-r-r i 4 -i. D-U' Monday, May 11,1992 The Honolulu Advertiser 3001 Heto Warned XXMtswatHerlp Wanted 30rfcmjMei? Wanted MO-tawalMflp Wanted 4 ACCOUNTANT v. JlMcUnnin Inc. world uur nw rth t-3yeirs experience, MuH 1 1 CPA designation. WAREHOUSE ROUTE DRIVERS Nntitt openfigs tor time truck dnvnt making deliveries to over 20 Oahu restaurants, including Yum Yum Tree Staler.
COL class Mpse lequied. Chan aosttact. iceiient benetrts; hearth nsuranee including dental, vacation, sick pay. p'o'it sharmg. tree meals a employee discounts.
Join the BEST restaurant group ti Hawaii! k-vv ii iw mjipstcu i dpuwhsj i uruia- pan ot luunatntr turn with aimimiu l.m tnn K.r. TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS Excellent part-time employment opportunity. Hawaii's largest market research lirm is seeking individuals with pleasant telephone voices to conduct public opinion surveys. No sales. Must be well groomed.
Comfortable work environment, $6.25 per hour to start Call Lini at 536-4880 for more details." it porta, nth any mquies to ri, MARSH MCLENNANN INC. Appry to am 2 om Mori -fri Jolly Roger Hawaii General Office 1555 Dillingham Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96817 P.O. Box 38 Honolulu. HI.
96810 0038 ATTN: Peter Lowe 'Aft Equal mpioyet co*cktail Server bartender No eer nee ('iusho amours 3251 Nmiti 4 7 in person COMMONWEALTH ol the NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM TEACHING VACANCY ELEME NTARY'SECONDARV LEVFUS w. FOR SCHOOL Vt 1992 1993 2- TOO (2) YEAR CONTRACT -BABS Off HIGHER -i- $27437) BENLF ITS: SutstdcM Housing Allowance Round Trip Ticket 'Health Lite Insurance, Retirement Pleas Contact Mr -fgnacto Villanuevi CNMI lson Officer at PH'523-8156 8434 lor application information INTERVIEWERS "Hawaii's largest market research firm is seeking people oriented Individuals to conduct door-to-door interviews. No sales involved. Generous per piece rate mileage compensation ottered. Must be well groomed and have own transportation.
Call Alan at 528-4050 for more details. DRIVERS A A Lie, local company need toper I pay and hwnfttit* Ml tm Dnvv Aopotl shuttle Goud tip Good rjmnng record FXjC ke al 1H18 or 2B6 55H6 DRIVERS Denendahl A flauNa mflMdu ar ky night A early morning dakvene. Type 4 A 6 ODL W'dean abalnset. Ed wags mEs -3077 Kdapaki St SuW 204 DRIVERS lor dayniie shirts Enotiah paakrig Salary or comm Call Met 524 7929 s- DRIVERS. Futl Urn Eacellenl benefit Clean abstract req HAP AUTO PARTS ACCESSORIES 1488 Hart St Honoiuiu.
Hawaii 96817 648-0966 DRIVBRS. Type 6 A 6. COL required, immed opening, end benefit Apply al Island et kill 91210 Hanua St. tmphe Industrial Park DRIVERS i WHSE PERSONS Ph. 845-3935.
DRIVERS with CDL A PACK ERS Earn up lo $24 1 benefit Hawaii International Mover Rioti 682 2425 EDITORWRITER Part lima Gurde Is Mam A Guide to The Big Island Mact. tcsh eper a plus Famkanty Mm A The Big Island helpful Strong wntmg background. Rood organizational skill A uniMty during deadkneteq Call Troy at 949-9988 ESTIMATOR Architectural hardware. Hawae Pacific Distributors Call 488-0476 lor appl oen cxftructton. rcrtidential oommercsl tatted vairong math to mda tion, Mi rwqotwpie ft7 3319 EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATOR.
For a Non proti! Medical Orga miation Musi possess encal lent communicaiion skills, background business marketing Roqmres a bnqht. energetic person intrinsically motivated, community oriented, a weH as the alxiity lo work wen with physicians. Competitive salary (negotiable based on ei-perience A qualilicalionsl. boaulitul office setting. Ilemble working hours, excellent pen ion and health plan Send your resume to Dr.
Peter Barca 162 Mahealani Place Kaitua, HI 96734 EXOTIC DANCERS PERFORMERS Hawaii's Hottest New Concept. No Customer Contact No Experience Necessary. Flexible Hours. Call Katherine 942-8063 CALL US. No need to caH Honolulu to place your ad on these ifa*ges.
CALL' DIRECT to our sales representative on your island. HAWAII Leilani Whittle, Consultant PO. Box 838 Pepeekeo. HI 96783 Ph 964-1042 (FAX) 964-1003 MAUI Sandra Sillapere 65 NO Church St Wailuku 96793 Ph 244 0042 (FAX) 244-5170 To Place Your Ad In This Section, Call 525-7481 MWNOAl AIDE OFFICER ADMtN ASS Mr vocational Knool FLORAL DESIGNER Eiiptrience reqwei Good llonl background. Good benelits.
Call June at 521-7433 fLORAL DE SK NER (JtUVEHY PERSON Epar preferred PEARL KAI FLOHIST 202' FUTURA STONE Will tram ambitious or experienced TROWEL PERSON to install Future Stone. S6 $lOhr Hiwaa driver's he reomrerj. Good benelits No phone calls. Apply it 2835 dalena SL OAL or Guy Friday GerwraJ ore data entry, kghl lypmg recepl caanienng warranty submission Tnur -Mon Tue Wed day oil Ecl oppfy. Tor growth Great work mg eond Pay open.
Apply person to Brian SOUTH SEAS HONDA YAMA HA BMW 3149 IWmit OAROENEFM ABORER for Kahala home FT. ekd benefit Can Mon fri. 84 734 1941 General Cleenert nerKkid lor nights Waikiki 1 1 pm 7 am shilt Carl 949 5455 Mon Fn GENERAL OFC PT Mon fn 8 30am 2pm Phones lypmg 23'W4 ever rift General officei Free classioom computer framing' Numorou openings 522010 SNELilNIi lEMPtlHAHtiS GENERAL OFFICE Position type 50 wpm. win tram, salary negotinhie Jodi 735 0444 GENERAL OFFICE CLERK Fu lime position Duties m- elude answering phone, ma typing, Irting 10 key required and computer knowledge help lut Apply at. i Int'l Trading Pacific, INC.
