Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

29 Pad Each Week for Hushing Police Four Philadelphia Detectives Arrested and Charged With Extorting Money From Dis orderly Houses. Associated Prese) PHILADELPHIA, Oct. -Payments of $11,000 a week by disorderly houses In one police district hav been uncovered District Attorney MonaChan. who de conducting 8 a and Jury inv. stigation of Tum runners and gangsters' activities.

The revelations came with the arrest of four detectives, charged with extorting money from the proprietor of a disorderly house. They were alleged to have collected $220 a week from a dingle disorderly house da a police district in which 50 such establishments were reportel by the district commande: to have been operating. Olga Barton, proprietor of one of these places, in testifying against the detectives, John Casey, Warren Robinson, James Kelly, and William Dixey, declared her payments for protection, starting at $45 a week, had been raised on demand to $220 weekly, Assistant Dist. Atty, mee told Judge Edwin O. Lewis, before whom the prisoners were arraigned, that each of the 50 establishments had paid similar amounts for protection.

or a total of approximately $11,000 a week In a single police district. Mr. Monaghan said one police capfain had accumulated nearly $250,000 in the last two and a half years. CITY BRIEFS To Meet Thursday. The regular weekly meeting of the club will be held at nOOn Thoreday at the Nueces hotel.

Visiting Here Fred Hess of Houston la visiting in the city today. Dusiness Visitor C. L. Desel of Houston, who le connected with the Degel-Boetcher Wholesale Grocery company of this city, de a business visitor here. Visits Here Dr.

A. L. Edington of Laredo, 18 in the city on a short visit. Business Visitor Ray Leeman, manager of the South Texas Chamber of Commerce, is In the Lower Rio Grande Valley this week on business. To Meet Friday The T.

L. class of the First BapList church will meet Friday alternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. Major at 923 Elizabeth street. Birth Announcement Born Tuesday to Mr.

and Mre. Joe K. Stephene, 1024 Thirteenth street. 8 sOD. Unsettled Weather." Unsettled weather with the probability of scattered showers was the forecast of J.

P. McAuliffe, local meteorologist, for tonight and tomorrow. Visits Here C. M. Fisher of Laredo, traffic manager for the Texas Mexican railway, was a business vlaitor in the city today.

In San Antonio. Se. Maston Nixon is a business visitor in San Antonio. To Hot Springs George Covey will leave tonight for Blot Springs, Ark, where he will be two months. Office Changes.

Two changes in offices in the Nixon building have been made, It WAR learned today. Miss Iona Plath has moved her art studio from room 219 to room 830 and the Seale Audit company has moved its office from room 409 to room 1108. Six Sults Filed. Six suits for delinquent taxes were filed by the atate in the office of Mra. Connie Mao Starr, district clerk, this morning.

Suit Filed. A suit styled, American Employers' Insurance company Va. M. F. Frazier, suit to get aside ruling of Industrial accident board, was filed in the office of Mrs.

Connie Mae Starr, district clerk. Boyd Compiles- (Continued from page 1) the above named figure. Longshoreman average 20 cents bale for loading cotton. A vessel ing 5000 bales of cotton must pay $1000 for labor. This money is distributed through local channels.

It has been estimated. Mr. Boyd that every bale of cotton shipped from the Port of Corpus Christi this season has left $5 in the city that went immediately into the regular channels and stayed in circulation. This inclodes cost. of compression, concentration.

delivery at the docks, heading. Jongahore handling. and financing of each bale. The 292,039 bales of cotton handled from the port thas far this judging from these figures, left $1,460.195 in Corpus Christi Vation. actually placed into eirenwas This Hew, coupled with the the vessels and members of expenses the of the while agents In of port the and the expenses vessel, makes it cotton conservative estimate to may the 000.000 to season the of 1998 was worth city.

The subject in far reaching and an estimate of the real value of the cotton season be in a financial way may Sowever, ascertained. It de estimated: that there were 100 cotton here during the three month's cation season who spent an average of each. This brings in added to the elty. There are at a aero for representmonth deriss the cotton WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1928. Marine Neus None.

Vessels In Port. None. Cleared, None. Due To Depart. None.

Departed. None. Due To Arrive. and R. Barge, Get.

