Jealousy's Book: Chapter II (2024)


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Jealousy's Book: Chapter II is the second chapter of Jealousy's Book and the 6th chronologically.


  • 1 Characters
  • 2 Parts
    • 2.1 Part I - The Deep Ocean
    • 2.2 Part II - The Palace
    • 2.3 Part III - The Meat Restaurant
    • 2.4 Part IV - The Underwater City
    • 2.5 Part V - The Foggy Cavern
    • 2.6 Part VI - The Kitchen
    • 2.7 Part VII - Red Light Green Light
    • 2.8 Part VIII - The Tower
    • 2.9 Part IX - Chihiro's Playground
    • 2.10 Part X - The Ship Battle
    • 2.11 The End
  • 3 Tips
    • 3.1 Part I
    • 3.2 Part II
    • 3.3 Part III
    • 3.4 Part IV
    • 3.5 Part V
    • 3.6 Part VI
    • 3.7 Part VII
    • 3.8 Part VIII
    • 3.9 Part IX
    • 3.10 Part X
  • 4 Trivia


  • Isamu Uchiumi
  • Senzai Uchiumi (as The Worshipper)
  • Umibozu
  • Jikininki
  • Nuppepo
  • Kuishinbo
  • Gashadokuro
  • Zuboshi
  • Teiryu Ryoshi
  • Chihiro
  • Kurayami Amano
  • Nagisa


Part I - The Deep Ocean[]

After Ismau meet Enzukai In Chapter 1 he wakes up In dream with a figure saying his name he runs up to the figure only to find he is the deep ocean he says "Who was that man and how did he know my name?" "Well I have other things to worry about." 2 Umibozu spawn trying to spot Anything with there light Ismau avoid its and finds a gate to palace 3 Large hands grab Ismau.

Part II - The Palace[]

After entering the palace, you go into a room with a large desk with opened drawers. Climbing up the drawers, Ismau encounter a Jikininki eating a dead cow. You crawl away from the monster and open another room, where lots of other Jikininki are feasting on other dead animals. You sneak around, avoiding the scattered papers and shattered glass as they might alert the monsters. Finally, away from the Jikininki, you walk across a bridge, surrounded by beautiful marine life. At the end of it is a blue, glowing portal, which you pass and enter a meat restaurant.

Part III - The Meat Restaurant[]

Entering the restaurant, Ismau encounter a large figure named Nuppepo. Despite being a vegetarian, he asks you to get meat. After his dialogue, Ismau goes down into the restaurant, where a dark, large figure roams. Its name is Kuishinbo. There are 3 different rooms, one on the left, one on the right, and one behind the stairs. Some of them are connected. There are meats in each room, and Ismau must get them in a bowl. However, only 3 meats can be placed at the same time. There are tables, closets, and holes in the wall which you can use to hide in. Once you are done collecting all of the meat for Nuppepo, a door opens in one of the rooms. You go in there, not knowing what's going to happen next.

Suddenly, a myriad of Gashadokuros burst through the door and aggressively chases Ismau out of the restaurant. Once you escape the wrath of the skeletons, Ismau loses your mind for a second, quickly calming down after.

Part IV - The Underwater City[]

Ismau enters a beautiful, sunken city, with lots of glowing fish and Bakekujiras roaming past the land. Several pathways lead to lots of levers, which Ismau must pull to open a gate to a mysterious place.

Part V - The Foggy Cavern[]

Entering the gate and going down, Ismau enter a lightly crumbled-down, foggy cavern, where more Jikininki are seen. Ismau need to find the missing number which will add up to the number given. Once Ismau solve the puzzle, you can open the large door, which leads to a long hallway, and then a kitchen.

Part VI - The Kitchen[]

After you escape from the cavern, Ismau encounter a familiar figure, which is Nuppepo. He states that if you want to live, you must feed the monster, Zuboshi. Ismau will have to make 3 different kinds of dishes, eye pasta, chicken, and hotdogs for 3 minutes. Once the time is up and you've made little to no mistakes, Zuboshi will hunt Ismau down a crumbling cave.