710 Kakoi St, Honolulu Ph. 836-1595 GENERAL Office Clerk knowl edge of computer must know now lo type Aiuimanu era ter Red Hill 531 4281 GOVINDA FRESH JUICE PRODUCTION HELP firowmg Company lookmq for quality people who are aitracl ed by fresh nice and good health. Production nans at 230am Starting wane S-tbO wk and increase 4 wks. Great pension and profit sharing plan iuh meoicai Appty: 670 Halekauwrla St 10am 12noon. Mon Sal GUARDS immed openings, no OKper nec Many areas avail Merchant Socimly 487-7799 HAIRSTYLIST Asa I lor pro gressive salon End training provided Billy Fong 735WIB DON'T FORGET To shop the vast assortment ot good deals in today's Classitied columns! AttrologyPaliTilstry ANCIENT CHINESE FORTUNE TELLING 25 yrs exper $36.45 trims.
833 17r7, HAMtirM MRS. KIM PALM READING, ALSO PSYCHIC A CARD READINGS 456 2528 lor app't Palmistrycrystal ball readings Dy Lhnstma Personal advice on love, business, health, happiness. 9444560 MASSAGE ACU pressure. Shiatsu. bwedi8htore-arm luam-ionm Sandra MAT1593 526-3207 ALL STYLES Pame BvAop 922 117' SJO nr.
551 hr 2463Kuhio 303A (MAE693) BODYWORK SPECIALIST 956 8306 Ul MAT2267 For "Total Health A Relaxation" 12 noon -8 pm MAT 2374. t)y app t. can sue sji 29UZ GREAT MASSAGE from pro male, various styles can for appt MAI 1BBU, 599-4232 THERAPEUTIC session with pro male therapist. Call for appt, 521-3135. MAI2023 VIDEO TAPING ANY VIDEO TAPING $991.
May Special (2 nr. max) weddings' specials tvents 949-obUk; GENERAL DIRTY FISHTANKS? Cad- Richie's Freshwater Cleanup Service Ph. 488-5620 9 5pm PETS AT HOME, a pet silting service A caring alternative to a kenrtal. 423-1213. TRAINING PRIVATE Obedience Training Results Guar.
No Abuse! $90. K9 RESCUE 6964357 GENERAL BESTWAY TV SERVICE Microwaves, stereo, VCR: Free estimate, 538-7371 APPLIANCES General appls. mechanics, washers, refrigerators, rang-as, healers, dryers George 845 5716. pgr. 288-5667 GENERAL ELEGANT COUNTRY ESTATE Ocean, sm intimate weddings special celebration.
237-8382 PRO. Video, photo, slide show DJ, limo, invitations. Special pricing tor May. 293-1791 CAKES SPECTACULAR to simple ele gance. Over 65 styles.
AIro Catering. 5 loe. The Patisserie LIMOUSINE STRETCHED LIMOUSINES Reasonable Rates. Plush Limousine, 236-2525 VIDEO TAPING PRO VIDEO CO. looking for unique wedding ceremonies during JuiyAug Sept.
to be broadcast in Japan Free Cer emony Video To Those Who Oualify Call 941.5255. CUSTOMER SERVICE A national insurance para medical am company seeking an enthusiastic org hired person lot out Honolulu attic Hetponstotklm include oUntcal supervision, computet mgmi customer mtetaclion telephone bend resume with alary requirement lo Advertising Hoi U50 en HNA, PO hoi 3350 Honolulu, HI ObHOI 3350 Equal Opportunity Employer CUSTOMER SERVICE PER SON T. nail, willing lo learn Prtotopktnl 5244222 DANCERS A co*ckTAIL SERVERS Apply alter 4 pm Sweetlady 1216 Keeaitnotu 81 DANCERS (EXOTIC) 486-7711 after 2pm Dancer n4aklemale you are looking lor good ti groat lun call the Seiner 2 4bH7 DATA ENTRY. Exper. TSR-NAMS and or online remote job entry preferred.
836-8848 or send resume to: OPERATIONS 3049 Ualena Suite 310 HI 96819 An equal oppty employer DATA ENTRY $7 75 $86 nr. WE PAY THE MOSFt REMEDY 943bb9 OELIVERV DRIVER AUTO PARTS Abstract req Apply person 1901 Kmq SI DRIVER immodat opening for hard-working, rtMponttbto person Pull timj Mon fn Abstract COL Nc req (C Of 6 claat Me to Mt 60 Ibt, expetienco prelerrod Good Minry, paid hobdays A other Penettta Locai owner Cotitro area Call. 488-3373. 5-8pm OELIVERV DRIVER Helpers Type 3 A COL Immed openings I at xx Services 845 7395 Delivery I Type 3 or 5 $7. $IOhr W'enper Abstract noo 50th Stale Poultry 845 5902 DELIVERY PT Pick up A de kver small boaes Clean abstract req PH 5333805 DELIVERY PERSON.
CDL he current abstract A local tela req wbenelits Call 8305pm 521542 DELIVERY PERSON Depend ame. Abstract req Will tram Good benelits Apply 8 30 12 Hawaiian Host Choc-olales 2411 So King SI DELIVERY Person, neal ap pearance, clean drivers abstract FT Call 521 7433 June Delivery Person need val id driver lie Good driving "record $7 hr lo start 487 6421 DELIVERY produce. 6-1 pm, Mon-Fn. 538-1095, 537-3294 DELIVERY WAREHOUSE Full time Driver's abstract required Ph. 537-4951 DELIVERY Warehouse Full lime position Good benelits Chance for advancement tor right person Abslraot req.
