMegs maximum MB set aside for temporary loading of full-sized precompressed imagesimage_cacheMinK: maximum KB of precompressed files to read at specification timeimage_colorMipLevels: development aid to see texture mip usageimage_downSize: [[controls]] texture downsamplingimage_downSizeBump: Controls normal map downsamplingimage_downSizeBumpLimit: Controls normal map downsample limitimage_downSizeLimit: Controls diffuse map downsample limitimage_downSizeSpecular: Controls specular downsamplingimage_downSizeSpecularLimit: Controls specular downsampled limitimage_filter: Changes texture filtering on mipmapped imagesimage_forceDownSizeimage_ignoreHighQuality: Ignore high quality setting on materialsimage_lodbias: Change lod bias on mipmapped imagesimage_preload: If 0, dynamically load all imagesimage_roundDown: Round bad sizes down to nearest power of twoimage_showBackgroundLoads:1 = print number of outstanding background loadsimage_useAllFormats: allow alpha/ intensity/ luminance luminance+alphaimage_useCache: 1 = do background load image cachingimage_useCompression: 0 = force everything to high qualityimage_useNormalCompression: 2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps, 1 = use 256 color compression for normal maps if availableimage_useOfflineCompression: Write a batch file for offline compression of DDS filesimage_usePrecompressedTextures: Use .dds files if presentimage_writeNormalTGA: Write .tgas of the final normal maps for debuggingimage_writeNormalTGAPalletized: Write .tgas of the final palletized normal maps for debugging image_writePrecompressedTextures: Write .dds files if necessaryimage_writeTGA: write .tgas of the non normal maps for debuggingin_alwaysRun: always run (reverse _speed button) -only in MPin_anglespeedkey: angle change scale when holding down _speed buttonin_freeLook: look around with mouse (reverse _mlook button)in_mouse: enable mouse inputin_pitchspeed: pitch change speed when holding down look_lookUp or _lookDown buttonin_yawspeed: yaw change speed when holding down _left or _right buttonlcp_showFailures: show LCP solver failures logFile 1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print ilFileName name of log file, if empty,qconsole.log will be used. m_pitch: mouse pitch scalem_showMouseRate: shows mouse movementm_smooth: number of samples blended for mouse viewingm_strafeScale: mouse strafe movement scalem_strafeSmooth: number of samples blended for mouse movingm_yaw: mouse yaw scalemod_validSkins: valid skins for the game(including flushing referenced pak files) - decreased if > 0 pm_air: how long in milliseconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damagepm_bboxwidth: x/y size of player's bounding boxpm_bobpitchpm_bobrollpm_bobuppm_crouchbob: bob much faster when crouchedpm_crouchheight: height of player's bounding box while crouchedpm_crouchrate: time it takes for player's view to change from standing to crouchingpm_crouchspeed: speed the player can move while crouchedpm_crouchviewheight: height of player's view while crouchedpm_deadheight: height of player's bounding box while deadpm_deadviewheight: height of player's view while deadpm_jumpheight: approximate hieght the player can jumppm_maxviewpitch: amount player's view can look downpm_minviewpitch: amount player's view can look up (negative values are up)pm_modelView: draws camera from POV of player model (1 = always, 2 = when dead)pm_noclipspeed: speed the player can move while in noclippm_normalheight: height of player's bounding box while standingpm_normalviewheight: height of player's view while standingpm_runbob: bob faster when runningpm_runpitchpm_runrollpm_runspeed: speed the player can move while runningpm_spectatebbox: size of the spectator bounding boxpm_spectatespeed: speed the player can move while spectatingpm_stamina: length of time player can runpm_staminarate: rate that player regains stamina. divide