North Mail, Newcastle Daily Chronicle from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England (2024)


ST. PETERSBURG, June 30. escitement caused here today by that a terrible fire had broken out the result of an explosion in rumour were but to information it appears in a wooden building at the testing station in the Arsenal. Eight burst, and the reports gave rise to the that serious explosion had occurred. from a cruiser were immediately sumand they promptly prevented the fames spreading beyond the wooden building, burned down.

No one injured. ROCKET EXPLOSION ON H.M.S JUNO. TWO MEN KILLED. Telegraph Through Reuter's Agency). BRUNSBUETTEL, June 30, 6 p.m.

exploded on board H.M. cruiser Juno, the squadron escorting the royal yacht, just she had left the Canal Lock here, and was the Elbe to day. Two men were killed. promptly extinguished a fire which by the esplasion. UNITED STATES AND MOROCCO (Coatral News Agency.) WASHINGTON, Jane 30.

report was published here to the that Unted States had demanded a the Moroccan coast. To day the here gives an emphatic denial of the YORK PASSENGER BOATS Telegraph Through Reuter's Agency). NEW YORK, June 30. Secretary for Commerce and an immediate and thorough of passenger steambonte No inspector to carry of the which he CANADIAN TARIFF CHANGES Telegraph Through Router's HALIFAX, Nova Sootia, June 30. Manufacturers' Association issues I statement the recent tariff changes, of which the following ed that the Goverament has the the the Association that forded the departure by the at in I will in England, the for Telegraph Through Reuter's June MELBOURNE, Governor, in opening the Parliament most facilities should State, lands.

providing for the from lands for the purpose farmers and others an of lands. In order with their families, Bill would ed throwing small areas suitable of limited was intended to 1 with the work of wa The Governor the making the capabilities of the in the to market. taken to the Philip. of the The the financial year had the amount required the full interest on the forming of of the State. wa reduce the income economy weald be exercised It every public service.

pro the revenue, of public works being given to the mining be industry, a Bil formerly introduced, would re-introwith several important additions. intended to provide plant to carry on boring various parts of the State for gold and coal. extend the provisions of the Mines Act, and to provide loans for the 'and parties developing Careful consideration would he of State forests. Governor said he recognised the a Bill great would imunadulterated food, and to possible the food products. ELEOTION dates In the Chertsey several meeting.

good deal of Division, yesterday both candi. party feeling being displayed in the contest, labour especially to the fiscal and Chinese Sadler is being actively supported by Free Trade Unionista. Both candidates asked by the would licensed on Bill and the insertion of tim whether they support limit, and Lord oppose Bingham's reply being the more satisfactory the members Liberals of the trade are supporting him. The are arranging a large cycle parade for Saturday. political contest in the The divisional Division to be a very been one.

Liberal and association unanimously at ratified the selection Shrewsbury Mr. Allan Bright candidate. of worker, He and of bold quently his frat public meeting at Oswestry tonight. addressed gatherings Conserratives meet at of Oswestry this Bridge. afterto confirm the election Mr.

will Clive their candidate, and he start Saturday. E. T. Lakin has been the Cape in succession to Major General Sir Y. Brabant, who has resigned.


GRITION BAST AFRICA. Mr. T. BAYLEY Chesterfield) asked the Under Secretary for Foreign Afairs whether, fore granting a charter to any eyndionte to control territory in table British the House the Africa, terms he of would the pro- lay posed upon grant; and if, before the grant should the of confirmed by the for the Foreign opinion Office of the an House opportunity to be given taken on the matter; and whether the Govern. ment could transfer British territory to a cate without the consent of Parliament.

Earl PERCY maid it was not proposed to any charter to any to control territory in British East PETITIONS PROM DURNAM Mr. JOHN JOHNSON Gateshead) cented petitions from the societies North Biddick, Bill Quay, Team Colliery. Usworth Colliery, Durham. Gateshead, West Springwell, Street, Wrek- Gates. enton, Washington, and High head, against the Licensing Bill.

BALFOUR'S LICENSING Mr. BRYCE South, Aberdeen) asked the Prime Minister what estimates would be taken on Thursday nest. Mr. BALFOUR said that the question had better be deferred until Monday. BRYCE: naked.

whether the right thon. gentleman seriously intended to go on next of day with his motion to control the the Licensing Bill. Inconveniently short notice had been Mr. given. BALFOUR said he did seriously propose prosecute his motion to morrow.

