Hay Springs News from Hay Springs, Nebraska (2024)

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i 1 tv'- 'y- N--" 1 'i "'V' KM iL ift- II 1 I jMsfr riA i fl 1 knr SiS 4 1 v- i Vf '4 y-- 1 1 -c v- -sv i i'1 JrY'r KV- r'S -'V -iv -v WV -u- 1 -I -I THB HAT SPUNOi N1W8 BAT 8WNGS NDSASEA -J- NOV IS 1154 f'! -i'J THURSDAY 1 1 1 determination to (mrtlnus ecn-litanc taws ffeea and oommla-J lading all of thelr prospects in slon distribution of estate P- -j a I a aA slim r-i the Campaign for 1148000 Sot approval of final account and die- vWUpIhbII tug 4uHWVw am 1 new YMCA- building for Scotts charge which will be for bearing wuiwi wts iw erewi ITEMS FROM FAirage Flats Consolidated School I ji I in this court on 58 November ''MM at 10:45 AM Bluff county The Womeh 'g fiedlon under i CLARENCE BEN9CHOTER FOR SALE County Judga Publ Nov 11 Xt 1164 FOA fiAZJE: Duvoe aove Ir Oeeae Turkey end ptano In the chairmanship of Mrs A Hadwlger reported $1448 again-at the total for tha men of HASS under the leadership of Paul achlktemter- -w -s 1 't food condition or OZXSS (orMto 19 eacb Delbert 40-St Heeeedcer Bell Hey SpringA "NOTICITOCEEDITOES COUNTY COURT OP SHERI DAN 'COUNTY NEBRASKA Mmim rm nnfTTlU t1- ESTATE OP WHUAM I FOR SALS: CANARIES CeS LEGAL NOTICES MSI -JT- IWte KINO DECBASHD' 1 fc- CV 4- 11 'k'1 1 Plants Mitchell Lawyers A 'J FOR SALK: Duck geeae and turkeys dressed or alive Call MM or MU 40-1 BadivOte Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS WHAT IS YOUR heetlog pro-Are you building new hornet Remodeling Or do you just need new fumeee or epeoe beeter Come In 'today and aee tbe moot modem furnace spice beaten or well hatea Tour cbdce of oil or gee Let our hating engineer plan and etl-mate your job MIDWEST FURNmiBE 00 CBADRON NEBfl-rr FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE EASY HRMS THE STATS OF NEBRASKA TO ALL CONCKtNED: Notloe le hereby liven that all claims against aald estate mual be filed on or before tha hd day of February IMS or bo forever barred and that-' a bearing on dalma wOl be held ta thia court on 4th 1M6 at 10 o'clock A t- A Jt Entered this 80th day of Octo- TURKEYS Milk la made available at noon and at reoeag time and the milk line seems to grow each day especially I alncewe started serving chooolete milk' Even candy sales seem to be dropping off! MUSIC: We have been learning a log of aonga and baring a lot of fun singing Thanksgiving aonga funny longs and others We have a fine piano and plan-1st Mr Marttaea the teacher of Ird 4th and 5th grades Mr Mar-tines Is a very good singer and leads the staging We have aome good voices In our gchool and are hoping to do some things that are fun and different this year We are Manning to learn folk dances TALENT NIGHT: Our school was represented on tbs Talent 8bow put' on by too Weit Side Project Club lata M-day night First a chorus made up of all the 2nd 4th 6th gth 7th and Ith grades sang "My Qrand-fatherl Ctock" and Then the 7th Ith chorus sang Stouthearted and Firm and Second Grades then sang an action aong Tn Cabin by a with Patty Marines and Danny Bay less directing Tommy White Igrte fihaughnessy carol' Tboraon and Lou Eva Llppe played their THANKSGIVING DAY I Fsands Oven Pressed Seveath and Eight Grades RECBEATlONi V-: At the beginning of the year the awing ban looked ao niatyU Now they look ao pretty The boys and girls aU helped to paint them with aluminum paint They also painted the Slide le marvelous whet you can do with an old tire! We brought several to school We cut 'away partof each tire then tamed it Inside out and made awing seats Then we painted them bright colors Our volley ben court is servtng its puipose The boys pul up tbs volley ban net and the glrls measured out the boundaries1 Ws didn't have any permanent way of marking It so we put 1 string around it until we can mark Jt with lime The Tth and Sthi grade boys decided they would make a baa-ketban court ao we measured It out It la 84 ft by 50 ft Ha dirt wu handed In by Don Grant Lester and John Skeen The bare leveled the court end helped put I up the back boards which war also outdo and painted SCHOOL BUSSES: The Mirage Hate Consolidated ichooL claims the -only school owned buuee In the county The school operates two busses each of which about an hour to ber IBM -i CLARENCE HEN8CHOTER County Judge CHARLES A ygMBt Atty for Admtalatrator- Pua Nov 4' 1111 1IM gXTRA SPECIAL: Mew Plano Sole! Terms