pm_stamina by this value to determine how long it takes to fully recharge.pm_staminathreshold: when stamina drops below this value, player gradually slows to a walkpm_stepsize: maximum height the player can step up without jumpingpm_thirdPerson: enables third person viewpm_thirdPersonAngle: direction of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front)pm_thirdPersonClip: clip third person view into world spacepm_thirdPersonDeath: enables third person view when player diespm_thirdPersonHeight: height of camera from normal view height in 3rd personpm_thirdPersonRange: camera distance from player in 3rd personpm_usecylinder: use a cylinder approximation instead of a bounding box for player collision detectionpm_walkbob: bob slowly when walkingpm_walkspeed: speed the player can move while walking<pre>===Dev Cheat List Part II=== <br /> com_videoRam: holds the last amount of<br /> detected video ram<br /> com_wipeSeconds<br /> con_noPrint: print on the console but not<br /> onscreen when<br /> console is pulled up<br /> con_notifyTime: time messages are displayed<br /> onscreen when<br /> console is pulled up<br /> con_speed: speed at which the console<br /> moves up and down<br /> decl_show: set to 1 to print parses, 2<br /> to also print references<br /> developer.<br /> <b>EntityPlacement</b><br /> fs_basepath<br /> fs_caseSensitiveOS<br /> fs_cdpath<br /> fs_copyfiles<br /> fs_debug<br /> fs_devpath<br /> fs_game<br /> fs_restrict<br /> fs_savepath<br /> g_armorProtection: armor takes this percentage of damage<br /> g_armorProtectionMP: armor takes this percentage<br /> of damage in mp<br /> g_balanceTDM maintain even teams<br /> g_blobSize<br /> g_blobTime<br /> g_bloodEffects: show blood splats, sprays and gibs<br /> g_cinematic: skips updating entities that<br /> aren't marked 'cinematic' '1'<br /> during cinematics<br /> g_cinematicMaxSkipTime: # of seconds to allow game to<br /> run when skipping cinematic.<br /> Prevents lock-up when <br /> cinematic doesn't end.<br /> g_countDown: pregame countdown in seconds<br /> g_damageScale: scale final damage on player<br /> by this factor<br /> g_debugAnim: displays information on which<br /> animations are playing on the<br /> specified entity number. set<br /> to -1 to disable.<br /> g_debugBounds: checks for models with bounds > 2048<br /> g_debugCinematic<br /> g_debugDamage<br /> g_debugMove<br /> g_debugMover<br /> g_debugScript<br /> g_debugTriggers<br /> g_debugWeapon<br /> g_decals: show decals such as bullet holes<br /> g_disasm: disassemble script into<br /> base/script disasm.txt<br /> on the local drive when script is compiled<br /> g_doubleVision: show double vision when taking damage<br /> g_dragDamping<br /> g_dragEntity: allows dragging physics<br /> objects around by<br /> placing the: crosshair over them and<br /> holding the fire button <br /> g_dragShowSelection <br /> g_dropItemRotation <br /> g_dvAmplitude <br /> g_dvFrequency <br /> g_dvTime<br /> g_editEntityMode: 0 = off<br /> 1 = lights<br /> 2 = sounds<br /> 3 = articulated figures<br /> 4 = particle systems<br /> 5 = monsters<br /> 6 = entity names<br /> 7 = entity models<br /> g_exportMask<br /> g_flushSave: 1 = don't buffer file writing<br /> for save games.<br /> g_fov<br /> g_frametime: displays timing information<br /> for each game frame<br /> g_gameReviewPause: scores review time in seconds<br /> (at end game)<br /> g_gravity<br /> g_gunX<br /> g_gunY<br /> g_gunZ<br /> g_healthTakeAmt: how much health to take in<br /> nightmare mode<br /> g_healthTakeLimit: how low can health get taken<br /> in nightmare mode<br /> g_healthTakeTime: how often to take health in<br /> nightmare mode<br /> g_kickAmplitude<br /> g_kickTime<br /> g_knockback<br /> g_maxShowDistance <br /> g_monsters<br /> g_mpWeaponAngleScale: Control the weapon sway in MP<br /> g_muzzleFlash: Show muzzle flashes<br /> g_nightmare: if nightmare mode is allowed<br /> g_password: game password<br /> g_projectileLights: show dynamic lights on <br /> projectiles<br /> g_showActiveEntities: draws boxes around thinking <br /> entities. Dormant entities<br /> (outside of pvs) are drawn<br /> yellow. non-dormant are <br /> green.