Cad 955 1128 DENTAL ASS Full lime lor a friendly person in a cheerful Kahala office 4 day wk Benelits Will tram. 732 2821 MOSS ROCK CHARLIE'S MOSS ROCK $48'yd May special 668-8898 MOSS ROCK FOR SALE Use for Gardens or Walls A Moss Rock. 668 781 1' GENERAL AAcoustic cetl'gs 23 yrs. Sheet rock tapetext carpentry improverepair to $100 948 1811 AAcoustic ceiling, expert wall textures A repairs Hang and tape Nerl 261 6949 ToSIOO. AG.
HOME REPAIRS All RepairsCarpentrypalnting To $100 Dig pager 846 7938 ALL Home RepairsDesign prooiems solved worn guar rets to $100 Brian 261-7045 CARPENTER Dependable Tal ented wReasonable Rates Jim 949-2633 Iv msg. To $100 CARPENTERPAINTER 20 exper. bneetrock, decks, -repairs. To $100. 396 3483 Carpentrypainting screens.
rast reliable oo. lo iuu. can Taso 5452631. 285-4681 Do You Have Repair Needs? All home, office repairs, carpeniry, concrete, masonry, painting, termite damage. To $100.
30 yrs. experience. Work Guar. Pels. Larry 536-7187 HANDEEMAN No ob too big or small I Kve to work, to $100.
373-1011. 5774112 HANDYMAN repairman wants work. Small jobs ok, To $100. Free estimates, Jim 638 7542 HOME repair A maint: Screen, doors stubborn drawers. Will tin all.
To $100 377-5137 JAM Concrete Pumping Sve l-rom lo ivs rock. Lowest rates Open 7 days 6256391 JALOUSIES I specialize in economical repair of older jalousies not their expensive replacement. Free est. 734-8697 T. For all your home re pairs, no lob too Dig or smait.
Free est. To $100 841-4311 KITCHEN A BATHS: REFACE. REPAIR. UP TO $100. 224-9047: 689-8675; 842-3930 Pearl City Screens-Screen drsi aiurnn.
rrame wmaow screens Newrepair To $100. 456-7001 Quality bath kitchen repairs. Up to $100. Local ref. 737-8527 Reasonable all type repairs, carpentry, painting, rooting.
To $100 Rod 455 8507 Tnpt Ornamental Welding will make secumy windows, fences, dates. maH boxes. (C-17219) 456-6015 WINDWARD FIX IT! Complete Handyman Service To $100 Jim 239-7876 WINDWARD RENOVATORS, 20 vrs exoor alt home repair. To $100. Call Dano' 237-8683 Hawaii law, "Chapter 444, HRS.
prohibits any person, corporation or entity 'from offering or performing pon- struction work without a contractor's ticense. issued by the Contractor License Board Appearance in this classification does not mean the license i- sued to the listed contrac- -tor may still be current and 1 valid. If you have any questions concerning a con- -tractor's license, please contact the Department of Commerce and Consumer -Affairs Licensing Board at 586 3000 To tile a current complaint, call 587 3222. To check on a contractor'-1 complaint history, call 586-2677. DtLrVf RY 123OS30pm ol twnehta, apply now Need current abstract S41 6137 DENTAL AaSf PT, FT lot well iab Aia Moana gone.) fr actio CMiganl A erwgelie k4jM days nrs (MU 4 1 45 DSNTAi, ASSISIANT.
CHAIR. SIDE, fULL TIME, WILL TRAM 4564552 ask lot DENTAL ASSISIANT Pearl City, per pref bu) w4 tram 4562II22 Co. mo 7 DENTAL ASSISTANT Full lima, speciaHv jHaettc. eper teq Can 9655U22 DENTAL ASSISTANT Expwieflced, part trV523-196 Am lull Itrrss lor busy Kahala ettie, eiper preferred but not nee Call 73 OO '6 DENTAL CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR. Immed.
tuM hmi clerical position an oral surgery practice. Fjtd. benelits. Heeponsibilrijes nclude tilmg insurance claims some hofli desk. Michelle 947-1422 DENTAL- HYGIENIST part-time.
Ala Moana buildmg. 955-1510 DENTAL Orthodontic Asa per pref good commumca Hon skills oheertul A responr. ble 947 3737 Ala Moana EUdg NT ALr ORTHODONTIC ASS PT, Mon Thurs nendty A cheerful 523 2402 DENTAL RECEPT MGH Ecl alary for qualified person Day 215 2246 Eves 247 37 ID DENTAL Receptionist. T. eper pret but not nec lor environs dental olc 521 DENTAL Crown A EukKj Dept Furl lima, wis train Ewnetit* 947 2877 DISHWASHERS Pari lime 1pnv9pm.
on call fiehibtft LIBERTY HOUSE 945 5581 DOCUMENT CLERK -For busy law firm'. Must be independent a sett motivated with knowledge of WordPerfect 50. Good pay benelits. Send resume to: Bernadette Woods 707 Richard St. PH-1 Honolulu.
HI 96813 DRIVER daymghl shift En-glish spkQ salary or comm Charleys Tan 531 2333 Driver Document pick up A delivery. Must have own insured vehicle $50 $100 day Paid everyday Rudy 942 2180 DRIVER, fulltime. atrlrieghl. CDL Also part time, 7pm 455 3464 evenings DRIVERSALES Route (ales. Fun service iood dislnbutor.
Class CDL pre-lerred with clean abstract WiN tram out going, dependable person Good hourly pay with commission A benelits. EIGHT roWsraBUTORS 651 Halo Street ORIVER Iractor lrailer CDL type A. end dump exper FT benelits 2393974 THE LITTLE ADS IN CLASS! FIED DO A BIG JOB- DAY AFTER DAY AFTER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 521-91 DRIVERS, lull time Driver abstract roq Full medrcal. Willing to work 10-12 hours day. EM Tours ARCHITECTURE LICENSED ARCHITECT semi- retired, low cost homes A ad ditions Lie 2509 847 6489 CABINETS AFFORDABLE KITCHENS A BATHS Designsales (free home est Lance 668-2130 Chuck 261-4470 NKBA cert.
Beautiful Quality Cabinets Lowest Prices. 523-9688 PROFESSIONAL kitchen cab. design. Sales, prefab, custom Free est. 528-5680 CARPENTRYSmall Jobs CARPENTRY A home repairs A concrete f-air prices up to $100 922-2093 CARPENTRY PAINTING TILE AND ALL HOME REPAIRS TO $100 922 5634 OR 922-2300 HONEST, dependable.