Dora Weeme, Oct. Ferbank, Oct. 6. Cripple Creek, Oct. Waban, Oct.

SA. Westmoreland, Oct. 1. Se. West Hobomack, Oct.

Wilkens and Biehl steamer, Oct. 10. Point Sor, Oct. 10. Baltimore and Carolina steamer, Oct.

Steadfast, Oct. 19. 44 Endicott, Oct. 25. Ha.

Chetac, Oct. 28. Baltimore and Carolina steamer, Oct. 31, COTTON. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES NEW ORLEANS COTTON (By The Associated Press) NEW ORLEANS, Oct.

The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 6 10 8 points in response to higher Liverpool cables and on the execution of wight in buying the Delta orders, than and desired. rather more Soon after the start, however, the market weakened under liquidation by longs, probably promoted by the favorable weekly weather and crop mummary. Dew cember sold off to 18.40, January 18.37 and March 18.31, or 23 to 25 and points down from the opening prices 18 points under yesterday's close. the end of the first hour the market was quiet and at or near the lowest. Liquidation continued throughout the morning, although at one time it well absorbed by trade buying and rallied 10 pointy from the lows, however the market cased back again under a renewal of liquidation and At mid-session December wam selling around 18.43, January 18,39 and March 18.33, or 15 to 16 pointe below close.

LIVERPOOL COTTON By The Associated Press) LIVERPOOL, Oct. 3-Cotton rood bustness done: steady: American strict good middling 11.21: good middling 10.95; strict middHne 10.86; middling 10.71: low middling 10.48: low middling 10.26; strict ordinary 10.06: good ordinary 9.76. Salem 8,000 haler, 5,700 American. Recelpta 1,000, American 50. Futures closed barely steady.

October 0.97, January 9.80; March 9.78; May July 9.72, NEW YORK COTTON (Ry The Associated Preen) NEW YORK, Oct. The cotton mare let opened steady at advance of 2 to points on overnight buying orders probably attracted by the steadier tone of late but very soon weakened 11 dee a renewal of liquidation combined with local and southern selling, Favorable interpretation of the weekly report of the weather burean seemed to stimulate the offerings and the market soon showed net losses of 16 to 22 points, with December welling off to 18.93 and March to 18.80. There was enough covering 10 check the showed decline rallies at of these few figures, and prices a pointe the end el the first half hour. A 2000 deal of liquidation was reported on the early decline though Wall street And commission houses but it WAS ohHerbed through trade buying or covering. with the market later becoming qulet.

At mid day prices were steady at rallies of about to 10 points form the lowest. September Total In Fines Is $940 Fines in the amount of $940 were collected by the police department last month, according to the monthly report of James B. Shaw, chief of poHee, that was received at the office of Joha T. Wright, city secretary, yester day afternoon. The report follows: Calla answered, 285; arreste made.

228: cases tried, 217; convictions obtained, 189; cases dismissed 28: cases pending, none; cases appealed, none. Automobiles reported stolen, 5: automobiles recovered, value of goods reported stolen, $185; value of goods recovered. $115; and prisoners transferred to county authorities, 11. Johnson to Join Office on Oct. 5 Word was received here this mornInp by P.

P. Young, local immigration Inspector, that Alvin M. Johnson, who la to be added to the Immigration service at the local office, will arrive in the city on Oct. 2. "It is probable that the new man will do the outside, work while will take care of the duties in the Mr.

Young said. Plans are being worked out to keep the office open at times during office hours. Rock Asphalt to Cover Car Tracks Work is now under way on the repairing of Liberty street from Park to Hanco*ck street, H. L. Shaw, city engineer, said this morning.

The old car tracks will be covered with rock asphalt, $32,000 in Real Estate Is Sold Real estate deals totalling $32,000 in the Evans tract, east of Del Mar, have been made in the last few days All of the lots purchased were for home sites and it is said the owners will begin construction of houses within a short time. The lots were purchased by C. W. Eubanks, formerly Durant, banker: N. J.

Dr. J. R. Thomas, and F. S.

McCord. There were seven lots sold. The Fred Qualle Realty Company handled thee deals. season, who leave $15 a day each in the city, A rough estimate of the money spent locally for supplies, labor and other expenses by the steamship agents, made today after figures had been gathered, showed that approximately $120.000 was AD at here each month by all of the agents. Mr.