(Loud terial cheers.) Mr. Balfour said he did not quite understand what the right hon. gentleman's dim. culty and to there were dificulties in his marshalling his forces. Mr.

BRYCE said his friends looked matter one of the utmost one for post poneme Besides, many members the on accoun engagements, and they would find impossible to present. Amongst these might mention the leader of the Opposition. was not treating the House of Commons with respect, looking to the interest felt that this the House Commons and the country in matter, to take the motion en such short notice. Mr. BALFOUR said there were precedents the pursuin in the Home Rule Bill, the Irish Labourers' Bill, and the Education Bill; and he certainly did not longer interval should be to enable hon.

opposite make up their minds as to the in which should vote, and the their vote. Mr. LOUGH Does this notice differ from previous Mr. BALFOUR: No. LLOYD MORGAN West Carmarthe shire) asked the Colonial Secretary whether in a position to inform the House three men had been arrested in Transvaal charge conspiring to Lord Milner.

Mr. LYTTELTON (Colonial Secretary) received any information on this subject; but would enquire by despatch. Dr. HUTCHINSON Rye asked the right hon. leman of the fact that the outbreak he could explain the lay in reported in this country from South Africa, the House full information on the subject.

Mr. LYTTELTON said he ceived on this subject. The contents of the tel day the information he which from Lord Milner to chow that Lord Miner and his medical not think the occurrence of this not common disease presented dificulties. All the authorities this country seemed to take that THE BIRTHDAY MACNEILL South Donegal) asked the the Prime list of Minister birthday honours had been entitled why the official announcement the "Prime Minister's what the for this new departure in the form of the announcement; and suggestion made; and whose responsibility had been whether there was any. and what, for the announcement birthday honours the "Prime Mr.

BALFOUR said no official announcement of the kind was made. The list headed in the manner indicated; but without his authority. Mr. BOWLES: Is the right hon. gentleman aware that there is no such official recognised law as the Prime Minister? (Laughter.) The SPEAKER: Order, order! That regular.

BALFOUR, answering MacNeill, that when the office of Vice- President of the Board of Agriculture was first instituted it undoubtedly desired that it should be held by member of the House, and it would be more renient that it should be; but Sir Horace Plunkett had special for the which he had undertaken quite apart from party politics- (Cries "Oh. ch controversies. (Nationalist cries of JOHN REDMOND Waterford) these Prime And Sir Horace Plunkett Mr. BALFOUR said he believed there were the country where the lender settled should represent it. (Laughter.) He had no power.

MILITARY The House then the the report of Supply. On the report of the vote of for like and other stores. Sir C. DILKE Forest of Dean) moved reduction of the fact by £10,000, by way of against the no attempt had made to render antiquated guns fit for service, hasten the delivery now ARNOLD FORSTER (Secretary said they could certain number time. ready would India.

whole matter had to be War Office had decided upon horse and fad gun, £1,300,000 next the manufactures would one battery that to artiller before. After further the the motion for the jected by 313 to 151; COURTNEY rifles for ordered from the Government the 'from private Sir J. COLOMB Great Yarmouth) the item in the for item, he the should not Apart from Port Arthur that these mines dangerous who emploved them the enemy they directed. SEELY civilined country in the (Financial to the War the old artillery were admittedly defective, though by civilined country. had said; the in the service of authority in farour of it, and many its hoped, be The would a great members were interested in the Company, The any unprovement country.

the new old. regarded effect of, establishing the principle of granting ment fewer private firms, employed informed that be very compulsory far reaching, running and powen would of not be confined to this kind would 10,000 men were by the priva that Arms than undue during the It orders was had not been the mous locality. meeting of the as representatives of the muni. It was the spokesman of a unanian proportion of to the trade to the detriment of the Governme cipalities of the country that he was to asked factories. inevitable that the trade should send the Bill.

back for further consideration by get firms come should past of the work in maintain private for granting compulsory powers of this order thet the committee. There no precedent have some inducement to their plant, machinery and works to kind, case except the under very Bournemouth special tramways circ*mstanons. the Government in the event of an The ferred to before the committee as a precedeut was for The existing the end contructs with the 1905, private and fine for granting these compulsory powers; but that tended to of the year were very exceptional case. He invited the House 105.000 rifles. to consider what had happened in that case, be.