Car- pentryrepair. m-yrs. exper. To $100. Charlie 455-750S MASTER CARPENTER CarpentryRepairs.
BusTRes. KitchenBathTile'Formica etc Designing. To $100 6776532 QUALITY builder 21 yrs exper rough A finish work avail. Up 10 $100. 63B7150Maik CERAMIC TILE AAAAAAA CERAMICMARBLE SPECIALIST.
BEST PRICES! FREE EST. To $100. 942-3939 AAAAAAAAAA ABSOLUTELY lowest prices. Free est to $100. All work guar.
223-TILE CERAMIC TILEMARBLE. 10 yrs. mainland exper. To $100. Call 261 1069 CARPETS AAA CARPET, LINOLEUM.
Sales, service, repair, Free est. To $100 6264626 CARPET A LINOLEUM. Sales service A repairs Top quality Low prices, to $100. 247-6421 CARPET BINDING. CARPET REMNANTS, MINI BLINDS, DRAPES.
486-2547 OWEN A TONY CARPETS. Sales A installations, carpets at affordable prices. Free est. C8252 946-9645 536 8885 FURNITURE REFINISHING FURNITURE REFINISHING A REFURBISHING. FREE EST, COREY 734-4547 LIGHT HAULING AA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA CommResDemolition junk.
Clean lot Free est 841-3771 AAAAAAAAA AA THE FILIPINO haul junk, top soildirtrocks, clear lot Free est 486.0609 AFFORDABLE Haul junk, trim hedge, dear lot, free est. Call 676 2045, 4880682 Affordable pnees-your unk A nibDisn named away 578-4514. 528-0416 FILIPINO Specialize-Haul junk, Clean Yard FREE ESTIMATE Call Lite 841-2203; 927-0923 LET US HAUL YOUR JUNK TO THE DUMP. GARY HIGA 947 6431 RESIDENCE A COMMERCIAL. Clear lot.
trash, more Freeest. CaH 734-6845 MOVING BROKER ALOHA Moving Consultants Movingpackingshipping Lowest Mates, ojr arm MAKE THE CONNECTION! 1 The Classified connection match es up the right sellers and buyers everyday, uii ozi-sni bader the captive inumct om it current ntrvwwng with lust i bachelor i Own We on i corapetttivi salary BOOKKEEPER- CPA firm rwmri eipafienced li ctJi' capa ble ol rfctrKlfcnq mulltp ol bant eiwHt fi'upie ad solai ro 0e'nit coniwiefKP la Gerald Ushiima CP lui I lapiow Wd tlonal.Hu I HI4 U310U2 BOOKKECPtR 1 Bliv laiifani All opnwal or tkiUt NKVutod SifiDmo 9420740 BOOKKEEPER Financial advisory lirmreq. 1 yrs eper payroll gen. ledger IBM computer eper. nec.
Ed advancement potential pleasant working, conditions. Call 521-2341 lor appl Bookfcpr lullimie e(w benfl Wtomw coriidonco 10 F0 Bo 4673. Hon HI 9bMU BOOKKEEPER FUU CHARGE qnctal todqef A payroll Computer bacfc cjrourxJ rwlpfu Salary commensufate with epomHwr? MUTUAL CtSTHtBUTORS LTD 847 5W! Mrt loooq (of mx BOOKKEEPER rmmed. opening tor lull charge oookkeeper Computer experience required. Full time position.
Salary commensurate with experience good benefits. Apply in person mail resume to1 Attn Glenn Lau Ph. 836-3811 Commercial Shelving 2835 Ualena Street Honolulu. HI 96819 BOOKKEEPINO CLERK Inr small law ollice. Mnn Fri Days.
lien, hts Ph, 533 7431 GENERAL AA ALL CLEANING, tree est reasonable. Waikiki area Sat isfaction guaranteed 942-5331 AFFORDABLE OUAUTY SER VICE Spwialty in move-ouV in Call The Crew 395 CASEY'S island Maids. Com mercial A Move Out Cleaning Only. Call 487-6764 CLEAN PLUS SYSTEMS Total quality, res commer. A institutional cleaning Insured A bonded Free est 455 3824 GENERAL CLEANING SPRING.
SUMMER SPECIAL 8 hour special $1 14 80 4 hour service S67.40 Regular A occasional service Call for rates on carpets, ottices, parties, move inout, strip vacation rentals DANA'S HOUSEKEEPING Personnel Services (since 1976) GENERAL CLEANING yard service uepenaame, reliable, low rates Call 689 5844 General household otc clean ing, windowscarpets general mamt $50 A up Real estate approved 578 45 14 528 04 1 6 HAWAII CLEAN detailing Home, Office. Auto, Boat Day Rates 732 4379 Helping Hand Maids. Personal tteo service your way Insured prof, estab Reliable 947 7395 ISLE HSE CLEANING YARD SVC 4 Mrs flat rate Exper. 1 800-949 9544. 845 6406 CARPETS 1 UPHOLSTERY ALII CARPET A UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS.
CARPET REPAIR A RESTRETCH 4220027 AMERICAN Carpel A Furn Cleaners SI4'rm New Carpel, Carpel Repairs. 941-8100 WINDOW CLEANING "CLEAN WINDOWS" PROF. SERVICE SINCE 1968 CALL RON ALBERT 599-8779 GENERAL AAA 1 remodeling, repairs painting, rooting, additions plans, fence, kitchen, bath, everything (BC972.3) 545-6553 AAAAA (ABC-17263) AAAAA renovate'new. homecomm CWH BuiWers, Inc 261 7076 AAAAAA Wongr Construction (BC-11908) Additions, kitchens, paint, termite repairs FREE EST 487 1425 AAAAAAA Bath'kitchenrepair remodelrebuild old homes BC 16634 Tom 668 2786 Additions RepairsRemodelini NAN BUILDERS BC590: 689 7703; 689 0698 AFFORDABLE QUALITY Precision Construction. Free Est (BC-16982) Ph 732 4464 ALL types custom metal work.