Boyd explained today that this year, with the cotton crop short, An estimate he had just completed was that cotton grown In this section that might have been handled through the port was 899.722 batcH. If the for next year prove to be true, even more re cotton than this will be vast territory, that the Port of Christi, It la sald. Train Rebbery Unequalled in Border Region Vanth Robs Canadian Railway, Hides Under Rear Car Until Caught by Immigration Officers. DETROIT, Oct 3. William Gibbs, 20, Los Angeles, who robbed Canadian National railway mail car of amounts variously estimated at between $2,000 and $100,000 was held Windsor, today after furnishIng authorities with a criminal narrative without parallel in this section.

Gibbs boarded the train at Chatham, and gaining access to the mail car, held three messengers at bay with a pistol while he looted the registered bags. Then AN the enxine slowed down for A stop at Prairie Sidings, Gibbs dropped from the mail car, but reboarded the rear coach of the train. While alarms were raised and A description of the robber sent. all along the border. Gibbs, sitting on the rods beneath the rear car, was not discovered.

After the investigation the train was released and Gibbs car wan ferried across the Detroit River. Here the young bandit came to grief, for immigration officers were on the lookout for smuggled allens when the ferry docked and Gibbs was discovered. Life Sentence Is Given Young Silva Man Charged With Killing His Sweetheart Near Portland. Margarito Silva, charged by indictment on San Patricio county courts with the murder of Anita Luna, his 18-year-old sweetheart, near Portland, eight years ago, was given a lite tence in the penitenitary when his case was heard in Sinton yesterday. It was alleged that Silva shot and killed his sweetheart in 1920, when she was dancing at a place near Portland, Silva was said to have left the country following the killing, but was captured in Victoria last month.

Hugh R. Suthreland and I. Singer were attorneys for the defense. It was said today that motion for a new trial had been filed and that the case had been appealed. German Zeppelin Flies to England Britons Recall Horrors of World War When Huge Ship Visits Shores.

The Associated Press) LONDON, Oct. Having paid a friendly visit to a section of England frequently troubled by air raids during the war, Graf Zeppelin, new German dirigible, today return to Berlin. This in Dr. Hugo Eckener's last long trial flight before he atarts for the United States. A dispatch to the Daily Mail from The Hagne said the airship on way to England flew oveR the mansion at D.orn where former Kaiser is in exile and that the last Wilhelmi monarch and his family joined in cheering the passing dirigible.

Miss Lauder- (Continued from page 1'1 perb physique strikingly, a black and white tie, white spate, and black shoes. The famous Roman cerulian blue sky was at its best for "Polly" Lauder's bridal day and just when Tunnay was putting the ring upon her finger a ray of sunlight shot through the window of the royal salon making it glitter for all the witnesses to see. As the religions ceremony was ished Tunney kissed his bride and then Mra Lander, his mother-in-law. The walls of the room were hung with old red damask against which masses of gorgeous white roses stood out strikingly. In the room where the religious ceremony was held there was a large picture of the Madonna and child aurrounded by white roses.

Injured Man Is Resting Easily John Coutts, 49, brick mason, who was slightly injured when an auto mobile in which he was riding was struck by a Southern Pacific train near Timon boulevard about 5 o'clock last evening. was reported to be resting easily at the Emergency hospital this afternoon. A medical examination at the hos pital showed Contta had a broken rib and a scratch on his head. Two Collectors Reports Received Two ad valorem tax reports have heen received nt the office of John T. Wright, city secretary, The report of L.

D. Snow, tax collector Willacy county, shows that ad valerom taxes in the amount of $48.32 were collected in that county in Sertember. Jesus. Olivetra. tax collector of Duval county, reported that ad valorem taxes collected in that county last month totalled $1,152.14.

FIVE COMPLAINTS FILED Five complaints were filed in corporation court by police last night. Three persons were placed in Jail to answer charges of drunkenness. Two motorists were arrested, one for recktees driving. and one for parking too near a fire plug. Exports Are 25 Per Cent I Larger Cotton Shipped Out This Season Totals 231,096 Bales.