The rate agreed to. it illustrated the danger to which cause TO THE NAVY. municipalities would be exposed if these powers On the report of the vote for the shipbuilding were granted by Parliament. In the and personnel of the mouth case the company in question had never Mr. E.

ROBERTSON Dundee) protested exercised the powers given; but the Corporation against money voted for the purposes of the civil were abeorbing the outlying lines, and this com. service being applied to ariny or navy, as pang now claiming compensation in Government would be legally entitled if this respect to these running powers- (Opposition resolution cheers)-and the matter had gone to arbitration. The SPEAKER said that question could not That case had opened the eyes of the be raised on this resolution. municipalitie and was for that reason they be the type of three new battleships to be laid down againet appealed possible claims for unfair compensaMr. BUCHANAN (la, Fast Porthshire) doubted to Parliament to protect ratepayers this year.

They were to cost over £3,000,000, tion. Precisely the. same might be done in. and were on the King Edward VII- lines. this case.

(Hear, hear.) This was private Sir C. DILKE asked about the on company, with a number of including Wei-hai-Wei. Lord at the back of it but notwithMr. PRETYMAN stated that 6,000 tons of coul standing, he asked the House to hesitate before were kept at Wei-hmi-Wei intended to supply the granting these powers to a private company. feet there at a time of war; but in the present satisfactory arrangement could be come to by state of the East no expenditure wAS being in.

agreement, and the Corporation had even offered curred there. No change in the programme of to run cars right through to the centre of Wallsnew battleships, armoured cruisers or destroyers end--it was only balf mile--and to pay the was contemplated by the Admiralty. whole of the fares to the company less working The report was agreed to. expenses, which they agreed should be settled by On the report of the vote of for ma- an independent arbitrator. It was much better terial for pressed shipbuilding, for the Mr.

publication Robertson of the and Boiler Sir that that should be done rather than a private C. Dilke for profit-earning purposes, should have Committee report. compulsory powers over a great municipal system, company. Mr. G.

BOWLES Lynn Regis) aaked about (Opposition cheers.) He moved that the Bill the new soouts, and went on to advocate the re-committed to the former committee in respect of oil fuel in the nary as worth twice as much im- as of the clauses granting compulsory running powers coal. The question was ore of over certain tramways of the Corporation of portance. PRETYMAN the Admiraits) castle-on-Tyne. Mr. (Secretary to said eight were being built order to Sir W.

PLUMMER Newcastle), in support. were their provided use. for In till this the year's value of programme the eignt no more ing The the finit was that said an important so principle was motion, he did for two reasons. tested. shipbuilding They were in being the built country, by the and each firm powers as distinct from voluntary agreement, the four involved--the principle of compulsory turning was responsible for its own design.

They power to compel to give powers to two companies to that could steam when, in this one was tie system of the eight hours, and that was the problem small company and the other the splendid system cheapest and omallest vessels publish of a municipality. The second reason was 25 knots for to be done. the of the not out, as that if this Bill were passed in its present form He could promise to great report on of the boiler committee was duly there would be no city in this country free from he final report to communicate it to the similar inroads in the nest session of espected, hoped admitted the importanco (Opposition cheers.) It not question of House fuel, but long. doubted whether a suficient sup- whether two systems should be allowed to arrange, before He of oil got from within the British Isles. but whether one should hare could the of consideration at the Ad- compulsors powers orer other, point prospect of a suth- withstanding.

great disparity bet ween cient miralty, supply and being there arranged a good for using a combina- two in respect was due tion The of oil and of coal. the rote was agreed to. The position of afain in Newcastle was typical capital, expenditure and many other report the position of many other great cities. The ROYAL PALACES. espenditure on the Corporation system was seven The Home went into Committee of Sup- times greater than that of the Company, the for ply, and discussed vote of £35,000 expenditure were 15 times greater, the receipts Royal palaces of eight times greater, and the number of cars eight Mr.

WHITLEY Halifax) complained times greater. It was true the convenience of magnitude of the vote, and moved a reduction of public had to be considere but it must be the £5.000. convenience of the majority. The Corporation Lord BALCARRES (Junior Lord of the would never have expended all the capital they esplained there were no wine was all cellars kept had on this system. if they had thought they Buckingham Palace, and the wine cellars were would not be allowed the sole control of St.