Railings, brackets, furniture. gates etc C171Q1, 239 4757 ALLSTATE BUILDERS BC14940 New, Remodel, Commer. No sub stitutes for experworkmansrtip Larry 262-8544; Digit 576-6269 ANDERSEN CONST BC-3694 Additions Remodeling New Homes Hepairs 1 2 1 1 1 BARNETT ASSOC Quality construction newremodeiad dittons RC-16741 254 2928 Construction Masters inc. General Construction for Commercial Industrial Business 4 flesidential Buildings. Foundations CafDentrv Roofina Draftinn A Permits BC-16570 947 3925 CarpM maiwiaf 1 Hetpm Paid ftji4)4y'vcatiorvmtd AfMjty 1711 Mara SI MonFfl 83 CARPET Shainuiow iVUU wk 10 flail pun boruiwt A Ixtfielilt 7 CASHIER 1 PI Flelirwii wtxcurtu Gollmg pnvaagea Hawnit Kai Gotl Couiw Ret laiuanl (H02 Kaiarwmaom CASHIER For Service Dept.
GOOD WAGES FULL BENEFITS GOOD WORKING C0ND. HONDA WINDWARO 247-8544. ask tor Ken' CASHIER Lowing kv pan-lime cannier oic worVef au-tomolive knowledge Mutl be avail on wkenda SSnr bonus to slad. Apply at JrHy Lube Peaii Clr 4H 5433 CASHIER pan lime A grave hill Apply IHrflNuuanu Ave Ph 5ln4ib CASHIERS IMMEDIATE OHEMNU ALL SHIFTS APPLY 1701 OaMGHAM CASHIERS No experience req Mature minded, hardworking. Company paid medical, dental, drug vision, profit sharmg.
Apply person at: Tropic Fish Vegetable Center Ala Moana Farmer's Market 1020 Auahi Street. See Kay CIVIL ENGINEER Full time position. Civil engineer-' mg graduate. Written and verbal communication skills desired. Salary commensurate with exper.
Fringe benefits. Hawaii Geotechnical Group (808) 487-5590 CLEANERS Cinronimo 5vc Co Pay fate $7 70 Oht Apply at 4374 Malaai St EOE CLERICAL FT PVT YACHT CLUB GEN OFC COMPUTER 949 4ti22 FOR APPT CLERICAL help lor cualomef 9vc type but Gen olc skills needed Benefits 531 62H7 CLERICAL J(AS(JI'E Mi Ail Ice paid Call today) Associated Empl 537 33B1 CLERICAL YMCA PT Mon. Fn, 8 Mor I llc schedule Resoonsiblo lor clerical tunc lions Itilmg. typing member service) a youth related dept Organization ski needed Apply Nuuanu YMCA, 1441 Pali Hwy. (corner ol Pali Vineyard) co*ckTAIL Servers-attractive $700 wk-guaranlee Call altar 10am.
225 B572, 537 3738 MASONRY TACT Contracting-FOundation work, concrete slob, tile A rock retaining walls, excavation 16619. 734 8583 PAINTING BEAUTIFY your home Painter will work wkends. Work guaranteed Ph 239 6924 C13567 BEST QUALITY prep, highest quality paint, fair price, lasting finish Free est. 16237. Ph 235-0200 521-9464, FIRST Class Painting 17211 Will work weekends, nights insured Free Est 847 3054 ISLAND BUDGET PAINTING.
Quality int'ent A mildew wash. Residentialcommercial. Free est LIC C17021 239 5158 JC PAINTING Residential A Commercial C16674 Call 595-6907 J.M. KANESHIRO LIC C-6131 FREE ESTIMATE 737-2094 eves KS PAINTING Res A Commer Paintmg Wall covr'g We can do it all. (015687).
734-8514 LOOKI If you don't call us. you couia ne paying too much. (C-15219) Free est 8341576 MAM Painting C6188 Res comm repaimmg specialist Quality work. Bonded'ins 38 yrs. exper Free est 841-6603 PLASTERING Synthetic, inlerior'exlerior, concrete repairs.
(C 16738). Warren. 396-0941, 549-1199 PLUMBING AMERICAN PLUMBING C1 1859, Serving all Oahu. Free est. 536-6616: 488 9944 GIL'S PLUMBING (C13183) Complete Plumbing Services FREE ESTIMATES 842 3877 REMODELING A-1 MSD Constr Kitchen, bath, additions, remodels, new homes.
BC 12057 239 2244 AJ BUILDERS REMODELING, ADDITIONS, NEW HOMES BC 12339 293-9393; 247 2287 JMK BUILDERS Bathkitchen Specialist Repairsadditions Free est BC16500 533 2890 Fair Prices, Quality Work. Refs. Free Est. BC-16982. 732-4464 RAIN GUTTERS KEN'S GUTTERS A AWNINGS Seamless Rain Gutters Ken Oda 842-4 isrj (C-15127) RAINBOW Continuous Gutters Systems Inc seamless alum.
copper. (C15419) Free est Guar. '2353405 ROOFING ALL types New roofs, reroof A repair si est. West Coast Rooting 696-1211 (C-15799) JIM'S Roofing Residential A Commercial "big or small Obs" Free est. C-16389.
734-4658 SCREENS JALOUSIES ALL types screens, windows doors-, new or repair. Free estimates. C13170. 537-6057 SECURITY A Custom Welding Gates, windows A fences. 14258 25 yrs.
exper. 533 1064 Security doors, remote gates, window guard, iron fence (C-17248) Insured 732 5689 TREE SERVICE LOW COST TREE TRIMMING HAULING. LOT CLEARING C-15570 GEORGE 9413157 TREE TRIMMING, haul junk. cleaning; stump removal. 288-1977 SM1CI co*ckTAIL WAITRESS mtes WAIT HELP.