<br /> g_showBrass: enables ejected shells from <br /> weapon<br /> g_showcamerainfo: displays the current frame # <br /> for the camera when playing <br /> cinematics <br /> g_showCollisionModels <br /> g_showCollisionTraces <br /> g_showCollisionWorld<br /> g_showEnemies: Draws boxes around monsters<br /> that have targeted.<br /> the the player <br /> g_showEntityInfo <br /> g_showHud<br /> g_showPlayerShadow: Enables shadow of player model<br /> g_showProjectilePct: Enables display of player hit percentage<br /> g_showPVS<br /> g_showTargets: Draws entities and thier <br /> targets. Hidden entities are <br /> drawn grey.<br /> g_showTestModelFrame: displays the current <br /> animation and frame # for<br /> testmodels.<br /> g_showTriggers: draws trigger entities <br /> (orange) and their targets<br /> (green). Disabled triggers<br /> are drawn grey.<br /> g_showviewpos <br /> g_skill <br /> g_skipFX <br /> g_skipParticles<br /> g_skipViewEffects: skip damage and other view <br /> effects<br /> g_spectatorChat: let spectators talk to <br /> everyone during game<br /> g_stopTime<br /> g_TDMArrows: draw arrows over teammates in <br /> team deathmatch<br /> g_testDeath<br /> g_testHealthVision<br /> g_testModelAnimate: test model animation, 0 = <br /> cycle anime with origin reset<br /> 1 = cycle anim with fixed <br /> origin<br /> 2 = cycle anim with<br /> continuous origin<br /> 3 = frame by frame with<br /> continuous origin<br /> 4 = play anime once<br /> g_testModelBlend: number of frames to blend<br /> g_testModelRotate: test model rotation speed<br /> g_testParticle: test particle visualation, <br /> set by the particle editor<br /> g_testParticleName: name of the particle being <br /> tested by the<br /> particle editor<br /> g_testPostProcess: name of material to draw over <br /> screen<br /> g_timeEntities: when non-zero, shows entities <br /> whose think functions <br /> exceeded the # of <br /> milliseconds specified<br /> ===Dev Cheat List=== <br /> aas_goalArea<br /> aas_pullPlayer<br /> aas_randomPullPlayer<br /> aas_showAreas<br /> aas_showFlyPath<br /> aas_showHideArea<br /> aas_showPath<br /> aas_showPushIntoArea<br /> aas_showWallEdges<br /> aas_test<br /> af_contactFrictionScale: scales the contact friction<br /> af_forceFriction: force the given friction value<br /> af_highlightBody: name of the body to highlight<br /> af_highlightConstraint: name of the constraint to highlight<br /> af_jointFrictionScale: scales the joint friction<br /> af_maxAngularVelocity: maximum angular velocity<br /> af_maxLinearVelocity: maximum linear velocity<br /> af_showActive: show tree-like structures of articulated<br /> figures not at rest<br /> af_showBodies: show bodies<br /> af_showBodyNames: show body names<br /> af_showConstrainedBodies:show the two bodies contrained by the<br /> highlighted constraint<br /> af_showConstraintNames: show constraint names<br /> af_showConstraints: show constraints<br /> af_showInertia: show the inertia tensor of each body<br /> af_showLimits: show joint limits<br /> af_showMass: show the mass of each body<br /> af_showPrimaryOnly: show primary constraints only<br /> af_showTimings: show articulated figure cpu usage<br /> af_showTotalMass: show the total mass of each articulated<br /> figure<br /> af_showTrees: show tree-like structures<br /> af_showVelocity: show the velocity of each body<br /> af_skipFriction: skip friction<br /> af_skipLimits: skip joint limits<br /> af_skipSelfCollision: skip self collision detection<br /> af_testSolid: test for bodies initially stuck in solid<br /> af_timeScale: scales the time<br /> af_useImpulseFriction: use impulse based contact friction<br /> af_useJointImpulseFriction: use impulse based joint friction<br /> af_useLinearTime: use linear time algorithm for tree-like<br /> structures<br /> af_useSymmetry: use constraint matrix symmetry<br /> ai_blockedFailSafe: enable blocked fail safe handling<br /> ai_debugMove: draws movement information for monsters<br /> ai_debugScript: displays script calls for the specified<br /> monster entity number<br /> ai_debugTrajectory: draws trajectory tests for monsters<br /> ai_showCombatNodes: draws attack cones for monsters<br /> ai_showObstacleAvoidance:draws obstacle avoidance information for<br /> monsters.<br /> If 2, draws obstacles for player as well<br /> ai_showPaths: draws path_* entities<br /> ai_testPredictPath<br /> cm_backFaceCull: cull back facing polygons<br /> cm_debugCollision: debug the collision detection<br /> cm_drawColor: color used to draw the collision models<br /> cm_drawFilled: draw filled polygons<br /> cm_drawInternal: draw internal edges green<br /> cm_drawMask: collision mask<br /> cm_drawNormals: draw polygon and edge normals<br /> cm_testAngle<br /> cm_testBox<br /> cm_testBoxRotation<br /> cm_testCollision<br /> cm_testLength<br /> cm_testModel<br /> cm_testOrigin<br /> cm_testRadius<br /> cm_testRandomMany<br /> cm_testReset<br /> cm_testRotation<br /> cm_testTimes<br /> cm_testWalk<br /> com_allowConsole: allow ~ to toggle console<br /> com_asyncInput: sample input from the async thread<br /> com_asyncSound: mix sound from the async thread<br /> com_aviDemoHeight<br /> com_aviDemoSamples<br /> com_aviDemoTics<br /> com_aviDemoWidth<br /> com_compressDemos<br /> com_compressSaveGame: compress save games<br /> com_fixedTic<br /> com_forceGenericSIMD: force generic platform independent SIMD<br /> com_guid<br /> com_journal: 1 = record journal, 2 = play back journal<br /> com_logDemos<br /> com_machineSpec: hardware classification, <br /> -1 = not detected,<br /> 0 = low quality,<br /> 1 = medium quality, <br /> 2 = high quality, <br /> 3 = ultra quality<br /> com_makingBuild: 1 when making a build<br /> com_memoryMarker: used as a marker for memory stats<br /> com_minTics<br /> com_preciseTic: run one game tick <br /> every async thread update<br /> com_preloadDemos<br /> com_purgeAll: purge everything between level loads<br /> com_showAngles<br /> com_showAsyncStats: show async network stats<br /> com_showDemo<br /> com_showFPS: show frames rendered per second<br /> com_showMemoryUsage: show total and per frame memory usage<br /> com_showSoundDecoders: show sound decoders<br /> com_showTics<br /> com_skipGameDraw<br /> com_skipRenderer: skip the renderer completely<br /> com_speeds: show engine timings<br /> com_timestampPrints: print time with each console print,<br /> 1 = msec<br /> 2 = sec<br /> com_updateLoadSize: update the load size <br /> after loading a map<br /> ===Cheat List===<p>Press CTRL + ALT + ~ to bring up the console. Press is again to get rid of the console. Here you can enter these cheats:</p><ul><li>God Mode:<b> god</b><li>All [[Weapons]], Full Health, Full Armor: <b>give all </b><li>Walk through walls: <b>noclip</b><li>Saves a demo game to an .AVI movie file: aviDemo<li>Game Benchmark: benchmark<li>Skip to last level: doomhell<li>Freeze all on screen: freeze<li>Graphics card information: gfxinfo<li>Invisibility to most [[enemies]]: notarget<li>Show FPS: com_showfps 1<li>Acquire all keys: give keys <li>Your game status: status<li>Full Health: give health<li>Quit or Exit: quit</ul>Weapons<ul><li>Restock Ammo: give ammo<li>[[Machinegun]]: give weapon_machinegun<li>Shotgun: give weapon_shotgun <li>[[Plasmagun]]: give weapon_plasmagun<li>BFG: give weapon_bfg<li>Chainsaw: give weapon_chainsaw<li>Rocket Launcher: give weapon_rocketlauncher</ul>Levels<ul><li>Mars City 1: map game/mars_city1<li>Mars City Underground: map game/mc_underground<li>Mars