James's Palace, where the (Hear, hear.) The working of the present system being improved. Holyreed Palace was now dated from 1901. There was no thoroughly good sanitary withdrawn, repair. and the vote was doubt in that House there were different The reduction was with regard to He wan one The vote for the Royal and pleasure but, like many another who took greed to. those who voted against municipalising he gardens was nest discussed till 7.30, action some years ago, he determined once when the trams; sitting was suspended.

decision was arrived at loyally TRAMWAYS BILL. best And 'it to make they system felt much TYNESIDE At the sitting, on the order for the depended on their retaining the full control over I consideration of the Tyneside Tramways, system on which they had spent this one inroad million and Sir WOODHOUSE (L, Huddershield) money made into their system. It seemed to him Tramroads Bill. that they felt so keenly now James being had asked been the arrived to at by the committee upstairs in was that reduced to a minimum, if not rendered House reconsider the the value of the right of regard to the Bill. He was conscious of reconsider farce, if, after that right had allow been other given, systems they the relucI tance which the House always felt to under special were going to be compelled to the decisions of its committee: but involved and smaller companies outside to encroach dealt upon far circ*mstances, reaching and issue, beyond anything affecting their with the rights.

east and north of Newcastle. If once it when those decisions The Bill before the House the Bill, it had constantly been the habit of the House was before similar toys would be established on the particular locality primarily interested in the sanctioned they felt it would not be long ask for such far The reaching Bill before issues western boundary of the city, and then not New- ite the House did such regarded castle alone, but every other city would and which the of the to the country interests of present system threatened, if not of imperilled. of very serious import It would Dealing with the matter from the point view the ratepayers and the public generally. have been of public convenience, he said they had offered probably be urged that it raise would the question on more the run their cars out to the chief centre of proper and second convenient to reading, and he did not deny population east comfortable of Newestle, and to for erect such small June. order for the the only ob- tion and waiting rooms that it would have been better; but authorities had in percentage who might ject the Newcastle Corporation the time of the main and wished to continue their I abstaining was consideration belief for the committee journey further Personally, he did not be.

House, together with a that for. The hon. the for this through running, would not give the powers sought of the in view of the fact that the North Eastern Railmember went on to describe the the Tyneside systems Tram- practically parallel to the tramway Newcastle Corporation and measure was being tem, and. that line being now electrified, it ways by which the present the an electric tram. Whilst a through on promoted.

and esplained that mile and route might be a convenience, a no through route had a double track of 23 miles, There with were one 170 cars in could not be proved to be injustice. Every a quarter of single track. Over million day in London there were hundreds actual use, and about capital 20 had building. been expended, of people who had to change morning and evening and a quarter of were being carried, getting to and from their homes to their places million passengers nearly four million: business. This public inconvenience had been and the mileage was to receipts was about magnified out of all proportion to its true value.

that while the rate of espenditure position of the Corporation It. had captured committee of the House 65. That The the Company's system was three and Lords and of that House, and from that decision by half tramways. miles of double track, and five and a half they appealed to the House itself on a question a single track. The number of care of principle, which was worthy of the attention miles of capital expended and the wam- the House.

If public convenience was the object 22, the carried annually was two and desired they contended that was amply met her half of millions passengers the rate of in pro- the offer made to the Company before coming 90 per cent. Those were Irish the respective positions of the Corporation and the to repeat now. offer portion to receipts do by the Bill was to connect up its system at its I routes to the centre of Wallend, and pay to the Tyneside Company, and what the latter sought to tend their service con- western boundary with the eastern boundar: company all the fares less expenses. the Corporation on the one hand, on each believed the Company could not make more office, routes known as the higher and the lower, similarly 60 to as matter of fine profits out of that portion of the to his form one continuous system, and route if they worked it themselves. They tend the Gosforth system in the north.

offered to deal with the trafic on the committee House no would doubt, desire had to northern line of the trams, and to pay to the comdesired to know, the pang half the fares They also offered course, the asked know, was the grievance which the Tyre- make arrangement for the convenience side Company had, and what case they them could running make change of which might still renin in the out Parliament to give the miles of the Wallsend. The if offer had been rejected powers which they sought over 23 eleven miles of the the Company. House But they the were Bill willing were to re-com. parts Corporation committee tramway had system, actually over recommended the mitted offer by then made. He ventured to say that renew such who that which such powers should be granted.

