AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (2024)

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (1)

AFK Arena is among the most played strategy games on mobile devices, and this will be your comprehensive guide to the best heroes to use when playing this game! Whether you are a newcomer or experienced, this guide will explain important features of all heroes and how to use them in your strategies. Are you interested in becoming an expert in AFK Arena? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Understanding AFK Arena Heroes

In this article you will get complete details on AFK Arena Tier Lists such as General Tier, PvE Tier, PvP Tier.

General AFK Arena Tier List Explained

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (2)

There is a rank of AFK Arena characters in general which could include characters for specific modes in the game. These ability-bearing characters on the list can take you through ordeals smoothly. Although many heroes have occupied the best tier for quite a long time, recently introduced units, such as Yennefer of the Witchers’ collaboration or Awakened Solice, are also part of the list.

There is no doubt that Elijah & Lailah are in S-Tier because the former is one of the best healing-based INT characters, while the latter is a powerful INT-based support that can boost the haste of allies and even heal them during battles. Other top-tier units are Mehira an outstanding mage (damage per second or ‘dps’) and Talene, if she is not controlled by the other party.

SS Tier

  • Characters: Lavatune – Abyssal Rocker, Grezhul, Lady Simona, Bell Ringer, Awakened Shemira, Daemia, Emilia, Olgath, Haleus, Awakened Belinda, Mulan, Palmer, Elijah & Lailah, Talene, Rowan, Merlin, Ezizh, Eironn, Tasi, Mehira, Shemira, Corpsemaker, Liberta.

S Tier

  • Characters: Melion, Antandra – Dragonflame Spear, Shuna, Villanelle, Hildwin, Pulina, Lucilla, Ivan, Awakened Safiya, Trishea, Ginneas, Awakened Athalia, Rem, Crassio, Maetria, Edwin, Veithael, Yennefer, Awakened Solise, Awakened Brutus, Awakened Thane, Audrae, Scarlet, Frampton, Treznor, Daimon, Saurus, Izold, Zikis, Zaphrael, Hodgkin, Athalia, Lucretia, Gwyneth, Rosaline, Ferael, Lyca, Thoran, Mortas, Nara, Albedo, Arthur, Ezio, Mezoth, Silas, Orthros, Wu Kong, Flora, Zolrath, Safiya, Alna, Skreg, Nakoruru, Khazard, Light Martyr, Malkrie, Atheus, Lucius, the Oath of Radiance.

A Tier

  • Characters: Shadow Scorpion Villanelle, Demon Lord Rimuru, Pulina, Bronn – The Gravekeeper, Adrian & Elyse – Dance of Endurance, Robin Hood, Naroko, Jerome, Tamrus, Salaki, Geralt, Tarnos, Eorin, Oku, Fane, Baba Yaga, Prince of Persia, Numisu, Titus, Ainz Ooal Gown, Queen, Pippa, Lorsan, Gorvo, Fawkes, Nemora, Hendrik, Drez, Oden, Tidus, Cecilia, Kren, Kelthur, Joker, Warek, Lucius, Shemira.

B Tier

  • Characters: Nyla, Vika – Whip-Wielding Wanderer, Anasta, Joan of Arc, Alaro, Awakened Ezizh, Melusina, Estrilda, Brutus, Granit, Vurk, Morrow, Belinda, Kaz, Theowyn, Solise, Khasos, Torne, Raine, Anoki, Satrana.

C Tier

  • Characters: Astar, Thesku, Antandra, Baden, Ukyo, Isabella, Rigby, Ulmus.

D Tier

  • Characters: Oscar, Thane, Seirus

This list should allow you to make the right decisions about which heroes you should have in your team in AFK Arena as well as guide how you allocate your resources.

Player vs Environment(PvE) AFK Arena Tier List

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (3)

As you should spend approximately 80% of your time in PvE, these characters will greatly prove useful throughout most of your game. While we found some of these heroes to be not that useful in a few of the game modes, we still think that they are overall more valuable than most heroes in the PvP part of the AFK Arena tier list.