City 2: map game/mars_city2<li>[[Administration]]: map game/admin<li>Alpha Labs Sector 1: map game/alpha1<li>Alpha Labs Sector 2: map game/alpha2<li>[[Alpha Labs Sector 3]]: map game/alpha3<li>Alpha Labs Sector 4: map game/alpha4<li>EnPro Plant: map game/enpro<li>[[Communications]] Outside: map game/commout<li>Communications: map game/communications<li>[[Monorail Skybridge]]: map game/recycling1<li>[[Recycling Sector 2]]: map game/recycling2<li>Monorail: map game/monorail<li>Delta Labs Level 1: map game/delta1<li>Delta Labs Level 2A: map game/delta2a<li>Delta Labs Level 2B: map game/delta2b<li>Delta Labs Level 3: map game/delta3<li>Delta Labs Level 4: map game/delta4<li>[[Hell]]: map game/hell<li>CPU Complex: map game/cpu1<li>CPU Boss: map game/cpuboss<li>[[Site 3]]: map game/site3.map<li>[[Caverns Area 1]]: map game/caverns1<li>[[Caverns Area 2]]: map game/caverns2<li>[[Primary Excavation]]: map game/hellhole<li>[[Multiplayer]] Map 1: map game/mp/d3dm1<li>Multiplayer Map 2: map game/mp/d3dm2<li>Multiplayer Map 3: map game/mp/d3dm3<li>Multiplayer Map 4: map game/mp/d3dm4<li>Multiplayer Map 5: map game/mp/d3dm5</ul>CharactersType “spawn” and the name of the character to spawn them. <ul><li>Flaming [[Zombie]]: monster_zombie_bernie<li>[[Chainsaw Zombie]]: monster_zombie_sawyer<li>Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zsec_machinegun<li> Z-sec Zombie with [[pistol]]: monster_zsec_pistol<li>Z-sec Zombie with shield: monster_zsec_shield<li>Z-sec Zombie with shotgun: monster_zsec_shotgun<li>[[Commando Zombie]]: monster_zombie_commando<li>Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun<li>[[Fat Zombie]]: monster_zombie_fat2<li>Fat Zombie with wrench: monster_zombie_fat_wrench<li>Bald Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_bald<li>Zombie with no jaw: monster_zombie_maint_nojaw<li>Zombie with Wrench: monster_zombie_maint_wrench<li>Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_skinny<li>Zombie: monster_zombie_maint<li>Zombie: monster_zombie_maint2<li>Zombie wth Flashlight: monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight<li>Headless Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_neckstump<li>Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth<li>Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_skinny<li>Zombie in Labcoat: monster_zombie_labcoat<li>Zombie Missing Limb: monster_zombie_limb<li>Zombie: monster_zombie_skinny<li>Zombie with a pipe: monster_zombie_pipe<li>Zombie in T-shirt: monster_zombie_tshirt_bald<li>Zombie: monster_zombie_tshirt_blown<li>Zombie in Jumpsuit: monster_zombie_jumpsuit<li>Zombie Eating: monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating<li>[[Archvile]]: monster_demon_archvile<li>[[Cherub]]: monster_demon_cherub<li>Hellknight: monster_demon_hellknight<li>Imp: monster_demon_imp<li>[[Maggot]]: monster_demon_maggot<li>[[Mancubus]]: monster_demon_mancubus<li>[[Pinky]]: monster_demon_pinky<li>[[Revenant]]: monster_demon_revenant<li>[[Tick]]: monster_demon_tick<li>[[Trite]]: monster_demon_trite<li>[[Wraith]]: monster_demon_wraith<li>[[Cyberdemon]]: monster_boss_cyberdemon<li>Gaurdian: monster_boss_guardian<li>Guardian’s Seeker: monster_boss_guardian_seeker<li>Sabaoth: monster_boss_sabaoth<li>Vagary: monster_boss_Vagary<li>[[Cacodemon]]: monster_flying_cacodemon <li>Lostsoul: monster_flying_lostsoul </ul>Submitted by: <i>Gridlok, GreyFox, Dave, Mr. Chris, Kyle Tague</i>,===Secret PDA===<p>To get the secret PDA from the game administrators, type in: give pda hellhole_id.