BUS HELP COOKS PT, DISHWASHER COUNTER. PANTRY All shifts Full and Pin-time OANNY'S at MANOA Apply Person COLLECTORS Needed immed Fun part time positions Can 526 IUU4 lor app I COME BLOW OUR HORN! HELP TRUMPET THE HONOLULU SYMPHONY'S GREAT 1992-1993 SEAS0N1 Jom our virtuoso sales section today hrs. Ala Moana Center. Great cause. Call John 1-5pm, 942-2200 Construction ManagerBuilder; Experienced in residential.
a Please send your resume to; ADVERTISING BOX 949 HNA. P. 0 Box 3350 Honolulu. HI 96801-3350 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGER Heavy mechanical contractor 10 yrs enperience required Desired APE back, ground lo include hands on construction supervision estimating, cost control A eicellonl wnttcn A communes lion tkuls Call 547 3b2U or lai resume lo 547.3623 CONTAINER UNLOADERS EPEH NtEDED EXCL PAY AND BENEFITS 531 3855 COOK Kitchen Help lor grow mg Ewa Beach restaurant. Call Sns 689 7978 6H9 7994 COUNTER CASHIER FT Retired persons ok Donna Diner 944-1 SW) COUNTER HELP lor retail storo, T.
hr Noenper ok Good benefits Re 4(16 9002 COUNTER sales, early morn sh*tt. T. bene'it Sweet Thoughts Moana 988 5788 Counter Sales PT. FT No exper nec Knowledge ol watch lewelry a Apply Seanj Watch Repair CUSTOMER SVC CLERK position lor ploasanl sett starter good command ol English language A phone skills, computer eiper preferred but will train, lull benefits, start $1300 A up Bung, send or lax resume. Progressive Marketing Inct 222 N.
School St 303. Hono HI 96817. 5210333. Fax 537 3580 TREE SERVICE TREE TRIMMING. Remove; stumps, lot cleaning Haul Rubbish (C-11297) 734-8442 I I MASSAGE THERAPIST THERAPEUTIC Massage only.
swtuiBH'ueep Tissue. MAT2031 By app 732-8904 Wonderful relaxing A nurtur ing massage by lie therapist (MAT2976)'Ph 689 8114 GENERAL AAA Gen Yd Sve. Mow. haul top soil, plant grass, clean lots free esi brr-n2; 2B56144 A affordable yard service, clear lot, haul unk, mow. weed, trim hedge, 10 yrs, exper, free est.
488-0682: 676-2045 A FILIPINO yard svcgeneral mamt uo everything f-ree estimate. 455-7579: 677 7367 AAA Fair price A good fob. Yd repair, trim cut nodye, uear lot, haul unk. top soil Gdn rock. 15 yrs exper.
732-0629 AA AAAAAAAA Balino Gen Yard Mamt Lot clear, haul trash, plant grass. Insured Free est 676 0690; 225-1813 AAAAAAAAAAAA Filipino Yard Sve Cleanup, planf grass, top soil, weed, tnm hedge, haul trashunk 16 yrs exper. Low rates 677 5442. anytime. AAAAAAAAAAAAA THE FILIPI NO Plant grass, mow.
trimcut hedge, clear lot, 'haul junktop soilrocks etc. 12 years exper. Free est. Isle wide 486-0609 ALL ABOUT YARD SVC. Plant grass, clear lot.
haul rubbish Free Est 671-9947 ALL YOUR LAWN A GARDEN SVC NEEDS, PLANT GRASS, MOW, Etc. FREE EST 672 6079 CALL me last to compare prices Trim hedges, haul junk. 845-4152 DO EVERYTHING! Clear lot top soil plant grass mow haul rubbish and rock etc. 537 3955 YARD SERVICE Trim hedge, mow, etc. 247-6011 FILIPINO all around clean: yard, trim plants, haul trash.
Free est. Call Ernest 422-2736 FILIPINO YARD MAN. Plant, mow, poison weeds, weeding, haul trash. Free est. 671 -6564.
Filipino Yard Sve Clear lot, plant grass, weed, haul )unk, trim, maint. Free est. 689 6516 HOME Care A Yard Services Plant grassclear lot Trusted workers. Free est, 671-4169 HOUSE YARD SERVICE. Rea tonable ptices.
Call for estimate, 286.2868, 845 5395 JR Yard Service, plant grass, cutting edges, hauling rubbish. Free estimate, 847 2101 LEO YARD SERVICE. Clean, mow, plant grass, weed. Free est, Leo, 841-2043 eveS. OHANA PLANT A YARD.
From Hawaii Kai to Waianae. The Proiect People. 396-0928 Yard Service in mowing, weeding, edging A lawn maint. Free estimate, 677-1114 YARD SERVICE Mowing, edging, hauling rubbish, planting, weeding Free est 668-5414 YardBusters Are Here! Weeds A grass overgrown? Who ya gonna call? YardBusters! Low Kamaaina rates 737 8322 LANDSCAPING WATER GARDEN SUPPLY Liners, likes, aquatic plants. Consulting.
739-5254 AUTOMOTIVE Dt'AlUHS rweqrd Soma exper roqd 83470 MF 7 3om4 3Utjm BAKER BAHfcR 5 Ml I PER SAM AI'PLY CRAIG BAKERY 48 MALUNBJ AVE BAKER Bakei Hi-lpei 2 30arn 5am shill Bakery KapnXani 1617 Kapioiani Blvd BANK l. AoMltH NO FEE to S1 150 Cimi eper lvpw 10 kl Trrpl SvC Personnel 9S6 7355 BARTENDER Joo.pu.ion No aiper nec Gusaie Lamours 3251 Nvmu 4 7m person BE YOUR" OWN BOSS Expanding newspaper promotion company has positions avail, tor seft-motivaied take-charge type persons to supervise teenagers on a newspapet production crew. GUARANTEED $400PerWkComm WITH POTENTIAL TO $1000 PER WEEK URGE INSURED VEHICLE REQUIRED WORK IN YOUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD. LOTS OF OPPORTUNITY TO GROW WITH US! NO, INVESTMENT REQUIRED CALL MR. STEVENS (808) 732-7130, BILLING CLERK $1400 $1600 BILLING COLLECT Davenport Co.