Part VII - Red Light Green Light[]

Once Ismsu escape the horrifying Zuboshi, you enter a long, vast hallway, with a woman sitting in the middle, named Teiryu. Upon stepping on the tiles, Ismau is unable to sprint and will initiate a small game with her. You must stop when she looks up, and move when she looks down. Once you get across the hallway, you encounter a fairly long ladder, which leads to a tower.

Part VIII - The Tower[]

Once Ismau enters the tower, Ismau is greeted with a seemingly bottomless floor, with wood and metal plants going up and down. Ismau must solve a memory puzzle scattered on each floor to open a door on top. However, a monster, Ryoshi, will appear every 1 minute and inspect the place, finding intruders. You can hide in holes and boxes to avoid getting caught. Once you are done, a door opens and you may escape.

Part IX - Chihiro's Playground[]

After Ismau escapes Ryoshi's tower, you enter a dark, sunken playground. A playful child named Chihiro comes out and mistaking you for a friend, asks you if you would like to play hide and seek. She offers to help you by having you ride PonPon if you find her. After she is done talking, she chuckles and goes to her hiding spots. There are lots of houses you can enter to find Chihiro. However, Ismau must avoid "Mother", or Kurayami. Once you are done finding her, a gate opens. Once you enter the gate, you are in the same place again but encased in a dark, deep, black fog. Chihiro is no longer present, however, Mother still is. While there are no places to hide from Mother, you can look away from her if she ever appears near you. You need to collect notes with lots of drawings of what looks like Chihiro and Kurayami. Succeeding collecting all of the notes, Chihiro appears again and lets you ride her so-called friendly Bukekajira, PonPon.

Part X - The Ship Battle[]

After riding PonPon, she unexpectedly launches Ismau on a pirate ship, which makes Ismau question if PonPon is friendly or not. Ismau sees cannonballs and cannons, and a familiar serpent swimming across the water. Nagisa appears and she may want to take revenge on Ismau. Wanting to defend yourself, you must hit her with the cannonballs and the cannon. Ismau can only carry a maximum of 5 cannonballs at the same time. She gets hurt when you hit her face. As the battle progresses, Nagisa starts to take the ship down and tries to make it sink, which makes destroys the ship but at the same time makes her prone to being hit. and then Nagisa appears again something coming out her mouth a serpent now Ismau must defeat Nagisa Serpent Form, with a blade he grabs the blade and attacks Nagisa serpent form while avoiding her attacks.

The End[]

Once Isamu finally take her down, Ismau Says "I did it its finally over"?

However, an unexpected visitor comes behind Ismau He was the one who scared Ismau back at the village and it's revaled It's your brother. He takes Ismau to a place and mocks Ismau for wanting to discover his death, while explaining that the Senzai he used to know is now gone, and has now become The Worshipper, worshipping Enzukai, the beast of jealousy. Enzukai emerges out of the waters. Ismau get lunged into his arms and he takes rips his heart out, making him pass out. His eyes briefly open as Ismau see a red, large house.



Always save your sprint. This will help drastically.

Part I[]

Do not wait for the light to disappear, make a run for it. You have enough health to pass through it.

Part II[]

Avoid the scattered pieces of stuff on the floor, they will alert the Jikininki and they will get you. Do not stop crouching unless you have made it past them.

Part III[]

It's good to have someone to watch Kuishinbo pass or distract. If you are playing alone, take different routes to go to the main room and listen to if Kuishinbo is near or not.

Part IV[]

If you want to make it through this part quickly, have another person on your team.

Part V[]

If you know your algebraic equations, then you may know how to do this part. You just need to find the missing number for the numbers shown on the door.

Part VI[]

This part involves a lot of teamwork, as you may need 2 people to get through this part. Have someone prepare the bowls and the pots. The eye pasta needs to be uncooked, while everything else has to be cooked. Failing the requirements will make Zuboshi mad, and you have to restart.

Part VII[]

When you are halfway through the hallway, keep an eye on her if she puts her head down.

Part VIII[]

Stop doing the code once it has been 50 seconds. Fall damage is also enabled here, so watch where you drop.

Part IX[]

Hide in a closet as soon as you hear Kurayami. For the notes, just look away from her and stand in place.

Part X[]

Have 2 people on both sides of the ship. Hit her when she is biting the ship, tearing off pieces of the ship, and shooting. Refill your cannonballs once she is down.