It these compulsory powers were granted it the would specially that the one good hand, case they should had a not be long before made some other not companies merely in the be made out, because, on the west of the city, demands private dividend earning that company, the running and, powers I compulsory running power, member also then for referred faciliother, sought over a system maintained by the rate- to precedents, and said there they had the faet toting The was no of Newcastle. Of course, it made agreed for granting compuls powers such that payers cane of publie necessity must be out were here proposed. contended in order to induce Parliament to agree to such neither on the ground of precedent nor on extraordinary of the Corporation powers system over it of public convenience had a case been made the granting of compulsory It running said that the which would justify the House in granting such or by a private company. compulsory powers as distinct from voluntary grievance the publie which the Com. rated for.

They appealed to the committee, pang sought remedy that there and they had confidence in its decision. population Wallsend Sir EDWARD STRACHEY South Somer. beyond Corporation it could who was chairman of the committee which upon the Company's of the own travelling evidence public not considered the Bill, that the committee were not be that the Company's unanimous on the point that what they had more than into Of care it consider the honour or dignity of on arriving at the city boundaries. everyone would course, like to Newcastle Corporation, and. on the other hand, went without saying that by through route: not whether it profitable for the Tramways travel from point to point of its Company that their cars should run through Newbut a city like in the regulation prac- but the interests of the travelling public had to consider routes.

was Sir Jaines Woodhouse had sneered ticabl to through the that the employers of upon Tyneside given made this case that routes from one had strongly the possible had of east. through It impossible matter, and he was to find far to the far sought by the Company Plummer apparently held the same view. Surely 162. the their own well in the intereste thou- their workmen, 1 had a right inconveniencing hundreds be considered this matter. sands for the of It quite true that the committee had before congers who lived be in alternate Wallsend.

but propose Com- I them the evidence trades unions on against that there should than granting of running powers; but, the other pang's not ran further that the hand, they also had the evidence of working the city, from who said that it would he a great through would sixteen minutes' those running power existed. The trades unions eight minutes the into publie demand for the bill! had i issued a ciroular in which succeeful they municipal referred to entertramways as "our one He had in rain to and more He could not help sympathising with petition of concerned whom in unions, who apparently had suffered number much from the and terested in the mid they of Newcastle, (cries "Oh. 27,000 could they all the other The local autho- suffered harm. perhaps of the 100,000 interference with municipal population Company, the Wale and an of attempt their Towa to rob Council, them as Only he supposed, had to make up for the failures they were suffering from at the present time. (Oh.

oh.) The House was asked to send the matter back to the Committee in order to see if but in there his opinion the question would never have could not be a compromise arranged; come before the House or Committee of the House if compromise tad been possible in the matter. He was prepared to admit, that in his opinion it would been better if the powers could hare been The obtained hon. by member informed the House that the agreement instead of compulsorily. vice-chairman of the Company and the chairman of the Tramway Committee of the Corporation were precisely in the same terms as were proposed in prepared to enter into a working agreement the Bill; but they were beaten by one vote in the committee of the Corporation. He argued that this proved that that arrangement was not so im.

possible as it appeared. He one declared which the that Com. the offer of the Corporation was naturally could nct accept. that and. the pany exercise replying of to running the powers contention over the Corporation's system traffc, he maintained that the select committee by the Company would disturb the whole would this possible, and he laid strees upon the never have allowed the clause had they fact thought that the clause provided in the most stringent was that as regarded the regulations, conditions.

and terms under which the running powers control were to be exercised. they were to he under the and sanction of the Board of Trade. The House divided. For the motion 178 Againet 142 Majority for Woodhouse's 36 motion The were figures in received favour with cheers, and the House of Sir J. adjourned at 12.2 a.m.

MR. ASQUITH'S STOOKTON VISIT THE ENGAGEMENT CANCELLED. The Press Association learns that on account of to day's debate in Parliament on the closure resolution, Mr. Asquith has been compelled to cancel his engagement to at Stockton to-night. His place there will be taken by Sir Edward Grey.

FATALITIES AT BARROW. Two fatalities occurred. at Barrow yesterday. In the afternoon, whilst a farmer named Wm. Shuttleworth, aged 58, was leading hay in a field off Salt house Road he fell, and sustained a broken nock, death being almost instantaneous.