SS Tier

  • Characters: Lavatune, Abyssal Rocker, Grezhul, Awakened Safiya, Trishea, Daemia, Maetria, Olgath, Haleus, Awakened Belinda, Mulan, Palmer, Talene, Elijah & Lailah, Ainz Ooal Gown, Rowan, Merlin, Alna, Thoran, Ezizh, Eironn, Tasi, Mehira, Shemira, Corpsemaker.

S Tier

  • Characters: Melion, Robin Hood, Liberta, Jerome, Ivan, Ginneas, Awakened Athalia, Rem, Emilia, Crassio, Edwin, Tamrus, Veithael, Salaki, Yennefer, Awakened Solise, Awakened Brutus, Awakaned Thane, Audrae, Scarlet, Framton, Treznor, Daimon, Saurus, Zaphrael, Izold, Athalia, Gwyneth, Titus, Gorvo, Lyca, Mortas, Zikis, Hodgkin, Nara, Arthur, Albedo, Ezio, Rosaline, Ferael, Lucretia, Mezoth, Silas, Orthros, Wu Kong, Flora, Nakoruru, Khazard, Skriath, Numisu, Safiya.

A Tier

  • Characters: Naroko, Lucilla, Geralt, Tarnos, Eorin, Oku, Fane, Baba Yaga, Prince of Persia, Pippa, Queen, Morrow, Lorsan, Zolrath, Fawkes, Nemora, Hendrik, Drez, Oden, Tidus, Cecilia, Kren, Kelthur, Joker, Warek, Skreg, Lucius, Vurk, Solise, Shemira.

B Tier

  • Characters: Anasta, Joan of Arc, Alaro, Awakened Ezizh, Melusina, Estrilda, Brutus, Granit, Belinda, Khasos, Torne, Isabella, Raine, Anoki, Satrana, Kaz, Theowyn, Antandra, Vika – Whip-Wielding Wanderer.

C Tier

  • Characters: Astar, Thesku, Baden, Ukyo, Rigby, Seirus, Oscar, Ulmus.

D Tier

  • Character: Thane

Player versus Player(PvP) AFK Arena Tier List

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (4)

SS Tier

  • Characters: Antandra, Dragonflame Spear, Lavatune – Abyssal Rocker, Liberta, Ivan, Daemia, Awakened Athalia, Emilia, Maetria, Olgath, Haleus, Awakened Belinda, Palmer, Framton, Talene, Elijah & Lailah, Ainz Ooal Gown, Merlin, Rowan, Alna, Ezizh, Eironn, Tasi, Saurus, Athalia, Lyca, Gwyneth, Zaphrael, Mezoth, Orthros, Wu Kong, Flora, Zolrath, Skreg, Nakoruru, Nara, Shemira – Corpsemaker.

S Tier

  • Characters: Grezhul, Lucilla, Awakened Safiya, Ginneas, Edwin, Veithael, Mulan, Salaki, Yennefer, Awakened Solise, Awakened Brutus, Scarlet, Prince of Persia, Lucretia, Izold, Rosaline, Ferael, Thoran, Zikis, Mortas, Lorsan, Arthur, Albedo, Ezio, Mehira, Khazard, Skriath, Numisu, Pippa, Nemora, Tidus, Kaz, Silas.

A Tier

  • Characters: Melion, Robin Hood, Naroko, Jerome, Trishea, Rem, Crassio, Tamrus, Geralt, Tarnos, Audrae, Awakened Ezizh, Baba Yaga, Treznor, Safiya, Titus, Queen, Daimon, Fawkes, Hendrik, Cecilia, Kren, Drez, Joker, Lucius, Hodgkin, Rigby.

B Tier

  • Characters: Vika, Whip-Wielding Wanderer, Anasta, Joan of Arc, Eorin, Awakaned Thane, Oku, Fane, Melusina, Gorvo, Warek, Morrow, Shemira, Estrilda, Brutus, Oden, Theowyn, Solise, Khasos, Torne, Raine, Anoki, Kelthur, Granit.