Exportation of cotton from the Port of Cerpus Christt this seasen may ex ceed the exportations of last season by 25 per cent, it was learned today. The cotton exported during 1927 cotton season was 196,666 bales. In cluding exportations through Oct. of this year, the exportations totalled 231,096 bales. This shows an increase of 34,430 bales over the eotton exportations for the entire 1927 season.

There are now 48.919 bales of cotton on hand. Considering the amount of the cotton now on hand that may be reshipped by rail rather than through the Port of Corpus Christi, combined with the increase of the exportations over last season, the cot: ton shipments this year, exclusive of coastwise business, probably will exceed those of last season by fully 25 per cent. PHONOGRAPH STOLEN Mrs. Harris, 2503 Rincon street, reported to police this morning that someone had stolen a portable phonograph and 20 recorde from her. PROWLER REPORTED Police answered to can South Carrizo street last night where a prowler was said to have been seen.

No one was apprehended by the police. Betting- (Continued from page 1) gO about their business in grim earnest. The Yanks on the other hand, act as though they have not a care in the world. If Combs and Pennock are out, Lazzeri, Koenig, and Ruth crippled, the American league titleholders appear untroubled just the same. The rival managers are reticent as usual a8 to their pitching selections for the opening game but they'll cross up a lot of expert observers if Waite Hoyt does not start for the Yankees and "Wee Willie" Sherdel for the Cardinals.

Huggins and McKechnie admit these two are "naturals" for the first game but the final selection will have to wall until game time. If Sherdell pitches for the Cards. Ben Paschal will be In centerfield for the Yanks and "Jumping Joe" Ducan, in all probability, at third. If McKechnie picks a right bander, Cedric Durst will play the outfield and Gene Robertson third base McKechnie's only lineup change. to meet assorted pitching will be in right field.

George Harper will play right field against right handers and Wattle Holm against the southpaws. Under present plans only two catchers will see service, Bengough for the Yanks and Jimmy Wilson for McKechnie's crew. Despite precautions by the Yankee management, speculators have gotten hold of some of the precious tickets and are peddling a $16.50 series of three games for $50 and up. With all reserved seats gone and 40,000 general admission tickets on sale the day of the game, a crowd of 75,000 or more is expected at the opening game. Majority- (Continued From Page One.) Nolte McElroy Sunday night, while he was being initiated by Delta Kappa Epsilon.

McElroy died while being put through a supposedly harmless stunt in which the Neophyte was sent Charleston Dance Contest Judged By England's Leader' Miss Leslie--Sutton, chief judge of the Charleston contest for (England, writes: "My unique position in the dancing world today would never have happened if I had not taken care of my health. constantly had that tired out, depressed feeling, with sick headache, indigestion, biliousness by the poisons of constipation. Your mild laxative has been of valuable assistance in keeping my system in a daily healthy CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS All druggists -25c and 75c red pkgs. through el electrically charged steel bed epriage. Former Federal Judge R.

L. Batts, who introduced the resolation for the investigation, is a fraternity man. brief statement yesterday be expressed the opinion that "there have been abuses that need to be McElroy was buried yesterday at his old home, Buda, Texas. During the service a message from McElroy's mother to the 75 students who attended the funeral was read. The message assured the students that she bore them malice and had only the kindest feelings for them.

Fire Chief- (Continued from pagel) 18. the addition of nine experienced men to the force to assist the experienced men already on the pay roll. Many of these men will be placed in the new stations. Some of the older men on the force will be placed at the new stations also. Five men will be at each of the outlying stations.

Fire Chief Ed Shoemaker said today that as soon as the fire department could be re-organized, regular practice seasions would be started. There is enough room ME in the of the station at Morgan Eleventh streets to have ladder and tower practice. Plans for this will be announced later. Recently the city purchased the Gamewell fire alarm telegraph system. At the same time, two American La France combination pumper and hose wagons were purchased, together with A large supply of hose.

There are now four combination pumper and hose wagons in the department. Three of these are capable of pumping 750 gallons of water minute. One thousand gallons. of water a minute is the capacity of the I fourth. There is also a combination chemical, here, and ladder wagon that will answer all alarms, the chief's new CHICHESTER BRANDS PILLS Ladiesl Ack yeer a Pille to and Hold metallic Blue Ribbon.