Deceased was on top of the hay. pulling a rope, which broke. and he fell backwards on to the ground. John Sim, ore lifter, engaged at Barrow Ironworks, died yesterday at North Londale Hospital the result of injuries sustained recently at tine works, which necessitated the amputation of his foot. He was 60 years of age.

FATALITY AT NEW LAMBTON COLLIERY. about 10 o'clock, sad fatality befel named Thomas Barron, who resided with his parents Row, Colliery Row, Fence Houses. Deceased following his usual employment in Maudlin seam, Lady Ann Pit, when a fall of stone occurred, and caught him. When extricated life found to be extinct. DRUNK CHARGE OF TRAP man, samed Edward Boyd, was charged the Gateshead County Police Court, yesterday, with having been drunk while in charge of horse and trap, Pelaw, on June Sergeant Sanderson said he saw defendant get out of a trap at the Swan Hotel, and leave it there.

The horse was four years old. When witness went into the hotel be found that defendant was being refused drink owing to his being drunk. itness had get a man to take the trap home. Defendant very drunk. said that quite capable of -The Chairman (Mr.

C. B. Palmer) said that it was a most dangerous thing to do, especially with a young fine of 10s. and costa imposed, or 15s. 6d.

in all. WARNING TO BOY. George McGregor, charged with having on June 10, stolen. valued at the property of Frederick Alexander Brinton, shop-keeper, Rendell Street; with stealing 2 brans weights, valued the property of James Barr, from the shop, Stanley Street, on May 28; and with having stolen 5 brass weights, value the property of Frederick Lyeser, from the shop, 410, Scotswood Road, on June 9. After evidence bad been proving the charges The Chairman (Ald.

Goolden), told the boy he might have been sent to a reformatory for five years, but they intended, on acconnt of his parents to give him another chance. He would be bound over to be of behaviour for the next sis months, but if he committed himself in the mean. time he would be brought up on that charge, would be sent to a reformatory for 5 years. BANKRUPTOY COURT. Newcastle Bankrupter Court, before the Registrar Mr.

W. John Baty, green grocer, Newcastle, to have come up for his adjourned examination. but it stated that a letter had been received from the debtor intimating that he would not he able to attend the court that day. The Registrar said, under the circ*mstances, there would be no alter. native but to adjourn the examination until July 14th.

The esamination of Richard Taylor Gustard, watch maker and jeweller, North Shields, was formally closed, and the adjourned examination of David Young Proudfoot, late innkeeper, Pudding Chare, Newcastle, and now of Perth, postponed sine die. This all the business before the court. THE WEATHER WEATHER FORECAST. o'clock night the Meteorological following forecasts for the Moderate or fresh 6. to clouds inland.

fair winds, moderate: fair generally; Midland England, (with London and Same 0 and 1. England, tand Wales). cooler. land Ireland. Ireland, reported this second hovering for further and readings Matin Point.

la addition low over St. there are indications of the of others over north Germans. remains stations the 6.W. fall At reading taken present for formation ridge of high of England, that fair weather continue The low the Atlantic wards and falling, bright as calm district brilliant rising: 71. min.

felling: rainfall OUGLAS month. glorions: from SENSATIONAL AFFAIR IN NEWCASTLE. YOUNG WOMAN WOUNDED IN THE THROAT. affair occurred last night in sensational Street, Newcastle, which led to the Thornton arrest of a young man on a serious charge. It that the young man and a young woman, seems who, we understand, kept company with him, had quarrelled, and, it is alleged, the man drew sharp instrument and inflicted a wound in her throat.

He was at once taken into custody by who handed him over to the some police. The young woman was taken to West. passers-by, gate Police Station, and medical assistance tained. Drs. Hardcastle and Baumgartner were soon in attendance, and dressed the wound, after which she was able to proceed to her residence HOSPITAL PROVISION AT BLAYDON AND RYTON.

The result Gorernment of the Board enquiry into held the at appeal Blaydon by the by Local Blaydon and Ryton Councils against the order issued the by the districts Durham of Blaydon, Ryton, and Whick. County Council, constituting hospital area, has now been made ham, known in a joint letter to hand from the Local Govern. ment Board. The communication states that the Local Government. Board has decided to forming upheld the the districts finding in of question into a joint hospital board.

the Durham authorities, This will mean. the erection of a joint hospital at a cost of perhaps about £10,000. THE HUSBAND AND THE SERVANT. Before the Newcastle magistrates, for Charles having Gardner. deserted his wife, Catherine Gardner, fireman, was summoned who resided at 11, Cresswell Street.