Delivery Wrlte UOOAN PIANO 00 SIS Mein St Rapid City a Dak IS-Sto ESTATE va 10M of Ira Richmond Deceased' ta County Court of Sheridan Coun ty Nebraeka- STATE OF NEBRASKA Creditor! of aald estate wm take notloe that the time limited for the presentation and filing of against aald la March I 1068 and tor the payment b( debts is September I 1IM that will sit at the Cteun-ty court Room In Ruahrilte in aald County on March T' MM at ten o'clock am to receive hear examine allow or adjust aD fitim end objections duly filed DATED November 18 1554 CLARENCE BENBCHOTER J'i County Judge EEAL) i if --L Publish Nov IS 55 December 9 MM' i WHITE BROS Bay Springe 114 TURKEYS for Sale: Wanda Kubo 40 10 hd Aced Breedtag Ewea for iamb' about Febr I Boo Herman Jungck or LeVem Slo-grist vTMV HEREFORD BREEDERS and rtntm selling good yel-ilow bun and 1 heller Ideal for 4-H Dee i Midwest Hereford Asstk Holyoke Colo Kimterllng Bros Champion Nebr 40e Wr Ars Tiktaf SiiftiNlfc 2 of CALVES (DOWS T-i STOCKERS FEEDERS f- 'for oyr1 -CAIUIXJT AUCTION POR SALE: Ducks lire or dressed Donald VsnnatU Pbono IE 40c FOR SALE: 100 bu good clean ear com: a ton Milo Mus-felt Rushrille Nebr 40t it MMita The two bueeea acoordlona and Date Shaughncaey SSA iSrS Url MU rtjy ST jSnmie Marttaea who land Joan Stanley entertained with Acrobatic numbers and a FRIDAY DEC 10? FOR SAMS or Trade: one nearly new Farm Hand stacker mounted on 1040 H-0 IEC truck perfect condition One IBM tematUmal'Hay Baler wire tie used very little would trade either one or both for good alfalfa or native hay baled wire tie or in stack Clarence deleter Gordon Nebr phone 43SLW 8Wt Jabs NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT County COiirt of Sheridan County Nebraska -V1 ESTATE OF DBU DaHAVEN DECEASED THR STATE OP NEBRASKA to all concerned Notice Is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement -herein determination of helrShlp taher- NEED CARPET Even If you don't you can't afford to put this one up Regular $6A5 Aiexander-Smlth loop pile broad-loom cotton carpet- In our great carpet sale for only ISM per queue yard MIDWEST FURNITURE CO OHADRON FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE EASY XTSRMS IWtO ALLIANCE LIVESTOCK COBOL CO AllUnce Nebr CARD OF THANKS Smorgasbord Tap dance FIRST AND SECOND GRADES The first and second grades lave been studying the different types of seasonal clothing Thia was a part of their health program The second grade made booklets containing information about the inefa materials need In clothing They included a page of ample material! and a page of picture of clothing 1 BARN PROJECT: A group of the older boys whom we shall oall Bam Owls found a big old bam over on the Sturgeon ranch and have -busted themselves cleaning and fixing tt up for a place to have different nnU of indoor recreation We can use It for parties and far pitying basketball and' other sports when the weather la too bad for outdoor playing teaches the Tth and 8th iradee end le also principal of the echoed drives one bus Mrs Wm Btatey is driving the West aide bua SCHOOL STORE: Early ta the year a School Store was opened ta the school to help keep the Ptadla In school sup-pUea Besides paper pencil and such we also adl some candy and occasionally other Item The managers of tbs store in DwU Bayteea Keith Daria and Martha other members of the 5th and 8th gradee help ta the tore which la open ta the mornings and at noon Beridae giving some of our people good experience In buying and selling and keeping supplies handy who: they are needed- tt Is expected that the store will make profit Money we make from the store win be need for echoed projects of different kind mix PROGRAM: Our school Milk program began on November first and la proving to be very popular and wcceesfuL do thj iuium 4) i iy "-v'Uv i ri )'? rT-' -j i i a ii THANK YOU WO wlih-to thank our frienda and nelgMwrs for the many kind eta Shown ua during our recent sorrow Specially do we thank the Ladles Aid the quartette paObearera and tboee who fum-care Your klndneea la deeply appreciated Mrs A Xadlecek and family SUNDAY NOV 21st 4 by St Ladies Aid at the MIRAGE FLATS COMMUNITY HALL LZS 'children Me fiBRVINO 5 TO I PM' FOR SAXE: 1000 bu Ear Com 1 40 tonloedeiL-Floyd Stone mL south a mi east of Hay gpdaga Gordon Journal poll owing recommend- by Canon sound engineer as a result of a The Milk program la a part of the 1 the City auditorium Schoti