C Tier

  • Characters: Alaro, Astar, Thesku, Vurk, Satrana, Baden, Ukyo, Isabella, Ulmus, Antandra, Belinda.

D Tier

  • Characters: Seirus, Oscar, Thane.

Boss AFK Arena Tier List

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (5)

Some characters are specialized in the elimination of one or many opponents, for example, bosses. Knowing what AFK Arena boss characters are you have to have a few of these strong characters at least for regular boss battles at your disposal, and the ranking of the powerful characters is presented in the tier list.

SS Tier

  • Characters: Lavatune – Abyssal Rocker, Liberta, Lucilla, Daemia, Edwin, Olgath, Haleus, Framton, Talene, Elijah & Lailah, Rowan, Daimon, Mehira, Saurus, Izold, Lorsan, Ezizh, Grezhul, Shemira, Rosaline, Mortas, Shemira – Corpsemaker, Light Martyr.

S Tier

  • Characters: Ivan, Awakened Safiya, Trishea, Ginneas, Awakened Athalia, Rem, Emilia, Maetria, Tamrus, Awakened Belinda, Veithael, Palmer, Yennefer, Awakened Solise, Awakened Brutus, Audrae, Scarlet, Ainz Ooal Gown, Zikis, Eironn, Athalia, Ferael, Estrilda, Lyca, Hodgkin, Warek, Kaz, Safiya, Raine, Lucretia, Khazard, Cecilia, Merlin, Belinda.

A Tier

  • Characters: Robin Hood, Naroko, Jerome, Crassio, Mulan, Salaki, Geralt, Tarnos, Anasta, Awakaned Thane, Oku, Baba Yaga, Prince of Persia, Treznor, Alna, Gwyneth, Zaphrael, Mezoth, Wu Kong, Skriath, Titus, Satrana, Numisu, Flora, Theowyn, Lucius, Nakoruru, Silas, Fawkes, Vurk, Zolrath, Baden, Thane, Morrow, Isabella.

B Tier

  • Characters: Joan of Arc, Eorin, Alaro, Awakened Ezizh, Fane, Melusina, Nara, Anoki, Albedo, Orthros, Ukyo, Nemora, Pippa, Solise, Khasos, Torne, Kren, Tidus, Joker, Drez, Ezio, Granit.

C Tier

  • Characters: Astar, Thesku, Queen, Oden, Kelthur, Oscar, Gorvo, Antandra, Rigby.

D Tier

  • Characters: Tasi, Thoran, Skreg, Brutus, Ulmus, Seirus, Hendrik, Arthur.

More Tier Lists



AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (6)

The gameplay of AFK Arena is diverse and entertaining coupled with a plethora of heroes available for selection. Knowledge about the tier list and dealing with constructing useful teams is considered to be mandatory. The perk of this guide ensures that you will be fully prepared whenever a task is presented to you by the game. Therefore, collect your champions, ease your plans, and rule AFK Arena.


What is AFK Arena?

AFK Arena is an idle RPG game that went viral and was created by Lilith Games. All players gather and create a team of heroes to progress through the various campaign stages, PvP maps, and many more.

Why Tier Lists Matter?

That is why tier lists are important because they filter heroes by effectiveness, usefulness, and contribution to the match. In this manner, a tier list assists the players in the efficient allocation of their resources to specific heroes.

Q1: What are the best heroes for beginners in AFK Arena?

To specific the beginning stage, characters such as Rowan and Nemora are recommended because of their support and medical skills.

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (7)

Q2: How do I get new heroes in AFK Arena?

Certainly, new heroes can be obtained by summoning, events, and offers in the game.

Q3: What is the most effective way to level up heroes?

Build up your goals targeting finishing daily quests, and events, and using experience potions to level up heroes effectively.

Q4: Can I change my team composition later in the game?

Yes, the game enables you to change your strategies as you advance through the game since AFK Arena has more heroes and resources to unlock.

Q5: Are there any heroes I should avoid investing in?

In general, lower-tier heroes such as Mirael and Hogan are weaker in the late game, and big investments can be made to avoid them.