Gill Mr. Ware appeared for the defendant, and Mr. repre cented Complainant said her husband Some was five employed weeks by the Tyne General Ferry Co. there was who a was acting as a domestic. Witnem "difference" between them regarding had girl, checked the girl for staying out late at night.

That sumably to morning go to work, but he did not come back, the cefendant left home and the girl left the house the same day. Witnes had enquiries made, and found that and the that defendant there and the only one bed in the house. week girl were living together, later was witasked her husband what he intended to and he replied intend to get house own; you can fish for much yourself." do offer? The Chairman: How you Defendant: "Nowt." An order was made for 11s. a week. HOME AND ABROAD.

The Rev, G. L. Hurst has become Austell. pastor of Church at St. Congregational Paymaster C.

S. Johnson has the Drake, to date July 2. Assistant appointed to The Rev. B. R.

Hawker, M.A., has resigned the vicarage of leet, to Lawson which he who was is patron presented in 1900 by Sir Wilfrid the living. The Select Committee of the House of Commons considering the question of compensation in respect of further tuberculosis proceeded in animals with sat their again deliberaterday, and tions. By Colonel order on of the the Army staff, Royal Artillery, AlderCouncil the appointment shot, has been abolished and from this be date exercised the command of the corps artillery will the by the general officer commanding Royal Artillery. Fr. Power, from his open-eir platform in in burgh, recently, told his hearers that religion without infallibility there could be no certainty; Christianity: certainty and, no therefore, without infallibility Faith; without Faith no Christianity.

Father Proctor. the well-known Dominican who med to be at St. Dominic's 1 of St. Anne, Leads, said he believed in a fow castle, whilst preaching at the Catholic would be only three sects- Catholics, conformists, and Unbelievers. have been commenced English syndicate for the purchase of the loo Museum, which contains many precious relics of the great battle.

No agreement, however, has yet been concluded. If the sale takes place the purchase price will be bet weee and £3,000. During the last financial year the Manabe Corporation tramcars carried 5,601,767 halfpenny fare passengers, penny three-halfpenny fares. 12,908,224 2,661,630 twopence halfpenny, threepenny, 623,895 threepence half penny, and 559,492 fourpenny fare pamengers. Liverpool, yesterday, Robert Gordon Fraser, partuer a firm accountante, given charged regarding with forgery various and transactions in which theft.

Evidence the prisoner was alleged to have appropriated to his the proceeds of cheques intended for clients of the firm. He also, it was alleged, forged receipts and drew cheques ou the stealing the proceeds. He was committed for trial. Redcar correspondent writes: -I have often heard of rate pilfering hen's eggs, and wondered how they, managed to carry them, come but on Thursday evening, whilst passing 1 by had out opportunity houses not far from the racecourse, the seeing how they managed it. Walking very quietly running along along on on his some hind legs, whilst between his grass, I noticed a largo rat two front legs and his chin he tightly held a small hen's egg.

kept very still, and was able observe his modus operandi. Two or three times he carefully put the egg down to rest, and then it rolled with his head, he carried the egg further on. it again on his two front legs, and pressing This happened every ten or twelve garde, and after conveying the egg in this curious manner for nearly 50 yards, he eventually got and to a rolled hole, it where in. he placed the egg on the ground SOUTH AFRICAN COLD STORAGE 00. South African Supply Co, held yesterday morning in Cold Storage Winchester Bones, London, -la opining the meeting the chairman Pref.

shares, The bare been off. advance by stage the liquidation of the eld South African Their business would be confined to the treatment hare been paid off. was proposed that claims Pref. shareholders should be cleared off by an allotment of Pref. shares in the Cold Storage could de they must have consent of Before they for the meeting had been holders would be Ord.

would not be rights proposal approved, upon DUNSTON CIVILIAN RIFLE CLUB and I distribution of connection (Denaton) Civilian 1 Clab tee night, club's one time Dunston converted Councillore Wright Donnelly. winners in elab Cox, given Graham, with Cos J. Geld..

North Mail, Newcastle Daily Chronicle from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.