</p>===Cheat List: PDA and Video===<ul><li>give pda admin_banks<li>give pda admin_dorweiler<li>give pda admin_moses<li>give pda admin_simons<li>give pda alphalabs1_berger<li>give pda alphalabs1_krietman<li>give pda alphalabs1_lipsitz<li>give pda alphalabs1_smith<li>give pda alphalabs2_chin<li>give pda alphalabs2_connors<li>give pda alphalabs3_abrams<li>give pda alphalabs3_lamia<li>give pda alphalabs3_nelson<li>give pda alphalabs3_poota<li>give pda alphalabs4_kaczynski<li>give pda caverns1_cody<li>give pda comm1_blake<li>give pda comm1_finch<li>give pda comm1_wolfe<li>give pda comm1_wolfe<li>give pda commoutside_holiday<li>give pda commoutside_ridge<li>give pda cpu_bates<li>give pda cpu_haskell<li>give pda cpuboss_tooloose<li>give pda delta1_mora<li>give pda delta1_price<li>give pda delta2a_cinders<li>give pda delta2a_raleigh<li>give pda delta2a_wilson<li>give pda delta2b_bullman<li>give pda delta2b_erikson<li>give pda delta2b_mcneil<li>give pda delta2b_stemmons<li>give pda delta3_cerano<li>give pda delta3_lee<li>give pda delta3_shultz<li>give pda delta4_gilbert<li>give pda delta5_jackson<li>give pda delta5_swann<li>give pda enpro_chasar<li>give pda enpro_hammer<li>give pda enpro_raad<li>give pda hell_garlick<li>give pda hell_hebert<li>give pda marscity2_caseon<li>give pda marscity2_duncan<li>give pda marscity2_stanton<li>give pda marscity2_tyson<li>give pda mc1_berneche<li>give pda mcunderground_baston<li>give pda mcunderground_delahue<li>give pda mcunderground_ryan<li>give pda mcunderground_young<li>give pda monorail_cullen<li>give pda monorail_harding<li>give pda monorail_hollies<li>give pda monorail_ross<li>give pda recycling1_garza<li>give pda recycling1_sadowayj<li>give pda recycling2_johnson<li>give pda recycling2_moen<li>give pda site3_davis<li>give pda site3_rogers<li>give video epd - Download Video disk with content<li>give video hydrocon<li>give video mfs<li>give video bfg<li>give video chaingun<li>give video demon_museum<li>give video ian_report<li>give video ipn_news<li>give video plasmagun<li>give video recycling<li>give video [[soulcube]]<li>give video tablets<ul>===BFG Storage Cabinet Code===<p>In Delta Labs Level 2A there is a storage cabinet with a BFG. To unlock the door, enter the code 931.</p>===Go Berserk===<p>During gameplay, bring up the console by pressing CTRL + ALT + ~ and type the following cheat: give berserk.</p>===Skip Intro===<p>There is a game bug that let's you start the first actual level with full health, armor and a shot gun. It also skips the whole introducion. Start a new game, and make a 180 degree turn and run forward. If done correctly you should fall to your death. (do you do everything a stranger tells you to?) Now say "Restart Level" and it will start you at the beginning of Mars City!</p>===Spawn Power-Ups===<ul><li>spawn adrenaline: Type in spawn powerup_adrenaline<li>spawn megahealth: Type in spawn powerup_megahealth<li>spawn invisibility: Type in spawn powerup_invisibility</ul>===Demon E-mail===<p>Right before you leave the delta labs for the final time (just before the lift) there is an information console with the red Doom pentagram on it. Hit download and receive a funny message addressed to other demons. It's about tips to opening a portal. It discusses how fresh the virgin’s blood has to be and how big the pentagram should be.</p>===Security Pass===<p>Before you fight the final boss, move to the left and find a little section you can crawl under. There is a brick that says ID. Hit this brick like you would a computer panel. It will open a secret area with a PDA. This PDA will have messages from the programmers and will give you an all access security pass.</p>===Martian Buddy Locker Code===<p>Go to https://www.martianbuddy.com for the Martian buddy locker code of 0508. The web site address is found in a spam mail on the pda of Alan Dorweiler.</p>===Modify Def Files===<p>The def files for this game can be found in “doom/base/def” Open these files in a text editor to make modifications on all of the game variables. <b>Note</b>: Back up your definition files in a text file. Incorrectly modifying these files can have unwanted effects on your game and without a backup you may have to reinstall the game, erasing progress.</p>

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.