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (8)

Meet Yasir Azkar, your gaming guru! With a passion for gaming tier lists, the latest news, Promo Codes, and guides, Yasir Azkar is your go-to expert in the gaming world. With years of experience and a knack for research, Yasir delivers accurate insights and comprehensive coverage to keep you ahead in the gaming scene. Join Yasir on our website GameTierList for all things gaming!

AFK Arena Tier List: Best Heroes Guide 2024 - Game Tier List (2024)


Who is the best healer in AFK Arena 2024? ›

Overview. Nemora is currently one of the strongest healers in the game. Unlike most other support heroes, her kit is mainly focused on healing allies. The only other “pure” healer in the game is Angelo and he is significantly weaker than her and can only ascend to Legendary+.

Who is the best mage in the AFK Journey? ›

When choosing a mage in AFK Journey, Viperian is typically the best to build up. If you don't have access to her, or simply need a different element/faction, Carolina or Cassadee should be your next consideration.

How many heroes are in the AFK Journey? ›

List of All Heroes in AFK Journey. With the release of Florabelle, AFK Journey now has 45 Heroes divided across six Factions. The following table is the complete list of all available characters.

What are the classes of heroes in AFK arena? ›

AFK Journey features six Classes: Warrior, Tank, Mage, Marksman, Rogue, and Support. Each Class determines the ATK type, DEF rate, and overall combat role of Heroes.

Who is the strongest beast in AFK Arena? ›

Breakdown. Slumber Seal is the strongest beast in the game because he can deal a huge amount of damage. He can literally carry your team in some situations.

Who is the strongest character in AFK? ›

Reinier and Thoran stand atop the AFK Journey tier list for August 2024. AFK Journey characters come in two rarities: A-level and S-level.

Who is the best healer in the AFK Journey? ›

Some Support characters like Hewynn and Reinier stand out for their superior healing, protection, and debuffing skills, making them top choices for players.

What are the best heroes to ascend in AFK? ›

Best choice is between Grezhul and Fawkes as they are both really strong in certain situations. Unless you already have close to 8 copies of any other heroes from the store it is advised to buy those to be able to take them to ascended.

Is AFK Journey f2p friendly? ›

Is the game free to play friendly or pay to win? Definitely free to play friendly.

What is the best faction hero in AFK Arena? ›

AFK Journey has 22 S-Level Heroes who are harder to unlock; here are the top-performing seven among them.
  • 6 Hypogean.
  • 5 Celestial.
  • 4 Lightbearer.
  • 3 Mauler.
  • 2 Wilder.
  • 1 Graveborn.
Apr 30, 2024

What is the highest tier in AFK Arena? ›

There are 3 different tiers of heroes in AFK arena as seen in the heroes portrait section in game: common, legendary and ascended. Each tier has a maximum level cap. Common tier heroes can be leveled up to level 100. Legendary tier heroes can be leveled up to level 160.

Does the AFK Arena have codes? ›

There are a lot of rewards you can get from AFK codes

Each code gives you different rewards, and they have different expiration dates.

What is the strongest team in AFK Arena? ›

Best AFK Journey Teams
  • Tank: Thoran.
  • DPS: Cecia.
  • Healer: Rowan.
  • Secondary Options: Smokey (Healer), Antandra (Tank), Brutus (Tank), Viperian (DPS)

Is Kuki the best healer? ›

1) Lots of other healers in the game

Although Kuki Shinobu is the first Electro healer in the game, her healing is not game-changing, especially since she's a 4-star character. Other similar characters, like Barbara and Kokomi, can do an even better job as a healer.

Who is a healer in the Afk Journey? ›

Damian is a great all-rounder for players to use as they get further into AFK Journey. His Skills are quite varied, allowing him to heal, increase ATK and Haste, restore Energy, and Blind enemies, rendering them immobile for a short period of time.

Who is the best 4 star healer in epic seven? ›

1 Angelica

Angelica is one of the most used and best healers in Epic Seven. She is a four-star character with the ice elemental subtype. Angelica has top-tier healing and can grant debuff immunity. Unfortunately, Angelica does require rare equipment to unlock her full potential.

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