Take no LOND BRAND PILLA, foe year as Best, Safest. Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE FREE Ground School Same course offered by Brooks Field Friday-8 P. M. in American Legion Hall 3rd Floor City Hall You are cordially invited to nttend these free lectures by southerm academy of branch of the Texas Airplane corporation. For further information.

Phone 1156-W. IF IN DOUBT as to where to send your expensive silks, send them to our Silk Specialist Parisian (CLEANERS DYERS- -HATTERS 1107 Staples Street Phone 1122 Vina tonal Columbia like life itself GEE! BUT I'M BLUE Art Gillam the Whispering Pianist CAMPBELL'S SHOP On top of the hill-921 Leopard Life, Fire Casualty, Bonds Marine, Inland Ocean Automobile LOANS, CITY AND FARM HOLMES TRIGG Complete Insurance Service GENERAL AGENTS American Central Life Insurance Co. 316-317 Furman Bldg. Phone 2414 or 1812 Farmers HOME AND Gardners Wo are now receiving new garden geed, the finest grown. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on the followingCarrots, Seed Potatoes, Cabbage, Onion, Beets, Seed Onts, Rape, Swiss Chard.

Turnips, Onion Sets, Special Prices on Large Quantities. J. M. Caldwell Son Phones 412--413 Styled Right Priced Right CLOTHCRAFT SUITS are Right for you The new fall suits are now here in numberless patterns, styles and modes in all-wool materials that give you longer wear. $25 to $50 For clothing satisfaction CUNNINGHAM'S Two Convenient Stores 016 Chaparral St, 812 St.

car, and a truck that is used in cases of emergency. The service truck 18 equiaped with ladders long enough to reach to top of the tallest building in the city. One of the combination pampers and bose wagons will be placed in each of the fire stations in the realdential districta. When an alarm comes in, it will be designated from the central office. by means of telegraph, which company will answer the alarm.

At the same time, the combing tion a chemical, hose, and ladder will answer all alarms. A secoad alar will bring another company, that est the conflagration, and the thin alarm will bring every piece cf equis ment in the city. The telegraph, system is also being equipped signals so the firemen may call for police or an ambulance eliminating the necessity of teloi I phoning. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Good Fresh Elberta Peaches 8 Times a Week from San Antonio Corpus Christi Fruit Stand 1600 Water St. Midway Gardens CORPUS CHRISTI BOILER WELDING AND MACHINE WORKS, Inc.

We are prepared to handle any kind of a job, large or small, with up 10- date equipment and mechanics, in the shops or in the fields. Electrie Acetylene welding. Boller work. Machine work. Blacksmith welding.

work and repaire all at short notice. Day or night, our rates are right. Call get our prices before placing your work with us. shin, In kuriness here since 1914. GIVE US A TRIAL Shop: 716 Carrizo Street Phones: 1168; Res.

2083-J Let Us Your New Finance COMES ON Home L.D. GARRISON LUMBER CO. Phone 14 Phone 14 QUALITY SEEDS The weather is right and the time is right, for planting fall vegetable crops. We would appreciate an opportunity of figuring on your seed Our prices are right and our quality the best. EASTERN SEED COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 301 Staples St.

Phone 26 DE Improve Your Looks. New Fall Hats Newest Shades and Styles $3.95 'ANDERSON DRY GOODS COMPANY 1208 LEOPARD ST. 90C TO THE FARMERS OF SOUTHWEST TEXAS Buy your vegetable seed from vegetable seed specialists. Our aim is BETTER SEEDS AND CHEAPER PRICES TO YOU. Ey contracting our supplies in very large quantities from the BEST SEED GROWERS in the United States and Foreign Countries we can save you money.

See our Mr. Hardwicke at Corpus Christi, Mr. Gerhardt at Robstown, Mr. Lloyd Neumann at Odem. Information gladly furnished free regarding market outlook for various crops, when to plant, how to plant and cultivate different vegetable crops.

SOUTH TEXAS SEED Inc. (Vegetable Seeds Only) STORES NOW OPEN IN CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS ROBSTOWN, TEXAS ODEM, TEXAS NEW ROOFS OVER OLD ONES We Have a Complete Line of Roofing Materials For 'All Kinds of Roofs, and a Very Efficient Crew to Execute Orders. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. ANTONIO MACHINE SUPPLY CO. PHONE 1000.

Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.