531-2793 BLUEPRINT OPERATOR, Apply person only Hawaii Blueprint. 575 Cooke SI, LEGAL SERVICES ACCIDENTS. CRIMINAL Defense A DRUG cases Free consultation 536 8227 AFFORDABLE lawyer ser vices lor only $IO'mo Join Hawaii Legal Plan 521-6568 GENERAL ACURA HONDA MAZDA. TOYOTA. NISSAN, GM Jesse a Auto Repair 841 5988 RON'S Road Rescue, A E.
tech I come to you! 11 gen. repairs. 237-8085 AIR CONDITIONING AlC REPAIRS, all makes, by "Certified Auto A'C Tech We A deliver, 455-9332 AMERICAN JAPANESE -CERTIFIED AC TECH JESSE AUTO PH. 841 5988 tJ'i it BODY WORK QUALITY BODYPAINT WORK DONE FREE EST, CALL "MOHQt 5244909. ACCOUNTING 4A4Srhall business bkpg Payroll, -financial statements.
bank APAR. 395-0004 CERTIFIED Public Acc't- MBA. Affordable, timely. pro-Acctg. jtjkpg.
laxea uien oov-iKb ARCHITECTURE ARCH. 1 design drafting sve Permil Free est Best quality guaranteed, bjj imi ARCHITECT. Res dferttmer, new A remodelled aGemplete services. 377 5761 RESIDENOIAL Comm de siofii New A remodeled -22339. Sheffield Assoc.
COMPUTER SERVICE Micro Computer Consultants Systern, software A hardware wWliSUUinQ rruyianiumig r---(808) 488-6260 C5AfTING AAA, Affordableprofessional 'rieSigrtng A dralting services Faat iwKe, two rosra ALOHA Drafting And Design Renovations A Rouse designs Jierrwls, frae est, 676 7243 irohitectural DesignPlan. nvj Residential A cornmer- CiaE BWg. permit 942 7926 OOMPLETE design A drafting services, is years experience. 4 uaii dim ijt iww FREE ESTIMATES, Call Kane Drafting lor your residential Mraffrny neeas. RESTY'S DRAFT'G SERVICES NeUfConstruclion'Renova- 'TioniPermits ResidentialCom-awtUl.
677-9590 or 39S4168 FINANCIAL SERVICES nuirr ronsolidalion, cash out, "hard to qualify E. loans our aoeeialty Financial Services HawaH, inc. wo-uuiu SSCSnABIAL BWlyping. fesumes, notary EhteTs 623-7400 11 BOOKKEEPER Full lime Knowledge ol lotu 1 2 3 Saia.y c(mmenu(4le with otpeiwrce Call- 538-1128 between 830am 5 30pm) BOOKKEEPING- ASSISTANT Busy fahm saios top oHc nttxH a directed pemon to handte commi5sors ordw en try. iltnq.
etc wga maiional sitt. dotnit OfwnttMl Ftrfl time poten bonelits Catl benec. W' SUNKISSfS .538 3369 BOWLING ALLEY MANAGER ff au think you hav the riqht stutt tntxf bOAlttig a toy man-acjmf Man yot rcsunie to Kitihi Bowl. Ltd Subsidiaries Attn Darw Vamano Z2 Ktnn St Hon Hi SJfd 19 No pno aits ptease CAREER OPPORTUNITY CUSTOMER SERVCE REPS. We need 6 people who are looking lor more than just a fob We otter a future for the right individuals.
Must be well groomed, have an outgoing personality godd communication skills, full training. No exper, nec. For your interview call 676-2404 PARADISE ISLAND CONCEPTS GENERAL Yoshimura Gen. Cont BC07464. Specialize in addi-tions Free est 456-1426 GAG DESIGNS Remodeling, warning, Additions.
Cabinets. Drywall CI 7391, 676 7828 H. TANJI CONTRACTING IBC13788) New homes, addi tions. repairs 235 0376 HOUSE RAISING, Releveling, hepairs, Memooenng free ts-limate (BC-13630) 623.8445 KEMP CONSTRUCTION Big or small robs ABC 17262. Free Estimate 261-8869 KITCHEN A BATH alteration specialty Call Paul Kinosh*ta 988 6406 (BC-11867) LAWSON CONSTRUCTION Additions, remodels, repairs, BC 1643R Ph 621 51 O'Oonnell Const.
Cabinetry additions Kitchens'baths'new homes BC16824 735-6992 RICHARD SUGIMURA INC. BC4460 Kitchen, alterations, new homes PH 847-0626 Yamamoto A Sons AC 15381 Grading, excavation, concrete work, driveways 254-2043 Hawaii law. Chapter 444, HRS, prohibits any person, corporation or entity trom offering or performing con-6truction work without a contractor's license issued by the Contractor's Li-censo Board Appearance in this classification does not mean the license issued to the listed contractor may still be current and valid It you have any questions concerning a contractor license, please contact the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Licensing Board at 586 3000. To tile a Current complaint, call 587-3222. To check on a contractor complaint history, call 586-2677.
ALL KINDS Arthur Brickwood Assoc. New homes maiorminor rep Additions IBC4256) 293 9183 CARPENTER PAINTING, MASON, REPAIR. ROOFING BC 13739 239 7985 ASPHALT Driveways, prkg lots, striping, repairs also Big or sm jobs (BC9723) 395 3787; 545 5553 CARPENTRY NO Ob too small, Enter prises framing A remodeling Call 262 0848 (C 14822) CEMENT WORK AFFORDABLE rock-tile wall; drivewayspatioislab 10472 1 MIX) 2H5 52UT 527 1 147 pgr CEMENT WORK Hollow tile fence, concrete driveway with apron, garage patio concrete floors, sidewalk etc. Plans drawn. BC885 Fred Honiowo 941-5664 CERAMIC TILE POOL tiling, floors in quartzite.
slate, marble, A ceramic tiles by Wolf Tile Co Ph. 737-4822 Lie 6560 Since 1971. CONCRETE WORK AAA1 Concrete. Foundations, tile, rock, slab, chain, plana Free est (BG9723) 545-5553 BLOCKMAN MASONRY Walts, driveways, excavation Quality work, reasonable rates 676-8213 (C12452) CLASSIFIED nf good buys that will make your spirits vuttn CAR Wash Attendant Of r. Kanala Shot 404 Waia- la SfWnom 7.14 4414 CARPENTER tl'St OaflS Helper Avn tool! Hanspof lalion 737 anyday CARRIERS Needed to Deliver HONOLULU ADVERTISER von Schofield Part Time Hours Good Pay Don, 621-5655 CARRIERS WANTED- to deliver the HONOLULU STAR BULLETIN Enchanted Lakes-No Collection Call -262-0424 DEMOLITION Ed' Demo.