  • This chapter took a year and 3 months to develop, however, there was a long hiatus during its development. This was also due to the development of Yokai, another game that CTStudios is developing.
  • This chapter has the most number of hostile monsters along with Chapter I of the same book, reaching the number of 9.
    • Nuppepo is an NPC and therefore cannot kill you. However, it is reasonable why some may argue about him being hostile, as he does lead you to Zuboshi, a hungry beast who will kill you.
Jealousy's Book: Chapter II (2024)


What does the monster in Jealousy chapter 2 say? ›

After escaping the flesh eaters, he encounters a strange creature called Nuppeppo. Nuppeppo says to him "What an ugly creature you are," and that Isamu is in luck because it has recently became a vegetarian.

Where is the key in the Mimic chapter 2 of Jealousy? ›

Chapter II

Key I is upstairs at the Imperial Palace inside the room to the right. You will soon see it on a modest side table. The other key is found in Shaku's hospital maze to the left. You need the key in order to unlock the water maze to the right.

What gender is Enzukai? ›

A few players might confuse Enzukai as a male due to it looking masculine. However, it was confirmed that Enzukai is now genderless by MUCDICH on Discord, supported by Enzukai being shirtless.

Is Yurei a boy mimic? ›

Yurei is a lanky woman whose limbs appear to be made out of dark colored vines.

How many times do you need to find Chihiro Mimic? ›

She also warns him to find her before "Mother" finds him. After that interaction, Isamu must look for her 3-4 times regardless of the number of players (when Chihiro is near, there would be a red indicator of where her location is).

How old is Kintoru? ›

Immortality: According to lore writers, a bored eldritch god created Kintoru and other beasts 3000+ years ago. It seems like Kintoru is immortal or has a long aging process as she was able to live 3000+ years in her seal.

How to get the meat in Mimic book 2 chapter 2? ›

Players have to walk down the stairs and enter the branched-off rooms to collect meat. Players will walk through a variety of rooms that lead to a meat room. Players will then have to grab a bowl from the table and collect up to 3 pieces of meat in the same room or a connecting room from the bowl room (dead end).

How many chapters are in mimic Book 2? ›

The Mimic has 4 books with four chapters each, featuring each one of The Four Beasts as the main antagonist.

What does zuboshi mean? ›

The name Zuboshi (図星) roughly means "bullseye" or "mark". He also shares the Kanji "図/zu" in his name with Hanzu and Enzukai.

How to escape the mimic chapter 2? ›

Collect the butterfly and go to the right and then go to the left then left again then right then right again and right again then again right and you will see the exit. Once you open the spirit door/exit, You go through a passage and you ask where the witch will be taking you now.

What is kuishinbo saying? ›

Kuishinbo: “a person who loves to eat

If someone is a foodie, then you might refer to that person with the phrase kuishinbo.

Who cursed Hiachi? ›

Before she was cursed by Kintoru, Hiachi was a young human girl and the daughter of Futaba Masashige. Hiachi eventually met Kintoru when she stumbled upon a sakura forest with her doll. Kintoru, also known as "Sama", became a mother figure to her, until she deceived and cursed Hiachi.

Is Netamo a girl? ›

Netamo's current design appears to be a hulking humanoid male. He has a mouth filled with monstrous teeth, which also opens up his skin. His forehead is larger and has thin, long grooves that indicate he has no eyes.

Is Futaomote Hiachi's mom? ›

Futaomote Masashige (双面 正成) is the main antagonist of the third and final part of The Witch Trials. She is the mother of Hiachi Masashige.

What is the monster that represents jealousy? ›

The term "green-eyed monster" refers to jealousy, alluding to Shakespeare's previous use of the term "green-eyed jealousy" in his play The Merchant of Venice.

Who is the monster in the mimic jealousy? ›

The Mimic: Jealousy's Book is the second book in The Mimic. It features Isamu Uchiumi as the player and the main protagonist of the story while Enzukai, the Beast of Jealousy, is the main antagonist.

How to get meat in Mimic chapter 2? ›

Players have to walk down the stairs and enter the branched-off rooms to collect meat. Players will walk through a variety of rooms that lead to a meat room. Players will then have to grab a bowl from the table and collect up to 3 pieces of meat in the same room or a connecting room from the bowl room (dead end).

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Views: 5663

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.