Lunch Program acoustical tile will be Installed In fwn or THANKS With deep gratitude we express our staoere appreciation to Dr Hook and the hospital staff at Ruahrilte Community hospital and to all our frienda for the many acts of klrwlnfw and word of sympathy received by to our Arthur Eddy Lb Col and Mrs Leonard Eddy Mr and Mm Robert Eddy Mr and Mra Carl A JOhnacm Mr and Mrs Nelson Mr end Mrs Floyd Colwell '880 heAupbiceb for saie Tje have three desirable completely modem city reeldencea ta derir-ai gut of town an paring horn A MORGAN IPC 40-hs I State of Nebraska The State helps us pay for milk which 1 consumed by school children the building The city council meeting Thursday night entered Into a contract for the work with the Construction Specialty Co of Denver Colo The company will taste the tile to specifications for a STANDARD SERVICE STATION a KEUEGEE Fren On Hhray NO HUNTING FOR SAUS Maria electric very good reasonable phone 8180 58-3 Ill stated -amount guaranteeing a FOR SALE: Fryers 1100 each ph 6728 Mrs Ben Whitney LOST FOUND i I CTO Twin Lake Gaare Ledge ta dee-ed to Hanting and ling to evenrm ben ef the hiige Mi- Registered Bpotted LOST: Fender skirt white Fhohe SLSdfailxmtooamr Otto L4141 Dean Jensen 19-811 Uhrlg 18 miles west end 8 mU vrwn Bidrd lh WANTED DO YOU WANT A HOUSE? 4- jtib that will give satisfaction If the results do not meet requirements the company at no further coat will add materials until the acoustical effidenoea of the building are corrected 1 A 95 4V' Mlnatare Free Frees An enthusiastic group of over T9 volunteer Cempalgn Workers at the 4th progreaa report Meeting held Friday noon at the lincoln Hotel expressed rigorous TULLOSS ft HORN UfSUlUNGB RultilM Itawaiha Offlre la Flnt Natiwal Bank Xf you want to buy a home ta Ha Borings at a moderate price are JAKE HERMAN end 1IARK HOOPER Owners M-Btc CUSTOM CORN SHELLING IVAN HINDMAN phene 48J3 EnahriDe Nebr 40-at JOHN COLEMAN'" Real Estate Broker OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 884BS Hay Springs drj a mm SAVE SAVE Bave ta our JJsed -r Department- OH Heaton Wash ere Skdgsa Range Water Beaten! Living Boom Sultes andjl types of appliances and good) used furniture of eTerJrdeBI twin visit our Complete Used PBPxrtoiimt today for realsav- midwest furniture CO CBADRON NEBR-FREEpg: UVERY ANYWHERE RAf I -I OPTOMETRIST Crawford Nebr For Appotatment: write Box ess Pb lss-w 1 Chamberlain i Mortuary 1- Ct 'a APPLIANCE SERVICE WORK Embatanlng Fansral Dlreettag 7 -Bookkeeping and-Acconnting Service DOY PETERSON Fhene 81SR8 Electric Ranges Dryers and Refrigerators POR Ifilk oowsBrovm Swiss puemsey Jersey Buster CarreU Cfcadxon Ph 8743 PHONE SO RUSHVHIK Chambwiain Eddie -Bayliss Hay Sprtaf 818 85-tf ELECTRIC shavers The New Norelco Sunbeam Stock -Remington We eerflee and sell quality shavers Anthony Jewelry At a 1 V-? 'i GEORGE LCOX Contractor JOHN KER1AKEDES Attorney at Lav PHONE 3U Hey Springe Nebraeka WE NEED ONE OF THE GOOD BULLS SELLING IN THIS SALE HEAVY HENS A TRACTOR FARTS wHny piston Rings MwQtiay Morris Valves Remy Ignition Parts TOM) TRACTOR PARTS Ptorbanks Morris Magnetos Case Magnetos Goodyear Tractor Tire QASWICK motor CO 1 DIRT MOVING DAMS TERRACING DITCHING LEVELING BwhvlUe Nebr ITwm 118W Will BE OFFERED in thg SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL! Horn-Morgan-Elnood White Bros Phone 256 INSURANCE OF ALL BINDS Centinneun Bervlee Slaea I8l8f Fhene 18-After Hem 47 8ZS 188 Hay Springs Nebnuka LUNDY-LEWIN HEREFORD ALE Tuesday Nov 23 1954 IP GORDON NEBR COL FREDDIE CHANDLER Aeetteaser YOUR CLOSEST STUDIO! Photo Co "miscellaneous CAN YOU answer YES to these auesUonsT (1 Are you proud of your Dtatag Room? 8) la your 4w large enough' to aoemmodato rour Thanksgiving guests? (8) Do you have enough chairs? XI yba answer NO to any of there mytwwia stop ta end let us show you our sensational new line of fMniny Room Furniture DanT tenet until Thanksgiving you get your choice of TURKEY FREE with etch set midwest furniture CO CHADRON FREE LIVERY ANYWHERE EABx T7BRMB 88-810 WHO'S WHO nt the Sfamx City Stock Yards Graduation Photoa Weddings PamBy Groups or an mdlrfitaal Moonjm- CHAR Jfi McMABTKKB OPTOMETRIST -r 817 Mata Chadfon Nebr VRama 8744 nation by Eremtnal 44 BULLS 17 FEMALES Reealies 1 Tredwsys Zala Beta Ink tens i 8184 THEFUANK SCOTT COHH CO Fheto Flehhhr cel -Try us some timet I 4 v-4-.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.