Excavation A Land Clearing Oualify work Lie C14355 Free est 423 6741 DRYWALL ORYVVALL Hanq Tape Any Finish Repairs. Lie. C14574 Dane 235 0710 ELECTRICAL AA SIM Electric. Residence Commercial Remodels'New. Free est.
C14761. 2610072 ADDITION-REMODEL NEW 24 hr trouble call Waialae Electric Inc. CI6858. 732 4084 Advance Electric: Free est (C 1362 1) Trouble calls anywhere 247 3447dig 530-2050 AKEMOTO ELECTRIC C-8601 Trouble call Res'Gommer Free est. 949-4542.
395 2524 DT ELECTRIC-C-1 1407 Residential A Commercial Free Estimates. 677 2722 Fupimoto Electric Lie C110I9. Additions, remodels and new. Trouble call. 734 0696 Innovative Electric Res A Commer New Remodel, high voltage CI 7389 293-7829.
SUNSET Lighting A Electrical. Service A repair Mes A commercial. BC17038. 737-8276 EXCAVATION A BETTER. BOBCAT SERVICE Grading, trenching, trash haulinq, hydraulic breaking; etc.
Reas. 676-8126(0-15406) GLASS Mirror, shower sliding doors, windows. New repair C165t0 456-4064, 455-3276 MASONRY A-1 AFFORDABLE MASONRY layout footings, foundation, retaining walls, plastering; floor slab, plan drawn Free estimates C-16186 293-8417 A-1 LO.WEST Walls, blockstone, driveway sidewalk, fences, wood'ehain (C13527) 236 0476: 846-5218 A 1 Qual stone'tile'relain wall drvway. All type cement work free eat. BC-14314 732-5768 AA Low Cost.
C15570 20 yrs. exper. Any stone walltile 735-1587, 941-3157 24 hr7 day AAAAA Affordable Quality Work C-17317 TileRock Wall FoundationDrvway. 842 3837 AAAAAAAA Specialist Stonewall, hollow tile, driveway, retaining wall. C15570 941 3157 AAAAAAAAA JML MASONRY Hollow Tile, Concrete; Excavating 625-0157 ALL Excavation, haul out, back fill, all cement work (C-15761) Free est.
Call 926 7630 AT WINDWARD MASONRY Free est. Stonewall. Tile waH. Slab Driveway C15160 927 0771 236-0038 Iv. msg.
BAKCO MASONRY Free est. concreteiblock. It carpentry, quality wk Reasonable price. Call 261-5116 Bob (C-14408) DYNAMITE Stone Masonry Tilestone wall, driveway, new garage Mike 677-4481 C7583 Foundation, moss rook, tile, retaining walls, driveway Est C-16278 637 7684, 288-1977 FUNAKI Masonry Contractor Driveway, tile. rock, chainlmk fence Free est Lie 15761 Res 941-2064 Bus 488-8381 PAUL'S MASONRY Driveway, stonetitfl'retaining wall.
Chain link fence. Free est. Lie 14212 422-6990 Rock A tile retaining walls, concrete slab, complete tree sve Free est. (C16619) Esau ooo-Husi, cellular 2252099 MOVING SPECIALIZING in small mod houiehold moving (285-C) KAY Transfer 677 6797 PAINTING A-1 Painter: 15 yri. exper Only fop quality work, rmmed vc.
Free est To $100 8734501 AAA Extenorirnteriot, 18 yr. exper Prompt service free estimate To $100. 942 9842 ALL Pro Painting mfexl. 10 yrs exper. 3r.
Utsc Good rets. Free est To $100 247-1823 CASE PAINTING, island wide. tnt'Ext fcxd work. Low cost. To $100 696-7516 Eddy Painting Int.Ext 12 yrs uuauty wont, uood rets rree Est Thanks) to $1 00 53 1 8 1 73 LOOKI II you don call us.
you coukj paying loo mucn (C 15219) Free est 834 1576 RELIABLE Quality Painting in- tenor-exterior, tree estimates, lo $100 Craig 456-0661 RefMint A repair home 15 yrs exper Neat work free est To $100, Mr. Oshiro 737140 ROOFING ROOF Doetor-12 yrs. exper Only top quality work. Hepairs w'm 24 hrs. guarantee Free estimate To $100 373-4501 TONY'S Roofing Sve A Repair MONIfcH SHAKfcS SHINGLES 17026 Ph.
7324220 WALLPAPER AART9 INTERIORS Wallpaper. r-abno walls iciotftfjl f-ree Est Samples. Bill 373-2907 GENERAL FAST m-tiome tax service at reasonable rates All elates, back years Ph 523-1881 IRS NEGOTIATORS. BACK TAXES? LIENS' We can help! Businesspersonal 545 7466 COMPUTERS Porconal Computer Tutoring. 1 on 1, your homeofc Ages 14 A up.
Exd rates. 732 1498 LANGUAGE INTEN8IVE Japanese training Also CHILDREN 5 yrs. A up (SUMMER CLASSES) Reasonable rates. 5285611 MUSIC Piano A organ lessons. All ag Your home-Waikiki A vicinity.
923-7802 Vole classes children, teen A adults. Uke, Keyboards, guitar, bass, theory 848 0052 Ml GENERAL I DO EXORCISMS HARRY KUBOI 734-6986 NEED Scholarships A Financial Aid i services avan tor undergraduate, Athletic, 4 yf Col lege A Graduate student. H.W.C. Services, Inc. if 1-800-872-1221 Exl 3359 PAMPER yourself Entire body relaxation-Unique 1 Vfr hr imag inative session Kelly 955 7618 i SFLilT! fllariftifiMi it'a th Aariv And effective way to attract buyers ror an runos ot items quickly and conveniently.